All posts by Azukail

Two New Rounds for the Net Caster (PFRPG)

NetCities of Sundara: Silkgift, available in 5E and Pathfinder versions, introduces the net caster, a weapon used by the City Watch to fire a net at creatures in order to restrain them. Here are two new rounds that can be purchased for the net caster.

Steel Mesh Net Round

Cost: 50 gp; Weight: 6 lbs

The steel mesh net round for a net caster fires a net similar to other rounds, but is made from woven steel. It is stronger than even an archer net round, but is also heavier. A steel mesh net round requires a DC 28 Escape Artist check to escape, has 25 hit points, hardness 8 and requires a Strength check of 30 to burst. These nets can be reloaded into their rounds in the same way as a standard net round, unless they are broken; however, they take 30 minutes to reload. Steel mesh net rounds are rarely used, as they are not significantly stronger than an Archer net round, are more expensive and the increased weight decreases the range increment of a net caster to 10 feet. Their primary use is to make shocker net rounds, detailed below.

Shocker Net Round

Cost: 90 gp; Weight: 7 lbs

The shocker net round for a net caster uses a steel mesh net round as its base but is electrified through the use of a shocker attachment. They have all the other stats of a steel mesh net round, including the decrease in range increment, but when a target is hit by a shocker net round, they must make a DC 10 Fortitude save or be stunned for 1d3+1 rounds from the electricity coursing through the net. Though a shocker net round can be reloaded into their rounds in the same way as a steel mesh net round, unless they are broken, without replenishing the shocker attachment that generates the electricity, they function just like a normal steel mesh net round. Creating the shocker attachment is a DC 25 Craft (alchemy) check) and costs 40 gp (included in the price of a purchased round).

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100 Minor Jobs for Adventurers, 100 Snow and Ice Encounters (Lore 100) and d66 Hooks and Rumours for the Forbidden Lands Now Available

100 Minor Jobs for Adventurers100 Minor Jobs for Adventurers, 100 Snow and Ice Encounters (Lore 100) and d66 Hooks and Rumours for the Forbidden Lands are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Characters may not always be able to do the big adventures and 100 Minor Jobs for Adventurers has 100 small tasks they could do, for small amounts of money, goods or services.

100 Snow and Ice Encounters (Lore 100) has 100 encounters that can be used to liven up journeys through cold lands. This is a conversion of the original supplement to Lore 100.

Characters may ask around for information, and d66 Hooks and Rumours for the Forbidden Lands has 36 rumours that they could hear. These can be used for background colour, misinformation and potential adventure hooks.

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100 Witches PDF Preview

A new video has been published on YouTube that previews the first few pages of 100 Witches.

100 Traits for Villages and Other Settlements PDF Preview

A new video has been published on YouTube that previews the first few pages of 100 Traits for Villages and Other Settlements.

Roaming the Fantasy Plains Alone Now vailable

Roaming the Fantasy Plains AloneRoaming the Fantasy Plains Alone is now available to buy on itch.

This is a solo journalling TTRPG in which the player’s character is a exploring fantasy plains. It requires a standard set of 52 cards and a d6 to play.

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D&D Settings Sale and Domains of Dread Sale

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The D&D Settings Sale is now live on DriveThruRPG and two of our supplements have been reduced by 20% for just under the next 13 days. Click here to see them.

In addition, the Domains of Dread Sale is now live on DMs Guild and 100 Books to Find on a Ravenloft Bookshelf and 100 Books to Find on a Ravenloft Bookshelf (Fantasy Grounds) have been reduced by 30%.

D10: Descriptions for Fantasy Books

Stack of Books
Some artwork copyright William McAusland, used with permission

Books can commonly be found whilst adventuring, and some of these may be useful or valuable. Though descriptions of a book’s contents are common, descriptions of the book’s physical appearance are less so. Here are ten descriptions for books that can be used.

  1. Bound in black leather, with gilt diamonds inset in a rectangle around the front and back covers, with pure white, gilt-edged pages.
  2. Elegantly carved wooden handles protrude from each end of this parchment scroll that has been tied shut with a red ribbon. The scroll itself is inside a wooden box whose cover lifts open; the cover’s hinges are brass and a small brass clasp keeps it shut.
  3. Elephant ivory has been cut and shaped to make the binding, with jungle scenes scrimshawed into front, back and spine. The slightly yellowed pages are bound in place with cord.
  4. Hammered bronze forms the book’s covers, with many small dimples covering the binding. A large brass locking mechanism keeps the book fastened shut.
  5. Inside a shallow, rectangular wooden box made from oak and fastened with a tiny lock are loose sheets of vellum, which make up the book.
  6. Oilskin has been used to protect this book, tightly wrapped and tied around it. The covers of the book are made from fragranced wood on which a geometric design has been added with marquetry.
  7. Only the spine of the book is visible, for the rest is protected by a case made from thin wood. The case has been covered in a light green fabric and the plain, leatherbound book can be slid out of it.
  8. Red silk covers the book’s thin wooden binding, with delicate embroideries of flowers in gold thread in each corner of the front and back covers.
  9. The roughened book covers are made from grey sharkskin that has been slightly smoothed. The pages have been stitched in with shark gut and a flat piece of sharkskin cord fastens the book shut, held fast by a single shark’s tooth.
  10. Wooden covers have been used as the book’s binding, with random patterns burnt into the wood with a hot iron.

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Cities of Sundara: Hoardreach (PFRPG), Cities of Sundara: Hoardreach (5E) and A Baker’s Dozen of Eremeän Locations Now Available

Cities of Sundara: Hoardreach (PFRPG)Cities of Sundara: Hoardreach (PFRPG), Cities of Sundara: Hoardreach (5E) and A Baker’s Dozen of Eremeän Locations are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Cities of Sundara: Hoardreach (PFRPG) describes a fantasy city, the fourth for a setting though it can be used elsewhere, with details on the city itself, locations and people, rumours and new game stats.

Cities of Sundara: Hoardreach (5E) is the above supplement converted for use with the Fifth Edition of the World’s Most Popular Role Playing Game.

Beyond the World’s Edge introduced Eremeä, the Lost Land, and A Baker’s Dozen of Eremeän Locations adds thirteen new locations to that continent, none really classifiable as safe.

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100 Encounters for a Fantasy Desert (Lore 100) PDF Preview

A new video has been published on YouTube that previews the first few pages of 100 Encounters for a Fantasy Desert (Lore 100).

100 Staircases to Find in a Dungeon PDF Preview

A new video has been published on YouTube that previews the first few pages of 100 Staircases to Find in a Dungeon.