The Things That Grown Ups Cannot See

The Things That Grown Ups Cannot SeeThe Things That Grown Ups Cannot See is not published by us but is a supplement to which we have contributed. It is a role playing game aimed at children from 8-12 years old.

In the game, the characters are Changelings. It is in a modern setting, but one where fairies exist. Changelings have the ability to detect these often malicious creatures, and it is up to them to stop their depredations.

This is a narrative game and characters can have different powers, as well as items dating from several decades ago that have uses against fairies or to improve the character.

The game is currently in public playtest and is available as a Pay What You Want supplement.

Released: 6th January 2020 Pages: 57

PDF (Pay What You Want): DriveThruRPG

Publishing RPG Supplements to Help GMs
