A new video has been published on YouTube that previews the first few pages of 100 Creepy-crawlies to Find in a Dungeon.
Talisman of the Rushes (5E)
This is a new magic item for use with Cities of Sundara.
The gnomes of Sundara from the Rushes subspecies, when they venture out into the world, often wear a small bottle of water from their river around their neck. The talismans are reputed to have various properties, and in some cases, they are enchanted to have these.
Talisman of the Rushes
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
The talisman of the Rushes takes the form of a small bottle of water on a necklace for wearing around the neck. Some talismans may be made of superior materials or decorated, but all are fundamentally identical.
When worn, the talisman of the Rushes adds 1 to Wisdom saving throws against mind-affecting effects. It also adds 1 to any checks to avoid getting lost.
100 Robot Malfunctions, 100 Ceilings to Find in a Dungeon (C&C), 100 Templar Knights for Mage: The Ascension and Map – Town 1 Now Available
100 Robot Malfunctions, 100 Ceilings to Find in a Dungeon (C&C) and Map – Town 1 are now available on DriveThruRPG and 100 Templar Knights for Mage: The Ascension is available on Storytellers Vault.
Robots can break, and 100 Robot Malfunctions has 100 things to go wrong with them, ranging from minor to potentially dangerous.
Dungeons have ceilings and 100 Ceilings to Find in a Dungeon (C&C) describes 100 such. This is a conversion of the original system neutral version.
The Templar Knights are members of the Disparate Alliance and 100 Templar Knights for Mage: The Ascension has 100 such that can be dropped into a campaign, as people to encounter or as potential friends and enemies.
Map – Town 1 is a hand drawn map of a town 300dpi resolution in eight versions that can be used for personal and commercial use.
Releasing in April 2023
April 1st
- 100 Ceilings to Find in a Dungeon (C&C)
- 100 Robot Malfunctions
- 100 Templar Knights for Mage: The Ascension
- Map – Town 1
April 8th
- 100 Books To Find Across The Inner Sea
- 100 Encounters for Post-Apocalyptic Farmlands
- 100 Encounters for Post-Apocalyptic Farmlands (Mutant Future)
April 15th
- 100 Encounters for Moorlands and Heaths (3Deep)
- 100 Knightly Orders For a Sci Fi Setting
- 100 Notes and Letters to Find on or about the Rock of Bral
April 22nd
- 100 Hooks and Rumours for the City of Dolmvay
- 100 Illusions to Find in a Dungeon
- D66 Scenario Premises for The Esoterrorists II
April 29th
- 100 Encounters for Moorlands and Heaths (Zweihander)
- A Dekas of Alchemical Items III (5E)
- Filler Art – Flowers 4
- What’s the Mage Doing? 100 Activities
Speaking of Sundara: Adventures in Sundara
In this video, Neal Litherland talks about adventures in the Sundara setting.
Hexploratores Volume 1-6: Treaty Island (Year Zero Engine) Now Available
Hexploratores Volume 1-6: Treaty Island (Year Zero Engine) is now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.
Published by Sad Fishe Games, this supplement we have contributed to is in a series that details hexes from a setting in finer detail. The supplement can be used to build the setting, or dropped into others.
100 Spaceships to Encounter PDF Preview
A new video has been published on YouTube that previews the first few pages of 100 Spaceships to Encounter.
D10: Hackers to Encounter
In a variety of modern and futuristic settings, characters may well encounter hackers, even if they never meet these hackers in person. Here are ten different hackers, with their handles and general behaviour, to encounter.
- 4NN1H11470r: 4NN1H11470r is a hacker who just likes breaking stuff and causing trouble. They have no real goal beyond hurting other people, and if that leads to deaths, so much the better.
- H1 7H3r3: H1 7H3r3 just does it for the challenge; the more secure the system, the bigger the challenge. Once into a system, H1 7H3r3 leaves comments in supposedly secure file locations offering their services to fix the security problem.
- 5113NC3: 5113NC3 is a hacker that is after money, but not one that goes for the big scores. Instead, 5113NC3 just siphons off bits from many different transactions; a few pennies here, a dollar there. Over thousands of transactions, these amounts add up.
- J0K3r: J0K3r likes pulling pranks by breaking into systems and getting things to malfunction. These are not malicious pranks, overall, but they are often embarrassing.
- 5H0W M3 7H3 M0N3Y: 5H0W M3 7H3 M0N3Y is a purely mercenary, and completely amoral, hacker. They will do whatever it is they are paid to do, and are not bothered by such outdated notions as ethics. 5H0W M3 7H3 M0N3Y will work for anyone who can pay, no matter how objectionable.
- M07H3r 6414: M07H3r 6414 is an environmental hacktivist who specialises in breaking into the files of companies, especially those engaged in greenwashing to make them look good, and exposes the dirty secrets they’d rather keep hidden.
- 8r34K 7H3 5Y573M: 8r34K 7H3 5Y573M is an anarchist. Their sole goal is the undermining and destruction of existing systems; political, social, monetary, whatever. 8r34K 7H3 5Y573M doesn’t seem to have anything they want to replace those systems with either.
- 1NQU15170r: 1NQU15170r is a political hacker. They seek to uncover the secrets politicians try to hide and release them to the press in order to remove from office those politicians that 1NQU15170r finds objectionable.
- CH4r17Y: CH4r17Y breaks into local government systems and diverts money away from those areas. CH4r17Y instead moves the monies through a complex web of transactions until they are received by local charities and other causes.
- 1UN471C: 1UN471C gives no impression that they’re rational at all. What they do changes from week to week, day to day and sometimes even hour to hour. They can go from participating in a crime, to shopping the others to the police, to supporting a politician to undermining their campaign with no apparent logic.
100 Books to Find on a Fighter’s Bookshelf, 100 Encounters for Fantasy Hills (Black Spear), 100 Hooks and Rumours for Terrinoth and Filler Art – Necklace with Vial Now Available
100 Books to Find on a Fighter’s Bookshelf, 100 Encounters for Fantasy Hills (Black Spear), 100 Hooks and Rumours for Terrinoth and Filler Art – Necklace with Vial are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.
Whilst books can be valuable and useful, not every book is such. 100 Books to Find on a Fighter’s Bookshelf has books on subjects of interest to fighters to flesh out a bookshelf.
Hills are not free of encounters and 100 Encounters for Fantasy Hills (Black Spear) has 100 ways of enlivening a journey through them. They can be used as background colour and potential adventure hooks.
Characters can gain information from a variety of sources and 100 Hooks and Rumours for Terrinoth has 100 things for them to hear. These can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.
Filler Art – Necklace with Vial is a piece of hand drawn black and white stock art. There are two images, one on a white background, one on a transparent one, at 300 dpi. The image can be used for personal and commercial uses.
Discussions of Darkness Episode 6: The 3 Solutions Strategy for Storytellers
In this, the sixth episode in a series of videos in which Neal Litherland covers Chronicles and World of Darkness, he looks at the three solutions strategy for Storytellers.