Tag Archives: Symbaroum

100 Orbital Encounters, 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Grand Duchy of Reme II (Lost Lands) and 100 Goblins for Symbaroum Now Available

100 Orbital Encounters100 Orbital Encounters, 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Grand Duchy of Reme II (Lost Lands) and 100 Goblins for Symbaroum are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

Characters may encounter things in orbit and 100 Orbital Encounters has 100 such encounters. These range from the mundane to the potentially dangerous.

When asking around for information, characters may hear rumours, and 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Grand Duchy of Reme II (Lost Lands) has 100 such related to the Grand Duchy of Reme in the Lost Lands. They can be used as background colour, misinformation and adventure hooks.

Goblins are short-lived beings who come from Davokar in Symbaroum. 100 Goblins for Symbaroum has 100 named and briefly described goblins to encounter.

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100 Missions and Quests for Fighters, 100 Fantasy Aerial Encounters (Lore 100), 100 Ogres for Symbaroum and Map – Village 24 Now Available

100 Missions and Quests for Fighters100 Missions and Quests for Fighters, 100 Fantasy Aerial Encounters (Lore 100), 100 Ogres for Symbaroum and Map – Village 24 are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

Fighters can get quests based on their abilities, and 100 Missions and Quests for Fighters has 100 such that they could get from employers, guilds or do of their own accord.

When in the air in a fantasy setting, characters may still come across things, and 100 Fantasy Aerial Encounters (Lore 100) has 100 such things. They range from the odd to the dangerous. This is a conversion of the original supplement.

Ogres are strange beings who wander out from the Forest of Davokar fully grown in Symbaoroum. 100 Ogres for Symbaroum has 100 named and briefly described ogres to encounter.

Map – Village 24 is a hand-drawn black and white village map with a 300dpi resolution in four versions that can be used for personal and commercial use.

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100 Cyberpunk Items of Dubious Provenance to Find for Sale, 100 Encounters for Fantasy Oceans (Lore 100) and 100 Books to Find in Symbaroum Now Available

100 Cyberpunk Items of Dubious Provenance to Find for Sale100 Cyberpunk Items of Dubious Provenance to Find for Sale, 100 Encounters for Fantasy Oceans (Lore 100) and 100 Books to Find in Symbaroum are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

100 Cyberpunk Items of Dubious Provenance to Find for Sale has items of technology and cyberware that could be sold by more dubious merchants, some clearly stolen or taken from an unwilling owner.

Oceans can be dangerous places and 100 Encounters for Fantasy Oceans (Lore 100) has 100 encounters for the Lore 100 system. They can be used to enliven a journey or as potential adventure hooks.

100 Books to Find in Symbaroum has 100 books for characters to find. In a setting like Symbaroum, they will have some value, but whether or not any are useful is up to the GM.

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100 Encounters and Events for the Night, 100 Encounters for Fantasy Plains (3Deep) and 100 Symbaroum Knick-knacks Now Available

100 Encounters and Events for the Night100 Encounters and Events for the Night, 100 Encounters for Fantasy Plains (3Deep) and 100 Symbaroum Knick-knacks are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

Even at night, whether travelling or camped, characters can still; have encounters. 100 Encounters and Events for the Night has 100 such encounters, from the normal to the potentially odd.

100 Encounters for Fantasy Plains (3Deep) has 100 encounters characters could have on the plains. This is a conversion of the original system neutral supplement.

100 Symbaroum Knick-knacks has 100 minor items characters could find on NPCs or in treasure hoards, or perhaps even start the game with. They may have no real value, or could be a potential source of adventure hooks.

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Tomes of Necromancy, A Dekas of Alchemical Items II (PFRPG), 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in Symbaroum and Dungeon Bundle 1 Now Available

Tomes of NecromancyTomes of Necromancy, A Dekas of Alchemical Items II (PFRPG), 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in Symbaroum and Dungeon Bundle 1 are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Characters can come across books on bookshelves and in libraries and Tomes of Necromancy describes 20 in detail for them to find. Each is given a  name and author with an overview of their contents.

A Dekas of Alchemical Items II (PFRPG) has ten new alchemical items for Pathfinder, that characters could either make or encounter in the possession of NPCs.

Characters may hear rumours whilst asking for information. 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in Symbaroum has 100 such for them to find for the setting, which could be used for misinformation, background colour or adventure hooks.

Dungeon Bundle 1 collects together the first ten dungeon themed supplements at 25% off.

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