100 Encounters for Coastal Regions (3Deep) PDF Preview

A new video has been published on YouTube that previews the first few pages of 100 Encounters for Coastal Regions (3Deep).

Cities of Sundara: Dragon Steel Tools (PFRPG)

Image: Azukail Games

Dragon steel, a valuable export from Ironfire: The City of Steel, is a superior form of steel that is stronger than normal steel. Its primary use is making weapons and armour, but anything that would normally be made of steel can be made from dragon steel for improved hardness, strength and performance, which includes tools. Just as with weapons and armour, dragon steel tools are not automatically masterwork but masterwork versions can be made.

Artisan’s Tools, Dragon Steel

These tools serve the same purpose as artisan’s tools but add a +1 circumstance bonus to Craft checks made with them.

Artisan’s Tools, Dragon Steel, Masterwork

These tools add a +3 circumstance bonus to Craft checks made with them.

Thieves’ Tools, Dragon Steel

These tools serve the same purpose as thieves’ tools but grant a +1 circumstance bonus to Disable Device checks.

Thieves’ Tools, Dragon Steel, Masterwork

This kit has more tools and grant a +3 circumstance bonus to Disable Device checks.

Tool, Dragon Steel, Masterwork

This superior quality item adds a +3 circumstance bonus made to related skill checks. Bonuses provided by multiple masterwork items do not stack.

Item Cost Weight
Artisan’s Tools, Dragon Steel 10 gp 5 lbs
Artisan’s Tools, Dragon Steel, Masterwork 110 gp 5 lbs
Thieves’ Tools, Dragon Steel 60 gp 1 lb
Thieves’ Tools, Dragon Steel, Masterwork 200 gp 2 lbs
Tool, Dragon Steel, Masterwork 100 gp 1 lb

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What Has He Got in His Pockets? 100 Detailed Pieces of Junk, Spawn of the Temple (ET) and 100 Books to Find in Ghelspad II Now Available

What Has He Got in His Pockets? 100 Detailed Pieces of JunkWhat Has He Got in His Pockets? 100 Detailed Pieces of Junk, Spawn of the Temple (ET) and 100 Books to Find in Ghelspad II are now available from DriveThruRPG.

Characters may go through the pockets of defeated foes. Sometimes they can find treasure. But sometimes they can find rubbish, and What Has He Got in His Pockets? 100 Detailed Pieces of Junk has 100, sometimes disgusting, things to find.

Spawn of the Temple (ET)is a short pamphlet adventure for Eldritch Tales in which the characters need to solve the disappearances from an archaeological site.

Not every book found is useful or valuable, and 100 Books to Find in Ghelspad II has 100 minor books to find on a Scarred Lands bookshelf, all about Ghelspad.

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Speaking of Sundara: Moüd: The City of Bones

A new video has been published in which Neal Litherland talks about Moüd: The City of Bones in Sundara, available for 5E and Pathfinder.

100 Airs and Atmospheres to Encounter in a Dungeon (PFRPG) PDF Preview

A new video has been published on YouTube that previews the first few pages of 100 Airs and Atmospheres to Encounter in a Dungeon (PFRPG).

The Warlock Returns Issue #06 Now Available

The Warlock Returns Issue #06The Warlock Returns Issue #06 is now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

This is a fanzine for Advanced Fighting Fantasy that contains a variety of articles. It isn’t published by us, but by Arion Games, but we have contributed content to it. It’s currently available as a PDF with print on demand to follow.

3d6: Giant Scorpion

Giant ScorpionGiant scorpions are similar to their smaller kin, only much, much larger. They can be found in the same places, but are even more of a threat, as they don’t need poison to kill their prey, though they have that too.

What is Distinctive About the Giant Scorpion?

  1. Each claw on the scorpion’s pincers can move; neither are fixed.
  2. Numerous serrated outgrowths dot the giant scorpion’s exoskeleton.
  3. One pincer has a poorly-healed break and is not as strong.
  4. The stinger is unusually long, at least triple the normal length.
  5. The tail curiously lacks segmentation, resembling a snake.
  6. The upper side of the scorpion is pale yellow whilst the underside is dark brown.

How Does the Scorpion Hunt its Prey?

  1. Buries itself in the ground and leaps out.
  2. Lies flat on the ground and attacks with its tail when prey gets close.
  3. Perches, hunkered down, on a rock outcropping and leaps down onto prey.
  4. Picks off stragglers, grasping them and running away with them.
  5. Runs in at speed and strikes, then runs away again.
  6. Scuttles through an underground network of tunnels to gain surprise.

What Things Can be Found Around the Scorpion’s Home?

  1. Dozens of prints on the ground where the scorpion has travelled.
  2. Fragment of scorpion exoskeleton.
  3. Rocks bearing marks on them where the scorpion has sharpened its pincers.
  4. Rotting carcass of a predator, a large wound in its flesh where it was stung.
  5. The dead carcasses of a number of smaller, but still large, scorpions.
  6. Tree whose trunk has been snipped through.

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Sellswords of Sundara (5E), Sellswords of Sundara (PFRPG) and 100 Notes and Letters to Find in Magnimar Now Available

Sellswords of Sundara (5E)Sellswords of Sundara (5E) and Sellswords of Sundara (PFRPG) are now available on DriveThruRPG and 100 Notes and Letters to Find in Magnimar is available on Pathfinder Infinite.

Sellswords of Sundara (5E) details ten mercenary companies, including history, notable members and rumours, for the Sundara setting, along with a new character option for each company. They can be used with Sundara or dropped into another setting.

Sellswords of Sundara (PFRPG) is the above supplement converted for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

Characters might find notes and letters when searching and 100 Notes and Letters to Find in Magnimar Now Available has 100 such for them to find in or about Magnimar. Whether or not they have meaning is up to the GM and they can be used as random things to find or adventure hooks.

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Neal Litherland Reads “The Applicant” from Archbliss

Archbliss, available for 5E and Pathfinder, is the City of the Sorcerers. Created long ago as a haven for sorcerers, the city has its dark side.

Starfinder 3rd-Party Publishers Bundle

 Starfinder 3rd-Party Publishers Bundle100 Characters You Might Meet In A Star Port is included in a Starfinder bundle with those from other publishers. Click here to see the bundle, which will be available for about a month.

Publishing RPG Supplements to Help GMs
