The Paizocon Infinite Community Megabundle is currently live on Pathfinder Infinite and 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in or About Magnimar is included in it. The bundle costs $24.99, reduced from $110.41. Click here to see it.
Monthly Archives: May 2022
D10: Rumours About the Ocean

Those who sail the oceans will often tell strange stories about what can be encountered out there. Some of these may be true, some may not.
- A circular windstorm makes it impossible for ships to travel through it to see what is beyond. The storm quickly turns ships to splinters and it’s said there’s a similar effect underwater as well. The storm never moves and is clearly artificial in nature. Some say it’s a magical barrier erected by a mage or godling whose island lies within.
- A famous treasure ship went down many years ago and so far no-one has managed to find it, though many have looked. Recently, coins and other items that seem to be from the ship have been turning up in various ports, which would suggest that someone has discovered the ship, or stumbled across at least part of its cargo.
- Ghost ships aren’t an uncommon thing for sailors to claim they’ve seen, or to have actually seen, but it’s rumoured that there’s an entire fleet of ghost ships prowling the ocean. It’s said that those who encounter the fleet are attacked and, once defeated, the attacked ship and its crew join the ghost fleet. Though no-one has been able to confirm this, as no-one can definitely say they’ve encountered the fleet.
- Hidden behind a permanent bank of fog, forever hidden from the sun, is an island said to be occupied only by the spirits of the dead. The island is said to be where the souls of some of those lost at sea go, forever to haunt the place and never move on.
- Many ships have been lost to a maelstrom out in the deep ocean, which is a curious place for such to form. Moreover, sailors would have it that the maelstrom is found in different places, as it appears to move around. They claim that the maelstrom is a living thing that hunts down ships to swallow up in its swirling maw.
- Part of the ocean is to be avoided for the water there is like air in constitution, yet still water when it comes to breathe it. When ships travel into the region, they sink into the air-like water, as the water is unable to bear them up any more, and everyone onboard will drown unless they can breathe underwater or somehow escape to the surface.
- Sharks can be dangerous, though there are greater dangers in the ocean, and most sharks are not a threat. There’s a rumour, though, of a frenzy of sharks of many different types. These sharks seem to act with intelligence, seeking out prey and working together to attack it. Some suggest the sharks are intelligent; others that they are under the control of someone.
- There’s a pirate ship that is only intermittently seen, and no ship sent to hunt it down has been able to catch it. Those who have encountered the pirate ship say that it appears on the water out of nowhere, literally shimmering into existence, rather than visibility, and disappears the same way, making it impossible to catch without magic.
- There’s said to be a reef somewhere in the ocean, but one that isn’t constant. It seems to remain in roughly the same place, but sometimes it’s said to rise up from the sea bed, breaching the surface as ships pass and ripping out their bottoms. Sailors call it the Eater of Ships and swear it is alive.
- Whaling ships have been failing to return to port. There have been reports of bits and pieces of the ships washing up on the shores, or being found in the general area where they were last known to be. Finally, a survivor was found and the whaler said their ship was attacked by a pod of whales acting in concert to deliberately sink the ship.
100 Caves and Shelters to Find in the Wilderness, 100 Caves and Shelters to Find in the Wilderness (PFRPG), D66 Scenario Premises for The Esoterrorists and Filler Art – Pouch of Powder Now Available
100 Caves and Shelters to Find in the Wilderness, 100 Caves and Shelters to Find in the Wilderness (PFRPG), D66 Scenario Premises for The Esoterrorists and Filler Art – Pouch of Powder are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.
Not every cave encountered is a massive complex and 100 Caves and Shelters to Find in the Wilderness has 100 small caves and similar places to encounter. They may provide safe shelter, be a source of danger or potential adventure hooks.
100 Caves and Shelters to Find in the Wilderness (PFRPG) is the above supplement converted for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. You do not need both versions.
D66 Scenario Premises for The Esoterrorists has 36 scenario hooks in the fashion of those in the core rulebook that can be turned into adventures by the GM.
Filler Art – Pouch of Powder is a piece of hand drawn black and white stock art. There are two images, one on a white background, one on a transparent one, at 300 dpi. The image can be used for personal and commercial uses.
Neal Litherland Reads from 100 Gateways Into (And Out Of) the Hedge
A video has been published on YouTube, in which Neal Litherland reads the introductory fiction from 100 Gateways Into (And Out Of) the Hedge.
PLEBEYOS: Zweihander RPG Fanzine #3 Now Available
PLEBEYOS: Zweihander RPG Fanzine #3 is now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.
PLEBEYOS #3 is a Spanish translation of Lowborn #3, and contains the same content, but translated.
100 Bridges to Find in a Dungeon PDF Preview
A new video has been published on YouTube that previews the first few pages of 100 Bridges to Find in a Dungeon.
D10: Numenera Rumours – Dessanedi

Numenera is a game published by Monte Cook Games. Its setting is the Ninth World, and this list has ten rumours for that setting. The rumours, which are similar to the Hearsay that can be found in the official books, can be used as adventure hooks or as simple misinformation.
- Mining operations on the Lambent Fields of Dessanedi, the Jagged Wastes, uncovered a giant mechanical creature, whose discovery brought matters to a standstill, or at least legal activities. There are rumours of pitched fights happening on the Lambent Fields during the night, though there never appears to be any sign of large-scale conflict in the morning. Some say that this is because it isn’t happening; others that someone, or something, is removing any traces of conflict.
- Selascor Castle is a ruin south of White Lake in Dessanedi, the Jagged Wastes, formerly home to the ruler of the area until he was hanged by his subjects after an uprising. There are rumours that those who have been near the 400-year-old ruin in recent months have seen signs of new construction at the castle, suggesting that someone has moved in again and is rebuilding the fortress.
- Sine Picalah in Dessanedi, the Jagged Wastes, excavated a giant mechanical creature in the Lambent Fields, there have been continual problems as the city has split into different factions with different ideas as to what should be done from henceforth. There’s a rumour that, although mining operations have effectively come to a standstill, proof has been found that more of the mechanical creatures are buried beneath the fields.
- The city of Picalah in Dessanedi, the Jagged Wastes, split into different factions following the discovery of a mechanical creature during mining operations. The four factions that formed have been fighting amongst each other and it’s rumoured this fighting is starting to become physical, not just verbal, with assassination attempts on members of opposing factions.
- The dust of the Lambent Fields in Dessanedi, the Jagged Wastes, is multicoloured and sines int he dimmest light. It is used by the wealthy to decorate everything from their homes to their bodies. There’s a rumour, though, that sometimes those who have been in direct contact with the dust for too long start to change, as the dust has an effect on their flesh.
- The Great Slab is a huge construct rising from the ground of Dessanedi, the Jagged Wastes. The Slab is steep-sided and a reddish black oil runs down the sides, making it impossible to climb. There are rumours that some have managed to reach the top of the Great Slab, but anyone claiming to have done so seems to disappear not long afterwards.
- The land of Dessanedi, the Jagged Wastes, is covered with broken shards of glass, splintered from the outcroppings that form the region. Some say that the glass is not as inanimate as it sometimes appears to be. That, in parts of the wastes, the glass shards creep across the landscape, looking for creatures to enshroud and feed on.
- The town of Yosh-ul in Dessanedi, the Jagged Wastes, is not much more than a meeting point for the nomadic tribes of the plains, though it has permanent residents as well as transitory ones. The town has a natural spring that provides water for the inhabitants and some fields of food, but there’s a rumour that the spring’s flow has become increasingly erratic of late, as if it’s on the verge of drying up. Should that happen then Yosh-ul will become uninhabitable and will have to be abandoned.
- The Wandering Walk is a pilgrimage route through the Ninth World and parts of it pass through Dessanedi, the Jagged Wastes. The wastes are not the safest places to travel through at the best of times, but there are rumours of numerous parties of pilgrims disappearing along the route in recent months. It seems that those most likely to disappear are those new to the Walk, which might be a reasonable explanation for why they disappear, but not why the number has increased.
- White Lake in Dessanedi, the Jagged Wastes, is a small town on the edge of a lake where ferrix turtles lay their eggs every spring. The eggs are a delicacy and the inhabitants carefully leave enough to ensure another generation every year. However, the number of eggs being laid by the turtles is reportedly decreasing year on year, meaning the number that can safely harvested each year is also declining. It could be that the turtles are dying out.
Want some items that could be used as oddities? Check out 100 Xenoarchaeological Finds.
100 Character Goals and Motivations, 100 Encounters for Fantasy Rivers (3Deep) and 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in or about the Glorious Empire Now Available
100 Character Goals and Motivations, 100 Encounters for Fantasy Rivers (3Deep) and 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in or about the Glorious Empire are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.
Character goals and motivations can help create a more in-depth background, whether or not it has an immediate effect on the plot. 100 Character Goals and Motivations has 100 such that could be used by players, or even by NPCs.
River journeys have encounters and 100 Encounters for Fantasy Rivers (3Deep) has 100 such for characters to encounter. They can be used as background colour or adventure hooks. This is a conversion of the original system-neutral supplement.
Characters may hear rumours when asking around for information, and 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in or about the Glorious Empire has some for them to hear related to the Glorious Empire. They can be used as adventure hooks or background colour.
Speaking of Sundara: My Top 3 Picks From “Sellswords of Sundara”
A new video has been published in which Neal Litherland talks about his top three picks from Sellswords of Sundara, available for 5E and Pathfinder.
Evil Incorporated: 10 Pentex Subsidiaries PDF Preview
A new video has been published on YouTube that previews the first few pages of Evil Incorporated: 10 Pentex Subsidiaries.