All posts by Azukail

Playthrough of Alone in the Dungeon

Alone in the DungeonRob Goddard, who previously did a playthrough of Alone Amongst the Ruins, has also published a playthrough of Alone in the Dungeon on his blog.

Bartok Wylon is Alone in the Dungeon

Demo Video for Alone in the Dungeon

Walking Alone in the Countryside Now Available

Walking Alone in the CountrysideWalking Alone in the Countryside is now available to buy from itch.

This is another solo journalling TTRPG in which the player’s character is a solitary walker, wandering through the countryside. It requires a standard set of 52 cards and a d6 to play.

100 Superstitions for a Fantasy Setting and 100 Encounters for a Fantasy Desert – Supplement for Zweihander RPG Now Available

100 Superstitions for a Fantasy Setting100 Superstitions for a Fantasy Setting and 100 Encounters for a Fantasy Desert – Supplement for Zweihander RPG are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Superstitions are common and in a fantasy setting where the strange happens they tend to be even more carefully followed. 100 Superstitions for a Fantasy Setting  has one hundred such superstitions that can be dropped in to enliven a setting or cause potential problems.

Deserts can be dangerous places and 100 Encounters for a Fantasy Desert – Supplement for Zweihander RPG has encounters that may be strange, curious, dangerous or useful for a desert setting. The supplement is inspired by Ancient Egypt and Arabia.

Alone Amongst the Ruins Preview Video

This is a preview video for Alone Amongst the Ruins that shows the full contents of the supplement. It is currently published on itch, which lacks the preview tools of DriveThruRPG, so this was created to allow people to have a look at the supplement’s contents.

Christmas in July Sale 2020

944010 / Pixabay

The Christmas in July sale is now live on DriveThruRPG. For just under the next 11 days, 319 of our supplements have 25% off. Click here to see the full list.

In addition to the supplements directly published, many of our supplements on the various Community Content programmes are also reduced.

Click here to see the two supplements for Zweihander that are reduced.

Click here to see the nine supplements for Shadow of the Demon Lord that are reduced.

Click here to see the four supplements for 7th Sea that are reduced.

Click here to see the sole Call of Cthulhu supplement.

Click here to see the six Realms of Pugmire supplements that have been reduced.

Click here to see the four supplements on DMs Guild that have been reduced.

Click here to see the sole supplement on Storytellers Vault.

Mad Person with a Blue Box Now Available

Mad Person with a Blue BoxMad Person with a Blue Box is now available to buy from itch.

This is a new Background for Troika! Numinous Edition, describing a person who stole a Blue Box of Power and then fled their home.

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Alone in the Dungeon Preview Video

This is a preview video for Alone in the Dungeon that shows the full contents of the supplement. It is currently published on itch, which lacks the preview tools of DriveThruRPG, so this was created to allow people to have a look at the supplement’s contents.

100 Descriptions for Daggers, The Tower of the Elephant and Filler Art – Runestones Now Available

100 Descriptions for Daggers100 Descriptions for Daggers, The Tower of the Elephant and Filler Art – Runestones are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Daggers are commonly found, whether magical or otherwise, but rarely are they described. 100 Descriptions for Daggers has 100 descriptions that can be used to enliven daggers and make them more interesting, with some potentially having adventure hooks.

The Tower of the Elephant is the latest and last of the current 50in50 RolemasterBlog Adventure series. In it, the characters are asked to look into the disappearance of a wizard who was examining a magical gemstone.

The Tower of the Elephant is also included in the RolemasterBlog 41-50 Bundle at a reduced price.

Filler Art – Runestones is a piece of hand drawn black and whtie stock art depicting a pile of runestones. It comes as a 300dpi TIFF in two variants, one with a transparent background and one with a white one. It may be used commercially.

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This Wretched Bunker Preview Video

This is a preview video for This Wretched Bunker that shows the full contents of the supplement. It is currently published on itch, which lacks the preview tools of DriveThruRPG, so this was created to allow people to have a look at the supplement’s contents.

Playthrough of Alone Amongst the Ruins

Alone Amongst the RuinsRob Goddard has done a three part playthrough of Alone Amongst the Ruins on his blog. Click to read each part.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3