Category Archives: 7th Sea

100 Dungeon Myths, Legends and Rumours and 100 Rumours to Hear in Théah Now Available

100 Dungeon Myths, Legends and Rumours100 Dungeon Myths, Legends and Rumours and 100 Rumours to Hear in Théah are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Characters may often visit dungeons, but they may need a reason for doing so. 100 Dungeon Myths, Legends and Rumours has things the characters could overhear about legendary items, people and monsters and dungeon features. Whether or not these are true is up to the GameMaster, and they can be used as background colour or potential adventure hooks.

When trying to discover information, characters may uncover unrelated rumours. 100 Rumours to Hear in Théah has rumours of plots, people, events, countries and organisations that could be uncovered, which may be false or may be true and a source of potential adventure hooks.

100 Prisoners to Find in a Fantasy Dungeon and 100 Books to Find on a 7th Sea Bookshelf Now Available

100 Prisoners to Find in a Fantasy Dungeon100 Prisoners to Find in a Fantasy Dungeon and 100 Books to Find on a 7th Sea Bookshelf are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Characters spend time in dungeons and sometimes in these dungeons they may also find prisoners. 100 Prisoners to Find in a Fantasy Dungeon has 100 different NPCs who could be found imprisoned in a dungeon, rather than in a jail. Some may be helpful, some may be valuable and some are not what they seem.

Not every book found on a bookshelf is of definite value or importance, and 100 Books to Find on a 7th Sea Bookshelf provides 100 different books to flesh out important ones with others that are of less use. Whether or not an individual book is of any use is up to the GM; they may contain misinformation or adventure hooks.