Hexploratores Volume 1-4: Thurak Mountains (Openquest/D20Quest)

Hexploratores Volume 1-4: Thurak Mountains (Openquest/D20Quest)

Hexploratores Volume 1-4: Thurak Mountains (Openquest/D20Quest)The Hexploratores supplements seek to detail an entire setting, providing supplements that detail locations in that setting or which can be dropped into other settings.

This supplement takes the six mile hex of Thurak Mountains on the Isle of Thurak and describes it in more detail as 1 mile hexes, as well as the dungeon of Thurak D’um. The stats are for use with D20Quest, based on Openquest.

Released: 25th July 2023 Pages: 64

PDF ($1.99): DriveThruRPG

Publishing RPG Supplements to Help GMs
