The Simpletons - A Supplement for PostScript

The Simpletons – A Supplement for PostScript

 The Simpletons - A Supplement for PostScriptDive into the world of PostScript with this primer for the Simpletons: an omnipresent cult responsible for the destruction of pre-apocalypse technology and the eradication of those that dare to rediscover such things. Comply with the faith, or be Simplified by the very same technology they seek to eradicate.

This supplement contains:

  • 8 pages of lore for the Simpletons;
  • Six stat blocks to use when fighting Simpleton cadres; and
  • A brief adventure, Beyond the Pale, for bringing justice back to the cult after a brutal raid.

Released: 10th March 2023 Pages: 12

PDF ($0.99): DriveThruRPG

Publishing RPG Supplements to Help GMs
