Image Collection II Now Available

Image Collection IIImage Collection II is now available to buy from DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.

This is a collection of thirteen different images from our own projects that can be used in both personal and commercial projects. This is a Pay What You Want collection.

100 Things to Find at Farmers’ Markets and Craft Fairs Now Available

100 Things to Find at Farmers' Markets and Craft Fairs100 Things to Find at Farmers’ Markets and Craft Fairs is now available to buy from DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.

This modern supplement lists 100 different types of food and craft items that could be found at farmers’ markets and craft fairs.

100 Things to Find on a Farm Now Available

100 Things to Find on a Farm100 Things to Find on a Farm is now available to buy from DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.

This is a modern list of things that could be found on a farm, from small to large and from clutter to potentially lethal.

100 Illusionist Items to Find Now Available

100 Illusionist Items to Find100 Illusionist Items to Find is now available to buy on DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.

This is a modern list of 100 modern illusionist, or stage magic, items that could be found by players, rather than being a list of genuine magical items. The items have varying degrees of usefulness.

Last Few Hours of the GM’s Day Sale

944010 / Pixabay

There’s less than a day left for the GM’s Day Sale on RPGNow, so this is the last chance to buy the 49 supplements that are in it at a discount of 30%.

Take a look at the full list here.

100 Items to Find in a School Biology Lab Now Available

100 Items to Find in a School Biology Lab100 Items to Find in a School Biology Lab is now available to buy from DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.

This is a modern list of 100 items that could be found in a school biology lab. Some of these items have definite potential uses for players; others, not so much.

Three More Pieces of Stock Art

Image: Fat Goblin Games

With the GM’s Day Sale ongoing on RPGNow, I’ve reinvested some more earnings into another three pieces of stock art from Fat Goblin Games.

These are three more pieces of Lovecraftian art for the ongoing Tomes book. The pieces purchased were Cthulhu, Mi-Go and Yithian. I think that’s enough stock art of this type  for the supplement now.

100 Books on Philosophy to Find on a Bookshelf Now Available

100 Books on Philosophy to Find on a Bookshelf100 Books on Philosophy to Find on a Bookshelf is now available to buy on DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.

This supplement lists 100 genuine books on philosophy that can be used to quickly stock a bookshelf. The books have been published over a wide range of dates, but are mostly Western philosophy books published from Renaissance times onwards.

GM’s Day Sale on RPGNow

944010 / Pixabay

From now until March 17th the GM’s Day Sale is running on RPGNow.

We have 48 supplements in this sale, with 30% off the regular price.

Take a look at the complete list on RPGNow and grab a bargain!

Expanding the Adventures in Shadow World: Eidolon: City in the Sky

Shadow World: Eidolon: City in the SkyHere are some ideas for expanding the adventures in Shadow World: Eidolon: City in the Sky, the second edition of the Rolemaster supplement detailing the unusual city-state of Sel-kai and its flying counterpart, Eidolon, in the Shadow World setting.

The softcover print on demand version is now available, and both it and the hardcover version are currently discounted.

What Price Health

At the end of What Price Health, it could be that more morally flexible PCs might become enamoured of the money to be made in drug smuggling, and decide to go into it themselves, rather than merely acting as couriers.

This would require sourcing the drugs, shipping them in, and finding someone to sell them to. This has the potential to not only cause them problems with the law and the Redcapes, but also with the criminal cartels and gangs operating out of Sel-kai, especially those who already have their fingers in the drugs trade. It could require extensive travel away from Sel-kai, to regions where drugs are produced.

Perhaps a consequence of this moral flexibility bites them in the back in The Poppy Scourge, as they may have, directly or indirectly, supplied the drug that a friend of theirs has fallen victim to, as a personal involvement with a victim of drugs is suggested in Scene 2 of that adventure. They may even have become involved with the galek house itself.

Another possibility would be that their drug smuggling involves them with Telax Varikal of the Order of the Nine, who has become addicted to gort. This could also lead to involvement with the Unseen Eyes and the Alliance and the schemes of those organisations, as Varikal is involved with both groups.

Slave Trade

Overt actions by the PCs at the conclusion of this adventure to work against the slave trade may be quickly dangerous, but they could always take a more covert approach. Perhaps they could start spying on the slave ships, and tracking the members of House Dolnegan. They might see if they could disrupt the source of the slaves, or form an Underground Railroad to get slaves out of servitude.

The Clockwork Spiders

Perhaps as an added complication, the spiders could have stolen a small, valuable, magical piece of jewellery from someone powerful, and not terribly forgiving. This individual may also be after the maker of the spiders, but be more inclined to violent means.

Something in the Water

The PCs may not be the only people after the reward; there may be another party, similar to themselves, after it. Given the reward, this could lead to clashes between the two, which has the chance to send at least some of the players to jail, if they are caught. Alternatively, or perhaps in addition, one of the groups in the city, possibly one like the Unseen Eyes, is hunting the creature themselves, but to get control of it for their own nefarious purposes, not to kill it.


As an alternative, maybe the illness isn’t the sweats, but something that appears similar. Maybe someone has been poking around in some ruins (say, in Thanor) and released an ancient disease that is rather more difficult to cure. This may have been the PCs themselves, and maybe they are carriers, like Typhoid Mary, but are not actually affected. This could be much more difficult to cure.

Another alternative would be that the disease has been deliberately released, and some group is spreading it to cause problems, and perhaps the disease itself has been tampered with as well, to make it more of a problem. This could be the sort of action the Alliance or the Lankan Empire would do, in order to destabilise Sel-kai.

More Adventure Ideas

Both the Alliance and Voriig Kye would like to gain control of Sel-kai. Perhaps the PCs could become involved in a proxy conflict between the two parties. To make the mess bigger, the Lankan Empire, Námar-Tol or other members of the Jerak Ahrenreth could also get involved.

Publishing RPG Supplements to Help GMs
