Tabletop Mercenary Episode 2: 3 Methods For Making Money As A TTRPG Professional

In this episode, Neal Litherland discusses three ways that professionals can make money in TTRPGs.

Black Friday/Cyber Monday Sale 2023

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The Black Friday/Cyber Monday Sale is now live on DriveThruRPG and 301 of our supplements have up to 40% off. Click here to see them.

In addition, many Community Content and Third Party titles are also reduced.

100 Dungeon Entrances (C&C) PDF Preview

A new video has been published on YouTube that previews the first few pages of 100 Dungeon Entrances (C&C).

Searching the Desert

Skeleton in the Desert
Some artwork © 2015 Dean Spencer, used with permission. All rights reserved.

Searching the Desert is a piece of fiction for Moüd: The City of Bones, one of the supplements for Cities of Sundara, which is available in versions for 5th Edition and Pathfinder.

“I really don’t think this was such a good idea Dranolf,” yelled Feyla through the howling wind and blowing sand.

“You worry too much,” rumbled the Arasta dwarf in reply. “It’s just a mild blow, that’s all.” The wind howled again, sending particles of sand flying through the air with a force capable of scrubbing skin from bones.

“Not all of us grew in the desert!” shouted Feyla in return. “And I doubt anyone else would categorise this sandstorm as ‘mild’!”

The two had set out from Moüd earlier into the sands of the Trackless Quarter, not to cross it but to search the desert itself. They’d stumbled across something in the Dead Market in the city that looked as if it dated back to before the city now known as Moüd was overwhelmed by the necromantic energies drawn from the Prim.

It seemed clear that the vendor didn’t know what they had for sale. It wasn’t a trinket as would normally be found in the market, but it lacked any noticeable magical energy to it. The seller likely thought it was junk, a piece of stone with some curious markings.

The thing was definitely a piece of stone with curious markings, but neither Feyla nor Dranolf thought it was junk. They recognised some of the symbols and, from what they could tell, it looked like it might be a map from Moüd’s history.

That was why they were in the desert, following the map. It seemed they were right, and the stone was a map, perhaps to something of value from that age. They should have been more careful in checking the weather before setting out, though Dranolf was indeed raised in the desert and felt the storm was not natural.

“We’re going to have to seek shelter soon!” Feyla yelled at the dwarf.

“You’re likely right,” was the reply.

Hunching through the sandstorm, protected from its worst effects by plenty of wrappings, the pair suddenly stumbled across a hollow in the sand, a hollow with a black opening in one side. The opening was ringed with stone on which symbols had been carved.

“Could it be…” asked Feyla.

“Yes,” replied Dranolf, “I think it is. The storm has brought us to what we were looking for.” A slight shudder passed through his frame; it still felt unnatural. Heading for the opening, the two drew torches from their supplies and lit them, going in.

Behind them, something stirred in the sand.

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100 Effects of a Primquake, 100 Columns and Pillars to Find in a Dungeon (C&C) and 100 Hooks and Rumours for Fading Suns II Now Available

100 Effects of a Primquake100 Effects of a Primquake, 100 Columns and Pillars to Find in a Dungeon (C&C) and 100 Hooks and Rumours for Fading Suns II are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

When the Prim touches Sundara, it has an effect on the realm, often a major one, and 100 Effects of a Primquake has 100 such to encounter. They can be used as dangers and potential adventure hooks.

Columns and pillars are commonly found in large areas, where they help to hold up the roof. They may be plain or extensively carved. The columns in 100 Columns and Pillars to Find in a Dungeon (C&C), however, are far stranger. In some cases they appear incapable of holding the ceiling up. Some are odd, some are dangerous and some may potentially be a source of adventure hooks.

Characters may hear rumours whilst asking around for information and 100 Hooks and Rumours for Fading Suns II has 100 such to hear. They can be used as colour, misinformation or potential adventure hooks.

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Neal Litherland Reads “A Little Taste of Perdition” from World’s Oldest Profession: A Baker’s Dozen of Brothels

In this video, Neal Litherland reads the fiction “A Little Taste of Perdition” from World’s Oldest Profession: A Baker’s Dozen of Brothels.

d66 Nightmarish Visions Now Available

d66 Nightmarish Visionsd66 Nightmarish Visions is now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Published by Sad Fishe Game, this is a supplement to which we have contributed and it contains nightmarish visions to experience.

Alone on the Plane of Earth Now Available

Alone on the Plane of EarthAlone on the Plane of Earth is now available to buy on itch.

This is a solo journalling TTRPG in which the player’s character is a exploring the Plane of Earth. It requires a standard set of 52 cards and a d6 to play.

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100 Sluagh for Changeling: the Dreaming PDF Preview

A new video has been published on YouTube that previews the first few pages of 100 Sluagh for Changeling: the Dreaming.

D10: The Strange Rumours – Ruk: Periphery

WorldsThe Strange is a game published by Monte Cook Games. It is, at least in part, set in the normal world, but there are other worlds out there, in the Strange. This list has ten rumours for that setting, similar to the various different adventure hooks in the books, and these can be used as adventure hooks or simple misinformation.

  1. Genetic codes capable of creating truly dangerous creatures can be obtained in Shome in the Periphery, though it’s said that the buyer should check everything carefully before attempting to make such beings. It’s said that a few buyers have ended up dying at the claws and fangs of the things they were trying to create, due to not checking that they had bought what they thought they had bought.
  2. Lady Kasin-dar, of the Fortress of Favors, is known to extract marrow from often-unwilling subjects for the genetic needs of the black-market. It’s rumoured, though, that she also extracts genetic material for her own needs; some say she is suffering from a terrible genetic disease caused by her research that requires regular transfusions of clean genetic material to keep in check.
  3. Mendalla is the unseen crime lord who rules the organisation known as the Onomasticon. Given that no-one has seen Mendalla, there are plenty of rumours about him. Some of these suggest that he’s actually a respected figure in Ruk society who rules the Onomasticon as a way of operating on both sides of the law.
  4. Shome in the Periphery is a lawless city where it’s possible to buy goods that the major factions don’t want selling. Or, at least, that’s what’s normally stated. There are rumours that sometimes the goods being sold by the criminals of Shome are supplied to them by the factions, though it’s unclear as to why this would be done.
  5. Some of Ruk’s factions have outposts and installations in the Periphery, including mobile harvesters and resource barges. There are rumours of a quiet war happening amongst these outposts, as the factions strive with each other for advantage, though never going so far as to instigate open conflict; little enough comfort to those in the way.
  6. The average citizen of Ruk believes that those who venture into the Periphery is either unbalanced in some way or a criminal. To the extent that some citizens are claiming that everyone who does so needs stopping from returning to Harmonius, as they are clearly a bad influence that needs to be kept out of the Glistening City.
  7. The Fortress of Favors is home to Lady Kasin-Dar, who has the ability to rip bones from one individual and splice them into others. The Factol Council and the Myriand have both warned the Lady from using any of the citizens of Harmonius for her experiments, but it’s rumoured that sometimes the council sends citizens who need to be punished to her.
  8. The Onomasticon is a criminal organisation that keeps a database of genetic profiles; given that such can be used to create a whole host of person-specific things from toxins to mind-control parasites, it is extremely illegal. Though the Onomasticon primarily sells such data to others, it’s rumoured that they have gradually been collecting the genetic profiles of people in positions of power, influence or simple utility in order for the organisation to increase its power by controlling them.
  9. Underground tunnels link Shome in the Periphery to the Shadowed City beneath Harmonius. There is a rapid transit system, like a pneumatic tube filled with mucous, that runs through the tunnels, making travel much faster. Though it’s rumoured that not everyone who enters the mucous reaches their destination; some are said to be devoured by the mucous, which is a living creature, so that it can continue to function.
  10. Various groups have attempted to shut down the criminal organisation known as the Onomasticon over the years, with no success. It’s rumoured that other groups have tried to infiltrate the organisation in order to control it too, but if any of these have been successful in this, no-one is telling.

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