Tag Archives: Fifth Edition

100 Features for Modern Pubs, A Dekas of Sundaran Alchemical Cosmetics (5E) and 100 Knick-knacks for Ghelspad II Now Available

100 Features for Modern Pubs100 Features for Modern Pubs, A Dekas of Sundaran Alchemical Cosmetics (5E) and 100 Knick-knacks for Ghelspad II are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

Not every modern pub or bar is identical, and 100 Features for Modern Pubs has ways of making them different. These can be clientèle, events held there and physical features.

In a high fantasy setting, things like alchemy will be used for everyday items, and A Dekas of Sundaran Alchemical Cosmetics (5E) has 10 useful alchemical cosmetics for any setting.

100 Knick-knacks for Ghelspad has 100 minor items that could be found instead of trinkets or in an NPCs possession, all connected to Ghelspad in some way.

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A Simple Raid – One-page Adventure for 5E Now Available

A Simple Raid - One-page Adventure for 5EA Simple Raid – One-page Adventure for 5E is now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

This is published by Sad Fishe Games, but we have contributed to it. This is a simple two-sided adventure in which the characters have to try to defend a village against raiders.

Cults of Sundara (5E), Cults of Sundara (PFRPG), D66 Paradise Valley Encounters and Colour Filler Art – Mixed Coins in Sand Now Available

Cults of Sundara (5E)Cults of Sundara (5E), Cults of Sundara (PFRPG), D66 Paradise Valley Encounters and Colour Filler Art – Mixed Coins in Sand are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

Cults are considered to be comparatively small groups with practices that others might consider strange or unusual. Cults of Sundara (5E) has ten cults for the Sundara setting, together with new items for each cult.

Cults of Sundara (PFRPG) is the above supplement converted for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

D66 Paradise Valley Encounters has 36 encounters characters could have in the Paradise Valley area of Mutant: Year Zero. They include watchers, animals and other sentients.

Colour Filler Art – Mixed Coins in Sand has platinum, gold, electrum, silver and copper coins partially buried in sand. There is a single image on a transparent background, at 300 dpi. The image can be used for personal and commercial uses.

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Cloak of the Rhodann (5E)

Cloak of the RhodannThis provides game stats for one of the items worn by the Rhodann from the 5thb Edition version of Species of Sundara: Elves.

The Rhodann are known for their colourful patchwork cloaks, but some also make patchwork cloaks that are intended to blend in with the terrain. These cloaks are not magical in nature, but do provide a benefit to the wearer.

Each cloak is designed for a specific sort of terrain, and will only provide a bonus in that terrain. Example terrains would be mountains, snow, desert or woods; the GM, or player, should determine what terrain a specific cloak provides a bonus in.

When a cloak of the Rhodann is worn in the terrain for which it’s designed, the wearer gains a +2 bonus on Dexterity (Stealth) checks done in that terrain.

Cost: 40 gp Weight: 1/2 lb

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Hexploratores Volume 1-2: New Thurak (5E) Now Available

Hexploratores Volume 1-2: New Thurak (5E)Hexploratores Volume 1-2: New Thurak (5E) is now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

Published by Sad Fishe Games, this supplement we have contributed to is part of a series that details hexes from a setting in finer detail. The supplement can be used to build the setting, or dropped into others.

Hexploratores Volume 1-1: Passerine Island (5E) Now Available

Hexploratores Volume 1-1: Passerine Island (5E)Hexploratores: Volume 1-1 – Passerine Island (5E) is now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

Published by Sad Fishe Games, this supplement we have contributed to is the first in a series that details hexes from a setting in finer detail. The supplement can be used to build the setting, or dropped into others.

Sellswords of Sundara (5E), Sellswords of Sundara (PFRPG) and 100 Notes and Letters to Find in Magnimar Now Available

Sellswords of Sundara (5E)Sellswords of Sundara (5E) and Sellswords of Sundara (PFRPG) are now available on DriveThruRPG and 100 Notes and Letters to Find in Magnimar is available on Pathfinder Infinite.

Sellswords of Sundara (5E) details ten mercenary companies, including history, notable members and rumours, for the Sundara setting, along with a new character option for each company. They can be used with Sundara or dropped into another setting.

Sellswords of Sundara (PFRPG) is the above supplement converted for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

Characters might find notes and letters when searching and 100 Notes and Letters to Find in Magnimar Now Available has 100 such for them to find in or about Magnimar. Whether or not they have meaning is up to the GM and they can be used as random things to find or adventure hooks.

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Barradan Tooth Charm (5E)

Barradan Tooth Charm
Image © Azukail Games 2021, All Rights Reserved

The Barrada of Sundara, a water-dwelling subspecies of orcs detailed in Species of Sundara: Orcs (5E), have teeth that grow back and they remove and use these teeth to make charms that are enchanted by the orc’s shamans which are then gifted to others. When worn, these charms allow water breathing for the wearer.

Barradan Tooth Charm

Wondrous item, uncommon

A Barradan orc’s tooth that is mounted on a necklace. When worn and activated, the charm allows the wearer to breathe underwater as water breathing for 10 minutes at the cost of one charge. The charm has only 5 charges when fully charged, and once all are used, the tooth crumbles to dust.

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Species of Sundara: Gnomes (5E), Species of Sundara: Gnomes (PFRPG) and 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in Ghelspad II Now Available

Species of Sundara: Gnomes (5E)Species of Sundara: Gnomes (5E), Species of Sundara: Gnomes (PFRPG) and 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in Ghelspad II are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

Species of Sundara: Gnomes (5E) provides new options for gnomes, especially for the Sundara setting, but which can also be used in other settings.

Species of Sundara: Gnomes (PFRPG) is the same supplement, but with the options provided for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

Characters may come across rumours whilst asking around and 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in Ghelspad is a collection of such for the Scarred Lands. They are usable with any system and can be used for anything from misinformation to adventure hooks.

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Species of Sundara: The Blooded (Half-Elves and Half-Orcs) (5E), Species of Sundara: The Blooded (Half-Elves and Half-Orcs) (PFRPG) and 100 Notes and Letters to Find in Miskatonic Country: Arkham II Now Available

Species of Sundara: The Blooded (Half-Elves and Half-Orcs) (5E)Species of Sundara: The Blooded (Half-Elves and Half-Orcs) (5E), Species of Sundara: The Blooded (Half-Elves and Half-Orcs) (PFRPG) and 100 Notes and Letters to Find in Miskatonic Country: Arkham II are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

Species of Sundara: The Blooded (Half-Elves and Half-Orcs) (5E) provides new options for half-orcs and half-elves, especially for the Sundara setting, but which can also be used in other settings.

Species of Sundara: The Blooded (Half-Elves and Half-Orcs) (PFRPG) is the same supplement, but with the options provided for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

Investigators may come across notes and letters on bodies, in offices or tucked away in places. 100 Notes and Letters to Find in Miskatonic Country: Arkham II has 100 such for them to find, specifically in or about Arkham.

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