100 Fantasy Goods

100 Fantasy Goods

100 Fantasy GoodsIn a fantasy setting, characters can come across things of value that are transported, whether by caravan or ship.

This supplement has 100 fantasy goods that characters could find. They may be in the process of being transported, have been stolen or in a warehouse somewhere. Many are valuable and some are dangerous.

To use the list, either roll d100 for a random result or select appropriate ones manually.

Here are some sample results:

42. Hides: Bundle of sheepskins that have been tied together with a piece of rope. Most of the skins are white, but there are several black ones as well.

43. Hides: Square, tightly sealed crate which contains a bundle of hides wrapped in cloth. The hides, if examined, are from many different creatures and some look like they shouldn’t have been skinned.

44. Honey Treats: Earthenware jars each of which is filled with small, honey-covered treats, all individually wrapped in oiled cloth.

Released: 4th June 2022 Pages: 8

PDF ($1.49): DriveThruRPG

Publishing RPG Supplements to Help GMs
