100 Forgotten Sci-Fi Cargoes

100 Forgotten Sci-Fi Cargoes

100 Forgotten Sci-Fi CargoesSpaceports, space stations and spaceships that have been around for some time can accumulate cargoes that have been lost, forgotten or overlooked.

This supplement has 100 such cargoes to find, which may have been there for years or even decades, and may be valuable or dangerous.

To use the list, either roll d100 for a random result or select appropriate ones manually.

Here are some sample results:

75. Large container with a tracked turreted vehicle that looks suspiciously like a tank. A dismounted main gun also stored in the container appears to confirm this.

76. Metal crate whose lid has been welded onto it, and not very neatly. Should the crate be opened, it is full of black goo. The goo starts to move once the crate is opened.

77. Most of this container is blocked off by thick transparent walls, leaving only a narrow corridor. The walls are covered in a thick layer of green scum, and behind them looks to be equally scummy water.

Released: 11th March 2023 Pages: 8

PDF ($1.49): DriveThruRPG

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