100 Fantasy Professions (That Aren’t “Adventurer”) PDF Preview

A new video has been published on YouTube that previews the first few pages of 100 Fantasy Professions (That Aren’t “Adventurer”).

Send in The Dogs

Human Scribe
Some artwork © (2022) Alec Adams, used with permission. All rights

Send in The Dogs is a piece of fiction from Guilds of Sundara, one of the supplements for Cities of Sundara, which is available in versions for 5th Edition and Pathfinder.

Selene Troyas sat at her elegant desk, the sun splashing across her study and the sound of birdsong coming in through the open window. Her short bob of dark hair gleamed in the soft light, and the white jerkin she wore practically shone, contrasting with the dark, whipcord breeches and riding boots that hugged her legs. Her quill scratched over a letter, her neat, particular handwriting looping across the page in perfect lines as she made a final offer on a parcel of ground east of the town of Kask. There were holdouts who were waiting to see just how badly the Landers Guild wanted their patch, and Selene was making it very clear that if this price did not satisfy, then she would move onto other methods.

A knock at the door drew Selene’s gaze. Iris withered under the house mistress’s look, and Selene took a moment to compose her face. She offered a smile, and carefully set her quill aside. It was a mark of how frustrating the acquisition near the small town had proven that she was letting her emotions show on her face.

“What is it, Iris?” Selene asked.

“The… representative you sent for has arrived,” Iris said hesitantly.

“Send him in,” the mistress of the estate said.

“Do you wish to meet with him alone, miss?” Iris asked. Selene pursed her lips. Iris wasn’t usually so skittish.

“Yes,” Selene said, sprinkling a handful of writing sand over the ink to ensure it dried quickly. She held the letter out to Iris. “Now take this to Duncan. Tell him to send the redtail to deliver it.”

“Yes ma’am,” Iris said, taking the paper and departing the room. Selene crossed her legs, took a deep breath, and squared her shoulders. Heavy footsteps entered her outer chamber, and a moment later a figure stepped through her study door.

He was rangy and rugged, dressed in an oilskin duster with a ragged rain cape that bore the scars of fire and blade alike. Crossed weapon belts hung from his hips; a brace of daggers on one side, and sloshing, alchemical concoctions on the other. A wide-brimmed hat shaded his face, but it did nothing to hide the three days’ worth of stubble on his cheeks, nor the brand on the side of his neck. What most struck her, though, was the smell of the man; a mix of horse sweat, rich forests and earth. When he met her gaze, she saw that one of his eyes was a deep, dark brown. The other was a golden yellow that caught the light, and glimmered.

Now she understood why Iris had been so nervous about their visitor.

“You sent for me,” he said. It was a statement, not a question.

“If you are the representative of the Manhunters Guild, then yes, I did,” Selene said, her voice cool, and steady.

The figure tucked his fingers behind the edge of his coat, and pulled it back. Resting on his hip was a gleaming guild seal; a pair of manacles beneath a headsman’s sword. He pulled his coat back over the badge, and folded his hands in front of him.

“Very well,” Selene said. “Do you have a name?”

“Trask,” he said.

“The job I have is a sensitive matter that needs to be handled with the utmost discretion,” Selene said, pursing her lips slightly. “Some people are making… trouble near one of my guild’s holdings.”

“What kind of trouble?” Trask asked.

Selene opened the shallow, central drawer of her desk, and took out a series of letters. She offered them to the bounty hunter, who read through them carefully. Selene withdrew a smoking taper from a box on the corner of her desk. She placed one end in her mouth, leaned over to the oil lamp where it hung on a chain, and lit the other end. Fragrant herb smoke filled the air as she watched the manhunter. After several silent moments he unceremoniously dropped the letters on her desk.

“Guild will expect double the normal fee for this,” he said.

“Oh?” Selene said, her voice as cool as winter dew. “And why is that?”

“You want us to hunt down a runaway, maybe deal with bandits, that’s one thing,” Trask said. He tapped the letters with his index finger. “That ain’t what this is, and we both know it.”

“And what is this, exactly?” Selene asked.

“Landers Guild doesn’t appoint people who spook easy,” Trask said. “And they don’t send their governors out without competent guards. You lost three governors in as many months over this little patch of ground. Every one of them sent you back a report saying something different was wrong with the land. Every one of them resigned. The ink is crooked, and smeared, which tells me their hands were shaking. There’s drops of blood staining the bottom of the third letter.”

The manhunter folded his arms over his thick chest, and focused his mismatched eyes on Selene. There was something unnerving in that gaze. It was as if he could see straight through to the core of her thoughts, and read the secrets written on her soul. She took another drag on her taper, and let the smoke trickle out from her nose.

“Your point?” Selene asked. Trask stepped closer, and planted his scarred knuckles on her desk, lowering his face until he was eye-level with her.

“Somebody walked right under your people’s noses, and scared your lackeys so bad they didn’t believe you could protect them,” Trask said. “And whoever they are, they did it three times. You want us chasing ghosts in the dark, that’s the price.”

Selene leaned back in her chair, her eyes narrowing. She blew out one more breath of smoke as she re-evaluated the hunting hound of a man across the desk from her. Then she stubbed out the remnants of her taper in a shallow, glass tray.

“Double the fee, then,” she said. “Triple if you resolve this in the next fortnight.”

The manhunter gave her a wolfish grin, and without a word turned and left her study. After a moment Selene realized that for all the noise he’d made coming in, there hadn’t been so much as a whisper when he departed.

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100 Spaceports to Encounter, Spawn of the Temple (3Deep), 100 Knick-knacks for Pirates of Pugmire and Map – Ruined Village

100 Spaceports to Encounter100 Spaceports to Encounter, Spawn of the Temple (3Deep), 100 Knick-knacks for Pirates of Pugmire and Map – Ruined Village are now available on DriveThruRPG.

Spaceships will need to come to port at some point and 100 Spaceports to Encounter has a list of varying types, from space stations to ground facilities.

Spawn of the Temple (3Deep) is a short pamphlet adventure for 3Deep in which the characters need to solve the disappearances from an archaeological site.

Strange items can be found in hoards or in the possession of NPCs and 100 Knick-knacks for Pirates of Pugmire has such for Pirates of Pugmire. They may be simply odd or perhaps a source of adventure hooks.

Map – Ruined Village is a hand-drawn black and white map with a 300dpi resolution in four versions that can be used for personal and commercial use.

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Neal Litherland Reads “Soothe the Savage Beasts” from 100 Sci Fi Bands

In this video, Neal Litherland reads the fiction “Soothe the Savage Beasts” from 100 Sci Fi Bands.

Archives of Nabu: School of Air Now Available

Archives of Nabu: School of AirArchives of Nabu: School of Air is now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

Published by Sad Fishe Games, this is a supplement to which we have contributed and it has 36 air spells for OSR systems.

One Week Bundle: Urban

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Click here to get the bundle for $6.50, reduced from $12.99.

Some Brief Thoughts On… itch.io

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Itch.io takes a smaller percentage of the gross than other sites, yet is this really as good as it looks?

There are advantages and disadvantages on selling on itch.io, but it’s still worth looking into.

D6: The Strange Rumours – Ruk: The Veritex

WorldsThe Strange is a game published by Monte Cook Games. It is, at least in part, set in the normal world, but there are other worlds out there, in the Strange. This list has six  rumours for that setting, similar to the various different adventure hooks in the books, and these can be used as adventure hooks or simple misinformation.

  1. An outsider from Harmonius has recently arrived in the underground city of Dran. They do not appear to be from Zal, who are helping to rebuild the city, nor are they claiming any other faction membership. Those who have spoken to the outsider, though, believes that they are an agent from one of the factions and, going by their questions, looking for someone and something specific, though what hasn’t been shared.
  2. Rumour has it that agents of both the Quiet Cabal and the Karum are searching the Veritex beneath Ruk for something. It’s thought, going by their questions, they are looking for a specific person, though it isn’t known whom. The agents have been seen in several cities of the Veritex, and may have even clashed with each other as well.
  3. The underground city of Dran was recently hit by quakes that buried much of the city and collapsed most of the rest. Representatives from Zal are helping with the rebuilding, which the residents appreciate, but there have been rumours that Zal somehow caused the quakes in order to get control over the city.
  4. The All Song does not reach into Muk in the Veritex, and it’s a possible destination for members of the Church of the Embodiment. It’s rumoured that devotees of the All Song are trying to stir up opinion against Muk, claiming that the All Song doesn’t reach the small city due to the actions of its residents, who are secretly plotting something.
  5. The Veritex is a maze of tunnels beneath the surface of Ruk, and it’s thought that they all used to connect before Ruk was damaged. Some portions are isolated from others, and it’s been suggested that some of the collapses isolating them are not the result of damage, but are deliberate in nature, suggesting someone has something they want kept hidden.
  6. There are cities in the Veritex beneath Ruk, home to all sorts of people, from those with hidden agendas to criminals to those that just wish to be left alone. It’s rumoured that some of Ruk’s factions have taken over some of the cities, using them as hidden bases from which they can launch operations without others seeing; the Karum is said to be one of these.

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Releasing in October 2023

Coming Soon

October 7th

  • 100 Knick-knacks for Pirates of Pugmire
  • 100 Spaceports to Encounter
  • Map – Ruined Village
  • Spawn of the Temple (3Deep)

October 14th

  • 100 Books to Find on a Bard’s Bookshelf
  • 100 Books to Find in or About the Trojan Reach
  • 100 Fantasy Underwater Encounters (Black Spear)

October 21st

  • 100 People to Encounter in Kingsport
  • Expanded Tables for MÖRK BORK
  • World’s Oldest Profession: A Baker’s Dozen of Brothels

October 28th

  • 100 Corpses to Find in a Dungeon (C&C)
  • 100 Pieces of Debris to Find During the Zombie Apocalypse
  • 100 Piskies for Changeling: the Dreaming

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What’s In the Chest? 100 Oddities and Junk, 100 Encounters in a Fey Forest (C&C) and 100 Verbenae for Mage: The Ascension Now Available

What's In the Chest? 100 Oddities and JunkWhat’s In the Chest? 100 Oddities and Junk and 100 Encounters in a Fey Forest (C&C) are now available on DriveThruRPG and 100 Verbenae for Mage: The Ascension is available on Storytellers Vault.

Chests can hold treasure but not everything in a chest qualifies as such. What’s In the Chest? 100 Oddities and Junk has 100 items ranging from junk to oddities to find.

Fey forests can be strange places and 100 Encounters in a Fey Forest (C&C) is a collection of 100 different encounters for such. Some encounters may be beneficial, some harmful and some just odd.

The Verbenae are members of the Council and 100 Verbenae for Mage: The Ascension has 100 such that can be dropped into a campaign, as people to encounter or as potential friends and enemies.

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Publishing RPG Supplements to Help GMs
