It’s the BAMFsies Sale on RPGNow currently (a new sale?) and we have a few supplements in it. This is a superhero themed sale and four of our supplements have 25% off for just under the next twelve days.
Click here for the list.
It’s the BAMFsies Sale on RPGNow currently (a new sale?) and we have a few supplements in it. This is a superhero themed sale and four of our supplements have 25% off for just under the next twelve days.
Click here for the list.
100 Encounters in a Fey Forest and The Cabin in the Woods are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.
100 Encounters in a Fey Forest, written by Neal Litherland, comes in both system neutral and Pathfinder versions. It details 100 different encounters characters could have in a fey forest. Some encounters are dangerous, some are beneficial and some are weird.
The Cabin in the Woods is a short adventure in which the party is either hired to look for or stumbles across a group of bandits operating in the area and tracks them to their lair. This adventure comes with a 24″x24″ battlemap of the cabin and the clearing that can be printed out.
Two more supplements have reached the Copper best-selling level on DriveThruRPG.
A Baker’s Dozen of Ioun Stones, the first Pathfinder compatible supplement published is the first Pathfinder supplement to reach Copper.
100 Things to Find in a Survivalist’s Retreat has also reached Copper.
100 Things to Find, See and Hear in a Forest (PFRPG) and It Lives! Muhahah! are available to buy from DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.
100 Things to Find, See and Hear in a Forest (PFRPG) has 100 different encounters for adding descriptions to a forest journey, some potentially dangerous, as flavour, adventure hooks and distractions. This is an adaptation of the system-neutral 100 Things to Find, See and Hear in a Forest for the Pathfinder game.
It Lives! Muhahah! is a short adventure in which characters can investigate the disappearance of several people and the screams that were heard coming from the house of the local magistrate.
100 Corpses to Find in a Dungeon and The Hermit of Castle Ruins are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.
100 Corpses to Find in a Dungeon gives 100 different descriptions for bodies that could be found in a dungeon, or perhaps other locations too. Often having died in ways that are odd or appear to warn of hazards or monsters, whether or not there is any truth in those suppositions is up to the GM.
The Hermit of Castle Ruins is a drop-in location. Some nearby ruins are inhabited by a creature that the townsfolk have tried and failed to kill once. There is a reward for its destruction, or will the characters investigate more deeply?
No Questions Asked and Star Mangled Manor are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.
No Questions Asked is an adventure for Cepheus Engine and other systems using a 2d6 mechanic. An expansion of an adventure hook from A Baker’s Dozen of Inhabited Worlds, it sees the characters paid to smuggle a cargo to a group of rebels. The adventure also includes a 24″x32″ battlemap.
Star Mangled Manor sees the characters as the only survivors of a manor that is destroyed following a demon summoning that went wrong. The demon is still present, and the characters are the first creatures around that it sees.
It’s the New Year, New Game Sale on RPGNow, and we have ten supplements in it this year (this came as a surprise!). A good proportion of these are the RolemasterBlog adventure hooks.
For just under the next eleven days, these supplements can be purchased with 25% off the regular price. Click here to take a look.
Tomes of Cthulhu has moved up a level in the best-selling supplements list, going from Copper on DriveThruRPG up to Silver.
This is the fifth supplement to achieve the Silver sales level on the DriveThru network, and it is not that far off reaching Copper on RPGNow.
The Angry Druid and Battlemap 1 – Dirt Track are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG, RPGNow and, for the battlemap, Wargame Vault.
The Angry Druid is an encounter with a powerful, and somewhat crazy, druid who wants the characters to take part in his game. This encounter is a less than serious one and players will probably recognise the type of game.
Battlemap 1- Dirt Track is a small, 10×10 battlemap depicting a recently travelled section of dirt track, with rocks and higher ground to the right and some small trees from the outskirts of a forest in the top left.
Two more supplements have become best sellers, reaching the Copper sales level on DriveThruRPG. More are just a few sales away from achieving a new level.