Tie A Yellow Ribbon and 100 Water Sources and Features to Find in a Dungeon Now Available

Tie A Yellow RibbonTie A Yellow Ribbon and 100 Water Sources and Features to Find in a Dungeon are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG and RPGNow, as is RolemasterBlog Bundle 1-10.

Tie A Yellow Ribbon is a short, dangerous encounter with a draconic foe who has been holding a nearby settlement hostage. The creature will use every advantage it possesses and characters may stumble across it unaware.

100 Water Sources and Features to Find in a Dungeon has 100 different water sources that could be found in a dungeon or other location, along with suggestions for customising some of them. These range from small to large and some are definitely hazardous in nature.

RolemasterBlog Bundle 1-10 contains the first 10 hooks, NPCs and encounters in the series.

The Flying Monks of the Arba-ta Monastery and A Baker’s Dozen of Christmas Feats

The Flying Monks of the Arba-ta MonasteryThe Flying Monks of the Arba-ta Monastery and A Baker’s Dozen of Christmas Feats are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.

The Flying Monks of the Arba-ta Monastery has the characters attempting to gain access to a monastery built into a cliff, with monks trained at knocking such off the path attacking them.

A Baker’s Dozen of Christmas Feats has thirteen new Pathfinder feats, all with a Christmas theme. These can be adapted to settings lacking Christmas by changing the names.

Release the Hounds! and A Baker’s Dozen of Dungeon Rooms III Now Available

Release the Hounds!Release the Hounds! and A Baker’s Dozen of Dungeon Rooms III are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.

Release the Hounds!is a short and potentially deadly combat encounter, in which the characters comes across a hill giant and his pet bears. The giant will fight using all his resources and abilities.

A Baker’s Dozen of Dungeon Rooms III is intended to flesh out dungeons and megadungeons. Such places often have empty spaces on the map, and this supplement provides thirteen different rooms to drop into them.

Teach Your Kids To Game Sale

944010 / Pixabay

The Teach Your Kids To Game Sale is now live on RPGNow.

Three of our Hero Kids supplements are in it, with 60% off for just under twelve days.

Take a look at the supplements here.

The Haunted Forest and Christmas Equipment and Items – A Hero Kids Compatible Supplement Now Available

The Haunted ForestThe Haunted Forest and Christmas Equipment and Items – A Hero Kids Compatible Supplement are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.

The Haunted Forest is a short supplement covering an area of wild magic where strange, and potentially dangerous, things can and do happen on a regular basis.

Christmas Equipment and Items – A Hero Kids Compatible Supplement is a collection of six new Christmas-themed pieces of Equipment and Items for the Hero Kids game.

Where Eagles Dare and A Baker’s Dozen of Enchanted Volumes (PFRPG) Now Available

A Baker's Dozen of Enchanted Volumes (PFRPG)Where Eagles Dare and A Baker’s Dozen of Enchanted Volumes (PFRPG) are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.

Where Eagles Dare is a short, dangerous encounter with giant birds that attack from above, using the advantage of height to do as much damage to the characters as possible.

A Baker’s Dozen of Enchanted Volumes (PFRPG) is the first Adventure Path Add-on, adding extra content to Paizo’s official adventure paths, in this case #27. This is a collection of thirteen enchanted books that can be added to the Library of the Enchanted Lodge, but can also be used in other campaign settings.

The City of Spiders and Book Cover 2 Now Available

The City of SpidersThe City of Spiders and Book Cover 2 are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.

The City of Spiders is a small location that can be dropped into a campaign. The city is host to many spiders, and the cult devoted to them has great power.

Book Cover 2 is a stitched skin book cover that comes in A4 and US Letter sizes, and in a standard version and one with a transparent window for each size. They can be used for personal and commercial projects.

Black Friday to Cyber Monday Sale

944010 / Pixabay

The Black Friday to Cyber Monday Sale is now live on RPGNow for just over the next five days.

This year, we have 132 supplements in it, including our best-sellers.

These supplements have 17% off the regular price for the duration of the sale. Click here to check out the complete list.

Creatures Of The Night! and 100 Things to Find, See and Hear in a Forest Now Available

Creatures Of The Night!Creatures Of The Night! and 100 Things to Find, See and Hear in a Forest are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.

Creatures Of The Night! is a short, two page adventure in which characters have to locate the source of some mysterious disappearances in a town.

100 Things to Find, See and Hear in a Forest has 100 different encounters for adding descriptions to a forest journey, some potentially dangerous, as flavour, adventure hooks and distractions.

100 Books to Find on a Survivalist’s Bookshelf Goes Copper

100 Books to Find on a Survivalist’s Bookshelf is the latest supplement to achieve a best-selling level on DriveThruRPG, having gone Copper.

There are still quite a few supplements within just a few sales of Copper and a couple near Silver on the site as well.

Publishing RPG Supplements to Help GMs
