Giant scorpions are similar to their smaller kin, only much, much larger. They can be found in the same places, but are even more of a threat, as they don’t need poison to kill their prey, though they have that too.
What is Distinctive About the Giant Scorpion?
Each claw on the scorpion’s pincers can move; neither are fixed.
Numerous serrated outgrowths dot the giant scorpion’s exoskeleton.
One pincer has a poorly-healed break and is not as strong.
The stinger is unusually long, at least triple the normal length.
The tail curiously lacks segmentation, resembling a snake.
The upper side of the scorpion is pale yellow whilst the underside is dark brown.
How Does the Scorpion Hunt its Prey?
Buries itself in the ground and leaps out.
Lies flat on the ground and attacks with its tail when prey gets close.
Perches, hunkered down, on a rock outcropping and leaps down onto prey.
Picks off stragglers, grasping them and running away with them.
Runs in at speed and strikes, then runs away again.
Scuttles through an underground network of tunnels to gain surprise.
What Things Can be Found Around the Scorpion’s Home?
Dozens of prints on the ground where the scorpion has travelled.
Fragment of scorpion exoskeleton.
Rocks bearing marks on them where the scorpion has sharpened its pincers.
Rotting carcass of a predator, a large wound in its flesh where it was stung.
The dead carcasses of a number of smaller, but still large, scorpions.
Tree whose trunk has been snipped through.
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Numenera is a game published by Monte Cook Games. Its setting is the Ninth World, and this list has eight rumours for that setting. The rumours, which are similar to the Hearsay that can be found in the official books, can be used as adventure hooks or as simple misinformation.
Deathwater Canyon on the edge of the Black Riage is noted for the network of huge ceramic pipes that run through it, exiting from the rock, running outside it, and then entering back in. The pipes are said to be empty, or nearly so, but recently travellers who have passed through the canyon have claimed they have heard something in some of the smaller pipes, perhaps a liquid, though no-one seems exactly sure what they heard. This has raised some concern, as many of the larger pipes are used as thoroughfares.
Scorpion Sanctum in the desert around the Cloudcrystal Skyfields is a place rarely visited due to the presence of chirog raiders, and that seems to be the way the residents of the Sanctum like it. There’s a rumour that whoever lives there encourages the chirog raiders to attack travellers, to ensure their own privacy and, perhaps, acquire anything of interest to them that the chirog might loot.
Seven families who have lived in Uxphon, built in Deathwater Canyon, the longest claim noble status and essentially rule the city. There are rumours that the families have hidden chambers beneath their manors where they hide treasures and their secrets, though none have managed to find any. There are rumours, though, that these secret chambers were not built by the nobles, but were already there and the manors built on top of them, which some believe means they could contain far more secrets than those of the families.
The Cloudcrystal Skyfields float in the sky to the north of the Steadfast, beyond the Tithe River. The crystalline shards continually grow, but some fall to the ground as well, littering the fields below with their shattered remnants. There are rumours that in recent months more crystals than usual have been dropping out of the sky, making passing beneath them substantially more dangerous, especially as a crystal the size of a city is almost impossible to avoid if it falls.
The Crowd City is a mass of millions of corpses of all types of beings beneath the Cloudcrystal Skyfields that have been fused together into a strange city, with the dead making buildings, streets and the other structures of a city. Even stranger, the city frequently moves position, though usually very slowly. Some believe that the Crowd City’s movement has meaning, and that the patterns reveal some insight, though nobody seems to know what.
The Unseen Lake in the Cloudcrystal Skyfields is a lake of invisible water, though it will regain a more normal appearance after a few days, unless tightly sealed in a container. There’s a rumour that the lake’s water can be used to make a concoction that will render the imbiber invisible as well, and more than one thief, assassin or spy, or those who employ such, has tried to find out how this can be done.
There are people rumoured to be living beneath a small lake to the far west of the Skyfields, in a place called Deep Vormask. The inhabitants are said to have access to a strange, odd technology that is only found within the caverns and doesn’t work anywhere else. A Nano plans to lead an expedition to Deep Vormask in an attempt to discover just what this technology is. By the sounds of it, the Nano isn’t bothered about how they go about this.
Uxphon in the Cloudcrystal Skyfields is known for its slave market and in particular its gladiatorial arena, where slave combatants fight each other, as well as beasts, with the most successful of these gaining not only their freedom but also gaining wealth. There’s a rumour that the arena has put out a call for something different. That they are seeking new beasts to fight that are more than a little unusual. It’s said that the arena isn’t really bothered what, just as long as they’re something previously unseen.
The Strange is a game published by Monte Cook Games. It is, at least in part, set in the normal world, but there are other worlds out there, in the Strange. This list has ten rumours for that setting, similar to the various different adventure hooks in the books, and these can be used as adventure hooks or simple misinformation.
Butterfly Objectors are former recursors who have given up the ability due to a belief that those who translate to other realities do not in fact translate but are instead copied at the other end, the original person dying in the process. They believe that groups that use operatives to translate are evil perpetrators of lies. It’s rumoured that some Objectors have grown tired of trying to convince people of the truth by peaceful means and plan to start using violence against the Estate and others.
Disgraced former senator Jerry Toomey is the most visible advocate of the Circle of Liberty and, as well as being a talking head who regularly appears on various programmes, Toomey also operates a private compound called Promised Land, billed as a relaxation spot for the wealthy. Rumour is that not everyone who goes to the compound comes back out again.
Quiet Cabal agents operate on Earth, with the agents often being Earth humans. It’s rumoured that more agents than usual have been deployed recently, perhaps indicating that the Cabal is expecting a threat of some kind that will need dealing with, perhaps because they are searching for something.
Recursion miners are those individuals and groups that find and explore recursions, or that attempt to create new recursions. Sometimes, their methods can be problematic at best and outright dangerous at worst and there are rumours that some of the individuals and groups are also banded together into a larger organisation, and that these miners are those who use the most destabilising methods.
Spiral dust is a drug made from cyphers that has hit the streets that has an odd effect on the heaviest users, as such end up translated against their will to another recursion. It’s not known who is supplying spiral dust, or how it is made, but there are rumours that the amount of it on the streets is continually increasing, creating more and more addicts.
The Circle of Liberty is a loosely-connected collection of groups, including advocacy groups, think tanks, charities and industry associations, that advocates for decentralised government. It’s rumoured that the Circle is even larger than it might appear, with affiliated groups in many different countries, connected to the Circle though such connections are hidden.
The Estate has encountered reports of a number of people on Earth being attacked by what sounds like skeletons from Ardeyn, but there is little proof of the matter and, naturally, no dead skeletons to examine, given they crumble away very quickly. The organisation is trying to determine if there’s any truth in the matter.
The Quiet Cabal maintains a number of sanctums on Earth, camouflaged to look like normal businesses and establishments, often those that are out of the way that might see regular visits by strangers. It’s rumoured that a number of these sanctums have recently been attacked by an unknown party or parties, but presumably one of the Cabal’s rivals or enemies.
The September Project is attempting to create a quantum computer and is regarded as something of a joke thanks to the Estate’s efforts. There are rumours, though, that the Project has managed to convince at least one section of government, or of a government, that they are not a joke and are thereby gaining increased access to funding and resources.
There are reports that there have been issues between agents of the Office of Strategic Recursion, the Quiet Cabal and the Estate on Earth. Though the OSR regularly feeds information to the other two groups, there are rumours that they’ve clashed on occasion when the OSR disagreed with something the other groups were trying to achieve.
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10 Hooks and Rumours for Cyberpunk’s Night City
This list has ten hooks and rumours that can be heard in or about the Little Italy district of Night City. Whether or not they are true is up to the GameMaster. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.
Beppo’s Trattoria in Little Italy is neutral ground, open to all Mob business, and off limits to both violence and the police. There’s the occasional rumour that Beppo isn’t quite as neutral as he’s supposed to be, and that sometimes guests get served a meal that has more in it than they bargained for.
Bruce Skiv is the current Capo di tutti Cappi of the Mob in Little Italy, but it’s rumoured that Boss Skiv’s grip on power has weakened recently after several attempts on the crime boss’s life. Though none have been successful, one was apparently a poisoning attempt that has seriously debilitated Skiv, though he seems unchanged when seen in public.
Chrome Ring Gym #46 in Little Italy may be part of a national chain but it is also the place where Mob enforcers gather to gossip, work out and receive orders. It’s rumoured that it’s also a place where disagreements can be settled after hours with violence, violence that usually results in only one person walking away from it afterwards. Or living, at least.
Guido’s Fashion Trim in Little Italy is a popular place with the resurgent Mob, and a good source of mid-level gangster gossip. There are occasional rumours that the law has an informant inside Guido’s, but as none of the staff have turned up dead or disappeared completely, most assume this isn’t true.
Julius Electronics in Little Italy is one of a small chain of electronics retailers and has a wide range of merchandise. The store isn’t the most secure place around, and it’s rumoured that they’ve been having problems with theft recently, particularly of high-end items. It sounds as if the shop is looking to increase its security with some more proactive defences.
KJBR Studios is home to one of Night City’s leading DJs, Rockaby Rozalyn. It’s rumoured that Rockaby has been receiving threats recently, suggesting that they leave the station or bad things will happen. Such could well be from a competing station, one that wants to poach Rockaby for their own channel or simply get rid of a popular competitor. KJBR are said to be looking into hiring people to deal with the problem.
Stafford Metro Productions has their business office in Little Italy, but the production company shoots at various locations around, primarily for TV but sometimes for the home market. It’s rumoured that part of the company also films less reputable productions, available for those with the money.
The Clinic in Little Italy is known to have the best doctors with virtually no failures with their prosthetic technology. It’s rumoured, though, that the failure rate is higher than it appears to be, for failures can sometimes be made to disappear, due to the surgery parlour having a Mob connection.
The Mob purchased the Social Services Agency building when they re-entered the city and turned it into a brothel, an excellent, and now legal, source of income for them. It’s rumoured, though, that it’s possible to purchase entertainment that is definitely not legal there, but most doubt the Mob would risk damaging a legal cash cow by having an illegal operation based there.
There’s a building currently empty in Little Italy which the current owner plans to turn into a hotel, but they’ve been having trouble getting the loan to do the place up, rumoured to be because of Mob interference. It’s also rumoured that the Mob have got tired of the owner’s intransigence and has been suggesting that they will use more vigorous means if the building isn’t sold to them.
D10: Night City Rumours – Little Italy is unofficial content provided under the Homebrew Content Policy of R. Talsorian Games and is not approved or endorsed by RTG. This content references materials that are the property of R. Talsorian Games and its licensees.
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The Barrada of Sundara, a water-dwelling subspecies of orcs detailed in Species of Sundara: Orcs (5E), have teeth that grow back and they remove and use these teeth to make charms that are enchanted by the orc’s shamans which are then gifted to others. When worn, these charms allow water breathing for the wearer.
Barradan Tooth Charm
Wondrous item, uncommon
A Barradan orc’s tooth that is mounted on a necklace. When worn and activated, the charm allows the wearer to breathe underwater as water breathing for 10 minutes at the cost of one charge. The charm has only 5 charges when fully charged, and once all are used, the tooth crumbles to dust.
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Here are ten curious locations for characters to stumble across whilst travelling. Some are occupied; some are not. All may have peculiarities that could be used as sources of potential adventure hooks.
Abandoned Farm: A farm which appears to have been well-maintained until very recently, with the buildings and crops carefully tended. There are a few signs that something is not quite alright, such as a banging shutter, but the most noticeable one is that there is no sign of life. The farm buildings are empty of people and none of the livestock is in its pens or in any of the fields. There are no signs of violence, nor any of a hurried departure, but everything living appears to have left, and left their belongings behind.
Castle on the Borderlands: In a remote region on the frontier with the wilderness, or perhaps even past it, sits a lonely castle that helps protect the civilised lands from intrusions from the wild lands. Though the fortress provides a necessary defence, it suffers from poor supplies and is crumbling from neglect. Troops sent there are the dregs, commanders are those who have fallen foul of their superiors and the castle is almost constantly being raided. It may not be long before it falls.
Cursed Wreck: Close to the coast sits an old shipwreck, one that has been there for years. There have been persistent rumours about why the ship came to grief, and what it was carrying at the time, and it’s said that over the years a number of people have ventured out to it to search the, surprisingly intact, wreckage. However, it’s also said that no-one who has done so has ever returned.
Ferngorn Manor: Near to the village stands a beautiful, well-maintained manor in immaculately-kept grounds. The manor’s owner isn’t the village’s ruler, but an ennobled individual who moved into what was then a ruin a few years back. Since then, the manor has been restored to its former glory and then past it, and also provided work, both inside and out, for many of the locals. The manor’s owner is well-regarded by the inhabitants of the local area, and has proved to be generous with their wealth in improving the local situation.
Glade of the Shrine: Deep within an old growth forest can be found a peaceful-seeming glade. There are no trees within the glade and no sign that there ever were. The grass is short and verdant, with clusters of wild flowers here and there, with bees buzzing between them. In the very centre of the glade is a perfectly clear pool of fresh water, by the side of which is a small stone shrine covered in ivy.
Rainbow Waterfall: Water plunges into a pool from a stream above, the waterfall catching the light and sparkling beautifully as it does during the day. The pool itself has a surprisingly regular shape. If both pool and waterfall are investigated, both appear to have been artificially shaped at some point, presumably designed so that the waterfall is a place of beauty yet still seeming natural.
Statue of the Unknown: Overlooking a pass through the mountains is an ancient statue, carved from the very rock of the mountains itself. The years have not been kind to the statue, and it appears to have suffered deliberate damage in the past, as shaped pieces of stone have fallen around it. It cannot now be told exactly what the statue was of, only that it depicted something humanoid in shape that appears to have had one arm outstretched, though the hand on that arm is long gone.
The Wall: Stretching across the land are the remains of a crumbling wall. Little remains of it now; much has collapsed or completely vanished and locals have been scavenging it for worked stone. By the looks of it, the wall was once intended to be a barrier, blocking entrance to the lands behind it, but it hasn’t effectively worked as such for centuries. Digging by the wall will occasionally uncover broken bits of weapons and the odd bone.
Village on a Hill: A village stands on a small hill, overlooking the nearby farmlands, which are absent of any farms. The village is protected by a palisade and, every evening, bells ring out from wooden towers in the village. Anyone who is still out in the fields at that time returns, and all livestock is brought within the walls as well, with the gates shut at sundown and not opened for anyone or anything until dawn.
Wagon Pyre: Wagons were camped in a wide area near to the road, around a central fire. However, all the wagons have been burnt out and only charred timber and ashes remain. There are no signs of anyone who would have been using the wagons, either alive or dead, and no sign of whatever animals were being used to pull them. The wagons themselves, if investigated, seem to contain the cargo they were originally transporting, though now ruined by fire and the elements.
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Numenera is a game published by Monte Cook Games. Its setting is the Ninth World, and this list has eight rumours for that setting. The rumours, which are similar to the Hearsay that can be found in the official books, can be used as adventure hooks or as simple misinformation.
Archeol is a miniature city within the Caecilian Jungle, where the buildings rise no higher than the knee of a human. Those who have visited the city say that it is clearly inhabited, but the inhabitants have not been seen as yet. One Nao has postulated that the city is a reflection of an ultraterrestrial city, one that is in fact full size, and that its inhabitants can only be seen by travelling to their home dimension, something the Nano is hoping to achieve.
It’s said that an immense, frog-like beast lurks somewhere within the Caecilian Jungle, preying on any creature that ventures too close to its home. The creature reputedly despises everything else and considers trespassers as nothing more than food waiting to be eaten. There are no first-hand accounts of this beast, because no-one is said to have survived the encounter.
Le Temple de Frogue is one of the locations of interest said to be within the Caecilian Jungle and is said to be a fertility symbol, a giant temple constructed in the shape of a humanoid frog. There are rumours of strange beings lurking in the region of the temple, creatures of mud and flesh and frogs, and it’s said that sometimes these creatures venture away from the temple, seeking new people to incorporate into more of their kind.
Mechanical creatures lurk in the Caecilian Jungle waiting for the foolish to enter so that they can be preyed upon. There are rumours that some of these creatures are more impatient, and unwilling to wait for prey to approach them. Instead, they raid out from the jungle at settlements and camps in the surrounding region.
Scattered on the edges of the Caecilian Jungle are a number of makeshift camps that have been set up by those who decided not to proceed any further into the jungle, instead stopping and selling supplies, maps and equipment to those who do proceed. There are rumours that some of these camps are more dangerous to visit than others, for the inhabitants of these camps deliberately send people astray, to be robbed, sold into slavery or killed.
The Caecilian Jungle is known for the strange creatures that can be found it, including, reportedly, carnivorous plants that have been enhanced. There are rumours, though, that some of these plants managed to escape from where they were being kept penned up and are now spreading out into the rest of the jungle and, perhaps, even beyond it.
The Malingering Valley in the Caecilian Jungle is filled with cold springs that sometimes erupt in cold water and ice steam. One of the things that the eruptions may produce is small creatures carried up from the bowels of the earth. It’s said that sometimes these are things that have never been seen before, and sometimes a hefty reward is said to be offered by interested parties for any creatures recovered that have never been previously encountered.
The Westwind is a tornado within the Caecilian Jungle that is in constant movement, and can carry away anything from a small animal to a tree. The Westwind constantly changes its size, but there’s a rumour that recently it has only been getting larger, never smaller again. It’s also said that the Westwind’s movement has become more purposeful of late, as if being directed by something.
The Strange is a game published by Monte Cook Games. It is, at least in part, set in the normal world, but there are other worlds out there, in the Strange. This list has ten rumours for that setting, similar to the various different adventure hooks in the books, and these can be used as adventure hooks or simple misinformation.
Holding on the Estate’s campuses is a facility with a variety of different cells where individuals who are dangerous, for one reason or another and including operatives who have been adversely affected, are safely kept. Though escaping from Holding is difficult to say the least, it’s said that a number of individuals have managed to do so over the years.
The Armoury on the Estate’s campus is, naturally, where weapons are kept. Most of the weapons are fairly normal, but there are some unusual ones. There are also said to be weapons that haven’t been properly figured out yet; not dangerous enough for the Vault, but still even more dangerous than a weapon normally is.
The Estate gathers many hard to find, and often expensive, books and documents on recursions in its campus library, material that predates the internet. The organisation is always looking out for more, but there are rumours that it has been sniped a number of times recently at auctions, both online and off, by purchasers outbidding the Estate’s agents at the last minute.
The Estate has been having problems with the September Project recently as the organisation’s spies inside the project have been disappearing and dying. It’s also rumoured that the Project has managed to slip a few infiltrators inside the Estate’s own campus. Though these have been caught, there are worries that some operatives may have slipped through the net.
The Estate keeps an eye on recursion miners that aren’t affiliated with other groups. Some recursion miners never call attention to themselves, but more often than not most do something that does call attention to them. It’s rumoured that the number of recursion miners who have been drawing attention to themselves has declined, and it’s unlikely this is because that the number doing attention-drawing activities has also declined. It could be that someone is making sure they don’t appear on the Estate’s radar.
The Estate pays out Morrison Fellowship Prizes to people working in any field who demonstrate remarkable talent. The prizes are used as a reason to investigate strange events to make sure they are what they are supposed to be, and as a recruitment vehicle, but it’s rumoured that a few recent investigations have gone sour, with Estate field teams being attacked, and some are wondering if one of the Estate’s adversaries is using the prizes as a cover of their own to lure field teams into the open.
The Gate House on the Estate’s campus is covered by strict security and contains several permanent recursion gates, most of which require a key or password to operate. Despite this security, there are rumours that some of the recursion gates have still been used without permission, though it’s uncertain how such could be proven to have happened.
The Recursion Lab is where the Estate studies recursion gates and related topics, including how to seal recursion gates both quickly and permanently. It’s rumoured that one of the last attempts to do so involved a technique never before used, and that the outcome of this was unexpected, and not in a good way.
The Vault on the Estate campus is where items are stored such as artefacts from other recursions brought through inapposite gates and items that translate whilst still remaining incredibly dangerous. It’s said there’s a secret part of the Vault, deep below the ground, where the really dangerous things are kept. Given what’s normally stored in the Vault, such would be items of unbelievable danger.
The Visitor’s Centre at the Estate’s headquarters is where members of the public can learn about the Morrison Fellowship Prize. The centre is located off the main campus and is staffed by people who don’t know anything about the true purpose of the Estate. Staff in the know do still keep an eye on the place and there are rumours that a number of visitors recently seem to know too much about the real purpose of the Estate, inferring from questions they’ve asked.
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Section 9 of the Core Rulebookintroduces a number of different drugs that characters could use or encounter. Here are another six drugs to add extra mayhem and problems to a game. Some may have originated from medical or military drugs, but have had unfortunate consequences for users, even before they were brewed on the street. See Section 9 in the Core Rulebook for details on any listed side-effects.
A street knock-off version of a medical drug that is intended to stabilise a person on the verge of death. Due to its less than stringent testing and quality control, though Death’s Door can keep an individual alive, it has an unfortunate side-effect of sometimes killing the patient. It can be administered to an individual when they are in a Mortal wound state and will make Death Saves 2 points easier for the duration. However, if the patient is still in a Mortal Wound state, when the drug’s effect ends, they will need to make an immediate Death Save that is 3 points harder, due to the strain the drug put on their system.
The military has had a long interest in drugs intended to boost soldiers’ performance, but MilSpec drugs are out of reach for the average character. The same does not apply to knock-off drugs based on military designs, in this case a combat drug that was considered too dangerous to use. The drug Hulk was based on was intended to boost the strength and physical abilities of the user, and it did, but the side-effects were considered too dangerous to put the drug into production. This didn’t stop an enterprising chemist from brewing a street version of it, which increases REF by Hulk’s Strength. Like the original, Hulk causes psychotic rage and paranoia, a combination that often results in a user “Hulking out” and attacking everyone in sight.
Knock-Out is a sedative that has some similarities to the drugs used by medical professionals to render a patient unconscious. However, this is a knock-ff street version that is not as safe to use as the proper drug, though easier to obtain. The Strength of the drug is deducted from a Save vs. Sleep roll, but 1D10 must be rolled as well; on a 1-3, the recipient also takes 2 points of damage.
Smart Pill increases INT by the strength of the drug for the duration. However, once the drug’s effects wear off, INT is reduced by -3 for the same length of time as the increase lasted. In addition, Smart Pill is highly addictive and once a user becomes addicted, they no longer gain the increase of INT for taking the drug, but still suffer the INT decrease, which now lasts from taking the drug for the double the length of time that the increase would have lasted.
Sweet Dreams is a dangerous drug. It’s a recreational drug that gives a feeling of intense euphoria when taken, and rapidly proves to be both psychologically and physiologically addictive. These, despite their dangers, are not the worst side effects that users experience, though. Anyone who takes a dose of Sweet Dreams also experiences hallucinations, and these last for 1D6+1 turns. The hallucinations vary from the clearly unreal to the almost real; more users have died from hallucinating something being there, or not there, than have died of anything else. Blundering into traffic on a street that appeared empty or using a fire escape that wasn’t there are the sorts of things users die from.
Zombifier does not turn the living into the walking dead; what it does do is decrease the ability for those dosed with it to make decisions of their own and also make them more compliant to outside instruction. Its main uses are for questioning people who are reluctant to talk and to kidnap people who might otherwise resist such activities. As such, it is rarely legal and usually, outside the hands of governments, considered to be evidence of criminal intent. When a dose is administered, the recipient’s INT decreases by the strength of the drug for the duration. In addition, whenever they are told to do something or asked a question, they must make a Difficult INT check in order to resist doing it or responding. Instructions to kill themselves or others do not need a check.
Six Pack: Cyberpunk Drugs is unofficial content provided under the Homebrew Content Policy of R. Talsorian Games and is not approved or endorsed by RTG. This content references materials that are the property of R. Talsorian Games and its licensees.
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The Barrada of Sundara, a water-dwelling subspecies of orcs detailed in Species of Sundara: Orcs (PFRPG), have teeth that grow back and they remove and use these teeth to make charms that are enchanted by the orc’s shamans which are then gifted to others. When worn, these charms allow water breathing for the wearer.
A Barradan orc’s tooth that is mounted on a necklace. When worn and activated, the charm allows the wearer to breathe water as water breathing for 10 minutes at the cost of one charge. The charm has only 5 charges when fully charged, and once all are used, the tooth crumbles to dust.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, water breathing; Cost 150 gp
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