100 Things for a GM to Say to Disconcert their Players is a supplement containing things to say to make players worried or second guess their actions. These should not be overused, as doing so risks spoiling the game, but the occasional one should not do any harm.
100 Rumours to Hear on Urth II is for Shadow of the Demon Lord, published through the Disciples of the Demon Lord Community Content Programme. It is a list of rumours for the official Urth setting that could be used as colour, adventure hooks or red herrings.
Amethyst Wyrm – A Hero Kids Compatible Monster introduces a new monster, the Amethyst Wyrm , for Hero Kids, a huge worm-lie creature related to dragons The Amethyst Wyrm is described, as is its behaviour, and there is a short adventure hook. There is a monster card for the Amethyst Wyrm and three miniatures in two variants, one in colour and one in black and white, allowing children to colour in the monster.
Not every book found has value or importance and 100 Less Than Useful Books to Find on an Urth Bookshelf provides 100 less useful books to flesh out an Urth bookshelf. They may contain misinformation, inaccuracies or otherwise be of debatable worth.
Nobles can be a common sight in fantasy medieval settings. 100 Nobles to Encounter has 100 nobles listed, with their names and some other details. They can be a source of adventure hooks, foes or simply background colour for the local court.
The Invocation tradition was introduced in Demon Lord’s Companion 2. Characters can bind daemons to them, gaining abilities for the duration of the spell at the risk of madness. A Baker’s Dozen of Invocation Spells provides 13 new spells for the tradition.
100 Rumours to Hear on Urth is our first supplement created through one of OneBookShelf’s Community Content Programs. This is through the Disciples of the Demon Lord and is a collection of 100 rumours that can be heard in the official Urth setting for Shadow of the Demon Lord.
Image Collection IX: 5 Asteroids has five different images of asteroids that were made during the development of A Baker’s Dozen of Inhabited Worlds. Each is a TIFF and is 1500 pixels on the longest side with 300 dpi resolution. These can be used for commercial and personal projects.
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