Characters may find flowers and trees that have useful properties, and 100 Flowers and Trees Sure to Boost Your Stats has a list of such, divided into terrain types, with the useful properties they have.
A Dekas of Alchemical Items VI (PFRPG) has ten new alchemical items for Pathfinder for characters to create or buy or for NPCs to own.
Characters may come across rumours when asking around and 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in or About Magnimar has 100 such for them to hear. They can be used as adventure hooks, misinformation or background colour.
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The Creator Day Sale is live on itch, and for under a day all 35 of our paid supplements have 35% off. In addition, itch refunds their fees to creators. Click here to see the supplements.
All four of our Cepheus Engine supplements are currently in a bundle with those from other publishers at 25% off. The bundle will be around for a month. Click here to see the bundle.
Promises is a piece of fiction for Archbliss: The City of the Sorcerers, one of the supplements for Cities of Sundara, which is available in versions for 5th Edition and Pathfinder.
Image: Jeff Brown.
Kadar panted, sucking air into his burning lungs. The air was hot and thin, and it made his head spin. He closed his eyes, pressing his cheek to the stone floor. It was incongruously cool, and it helped stop the world from pitching and yawing behind his eyes.
“Again,” Soria said through the grate in the wall.
Kadar bristled, clenching his teeth. He had been in the black cell for weeks, now, and he had done everything asked of him. The walls had glowed, and he’d unleashed everything he had until the fires had burned down to embers. He slept, he ate and he trained, but it never seemed enough.
“Again,” Soria repeated, lowering the grate once more.
Letting out a wordless cry, Kadar exploded in flames. They rose higher and higher, slamming against the ceiling and licking down the walls. The veins within the cell burned bright, sucking in the fire, until there was nothing but a slightly charred smell on the air. Kadar collapsed bonelessly, shivering in every limb.
“Good,” Soria said, the single word of praise more than she usually offered. “You’re almost ready, now.”
Kadar wanted to believe her. He wanted to believe that soon Soria would open that door, and guide him out into the city where he could meet others like himself. Where he could finally breathe the cool, open air, and feel the sun on his face again. As the light faded from the walls, and he heard Soria’s steps whisper down the hall, Kadar closed his eyes.
He wanted to believe they’d let him out. He wanted to believe the promises were true. But deep down, he didn’t. Not anymore.
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Characters may come across bits and pieces of technology that don’t seem to make sense, and 100 Science Fiction Oddities has such for them to find. They may be partially broken, of no understandable use or perhaps only fragments of a larger whole.
100 Encounters for Coastal Regions (Lore 100) has 100 encounters for characters to have along the coast, some on land, some at sea. This is a conversion of the original supplement to Lore 100. You do not need both versions.
Goblin markets are strange places in Changeling: the Lost, where changelings can find strange things for sale. Buyer Beware: 10 Goblin Markets has ten such markets described, with appearance, rumours and merchants.
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The Strange is a game published by Monte Cook Games. It is, at least in part, set in the normal world, but there are other worlds out there, in the Strange. This list has ten rumours for that setting, similar to the various different adventure hooks in the books, and these can be used as adventure hooks or simple misinformation.
Holding on the Estate’s campuses is a facility with a variety of different cells where individuals who are dangerous, for one reason or another and including operatives who have been adversely affected, are safely kept. Though escaping from Holding is difficult to say the least, it’s said that a number of individuals have managed to do so over the years.
The Armoury on the Estate’s campus is, naturally, where weapons are kept. Most of the weapons are fairly normal, but there are some unusual ones. There are also said to be weapons that haven’t been properly figured out yet; not dangerous enough for the Vault, but still even more dangerous than a weapon normally is.
The Estate gathers many hard to find, and often expensive, books and documents on recursions in its campus library, material that predates the internet. The organisation is always looking out for more, but there are rumours that it has been sniped a number of times recently at auctions, both online and off, by purchasers outbidding the Estate’s agents at the last minute.
The Estate has been having problems with the September Project recently as the organisation’s spies inside the project have been disappearing and dying. It’s also rumoured that the Project has managed to slip a few infiltrators inside the Estate’s own campus. Though these have been caught, there are worries that some operatives may have slipped through the net.
The Estate keeps an eye on recursion miners that aren’t affiliated with other groups. Some recursion miners never call attention to themselves, but more often than not most do something that does call attention to them. It’s rumoured that the number of recursion miners who have been drawing attention to themselves has declined, and it’s unlikely this is because that the number doing attention-drawing activities has also declined. It could be that someone is making sure they don’t appear on the Estate’s radar.
The Estate pays out Morrison Fellowship Prizes to people working in any field who demonstrate remarkable talent. The prizes are used as a reason to investigate strange events to make sure they are what they are supposed to be, and as a recruitment vehicle, but it’s rumoured that a few recent investigations have gone sour, with Estate field teams being attacked, and some are wondering if one of the Estate’s adversaries is using the prizes as a cover of their own to lure field teams into the open.
The Gate House on the Estate’s campus is covered by strict security and contains several permanent recursion gates, most of which require a key or password to operate. Despite this security, there are rumours that some of the recursion gates have still been used without permission, though it’s uncertain how such could be proven to have happened.
The Recursion Lab is where the Estate studies recursion gates and related topics, including how to seal recursion gates both quickly and permanently. It’s rumoured that one of the last attempts to do so involved a technique never before used, and that the outcome of this was unexpected, and not in a good way.
The Vault on the Estate campus is where items are stored such as artefacts from other recursions brought through inapposite gates and items that translate whilst still remaining incredibly dangerous. It’s said there’s a secret part of the Vault, deep below the ground, where the really dangerous things are kept. Given what’s normally stored in the Vault, such would be items of unbelievable danger.
The Visitor’s Centre at the Estate’s headquarters is where members of the public can learn about the Morrison Fellowship Prize. The centre is located off the main campus and is staffed by people who don’t know anything about the true purpose of the Estate. Staff in the know do still keep an eye on the place and there are rumours that a number of visitors recently seem to know too much about the real purpose of the Estate, inferring from questions they’ve asked.
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