100 Irrelevant Notes and Letters to Bamboozle Players III

100 Irrelevant Notes and Letters to Bamboozle Players III

100 Irrelevant Notes and Letters to Bamboozle Players IIIPlayers will often find notes and letters when searching for clues during adventures. Those that are detailed in full tend to be important – and therefore easily identifiable as such. It is unlikely that only important material will be found, so here are 100 irrelevant, yet important-looking, notes and letters to find.

None have any importance, unless a GameMaster decides otherwise (they could perhaps be used as adventure hooks or tweaked to steer players). The majority are suitable for any setting or genre, although a few may need tweaking for modern settings. Names and places can be added or altered to ones relevant to a particular setting.

As well as the main list, there is a supplementary list of 12 different conditions to find notes in.

To use the lists, either roll d100, or d12 for the supplementary table, for random results, or select appropriate ones manually.

Here are some sample results:

37. Jarrak, Make note, we cannot permit people to simply up and leave just because they no longer want to live this life. This will endanger those who remain behind, and make our group less formidable in appearance. If out targets think we have become soft, they will try to fight back and that will make robbing them more inconvenient. I’ve decided that, the next time someone tells you they want to leave, we shall make an example of them. Keep them imprisoned until I arrive, and we’ll make such an example that no-one will ever consider leaving again. Kelob.

38. Keep your troops out of the way. We have a plan in place, and we do not want it interrupted or compromised by idiots wandering around. Should you fail to keep them under control, you will pay the price

39. Khalin, Unfortunately it appears that our esteemed scheme has gone awry. Most of the people you sent have been slaughtered by unknown individuals, leaving us short of manpower for the next phase. In addition, I believe that my identity has been compromised, and I’m leaving town immediately. I suggest you also keep a low profile for now. Muran.

Released: 27th February 2021 Pages: 12

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