All posts by Azukail

D10: Numenera Rumours – Draolis

Numenera Cover
TM and © 2019 Monte Cook Games, LLC.

Numenera is a game published by Monte Cook Games. Its setting is the Ninth World, and this list has ten rumours for that setting. The rumours, which are similar to the Hearsay that can be found in the official books, can be used as adventure hooks or as simple misinformation.

  1. Beoth in Draolis was struck with an illness which the inhabitants called the “toothless bile.” The illness killed many of the city’s people, and left many more bedridden for some time. No cure has been discovered for the illness, but Aeon Priests constructed a device called the Arch of Illness, which glows when someone afflicted with the disease passes through. There’s a rumour that the arch doesn’t always work correctly, and a worry that some people with the disease may have passed through without it registering.
  2. Castle Sarrat in Draolis has been growing ever since the Horges family moved into it seventy years ago. No-one really knows anything about the process, only that new areas suddenly appear in a matter of moments. It’s rumoured that, in recent months, the rate at which the castle is growing has been accelerating, with new portions being added with great rapidity. Some are concerned that the castle will start to engulf the surrounding lands.
  3. Draolis used to be ruled by a powerful queen whose symbol was a roaring tiger. Her line died out and was replaced by a council of plutocrats who wished to keep power rather than hand it over to another hereditary line. Many of the people wish to return to the previous rulership, as they believe the nation was more glorious back then, and there’s a rumour that the queen’s line hadn’t died out fully, and that there are still descendants who could take the throne, if the people united behind them.
  4. Kordech in Draolis is devoted to the sale, breeding and slaughter of shiul, a valuable source of meat. The cattle, which are popular targets for various predators as well as bandits, are protected at night by wooden palisades erected by those that look after them. It’s rumoured, though, that a number of shiul have recently started disappearing from within the palisades themselves, disappearing with no sign of either them or what might have taken them.
  5. Mayor Marvyr Rann of Qi in Draolis lives in a dirigible out of a fear that if he ever treads on the earth he will sicken and die. It’s rumoured that Rann’s dirigible nearly came to earth recently without the mayor’s approval. Some say that it was sabotaged in an attempt to bring Rann back to the ground. If it’s true that Rann will die if he touches the ground, this was an assassination attempt, and it’s said that the mayor is certainly treating it as such.
  6. Sister Tevera, a priestess of the cult of Nauz, the Stargod, become the mayor of Beoth in Draolis after the previous mayor died. Tevera is continually clashing with the Aeon Priests over handling the toothless bile that afflicts the city, and it’s rumoured that the priests would be glad to see her replaced with someone who would make their job easier. It’s even rumoured that some of the priests might be willing to help Sister Tevera on her way out of the job.
  7. The Fourth Mark in Draolis is a strange construction with a tower like base rising hundreds of feet in the air, topped by a crescent shape. Over the years, many have tried and failed to get through the synth hatch that blocks access to the structure’s head, but there’s a rumour that one of the more recent groups to attempt access never returned. Whether this means that they got through, and were stuck or transported elsewhere, whether they were vapourised or whether they were simply never witnessed leaving isn’t known.
  8. The inhabitants of the city of Qi in Draolis often travel from place to place within the city using dirigibles and balloons, though such devices are rarely used to venture over longer distances, as the vehicles lack the capability. Recently, there have been a number of incidents with the vehicles, accidents within the city where they have crashed or otherwise started to fall from the sky. So far, none of these have been serious, but there’s a concern that such is only a matter of time.
  9. The Marish Clan of Qi in Draolis have their fingers in all sorts of illegal pies, mostly involving goods that have been stolen in some way, but they also conduct murder for hire. There’s a rumour, though, that the clan is looking to expand into other arenas. A few political figures are said to have died recently, seemingly killed by the Marish, and it’s thought that the clan is attempting to become a political power in the city, not just a purely criminal one. Though some see little difference.
  10. The Zhev are the elite peacekeeping force of Qi in Draolis and are flying cylindrical automatons that were created by the Amber Pope. The city’s rulers are able to repair the existing Zhev, but not make new ones, and the city’s area has expanded since the automatons were first created. The rulers are rumoured to be spending a lot of effort into looking for methods to create new Zhev, so that the entirety of Qi falls under their protection once again.

Want some items that could be used as oddities? Check out 100 Xenoarchaeological Finds.

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100 Ruins to Encounter, 100 Encounters for Fantasy Mountains (3Deep), 100 Mourning Cant Dialects, Phrases and Meanings and Filler Art – Hidden Ladder Now Available

100 Ruins to Encounter100 Ruins to Encounter, 100 Encounters for Fantasy Mountains (3Deep) and Filler Art – Hidden Ladder are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG and 100 Mourning Cant Dialects, Phrases and Meanings is available on Storytellers Vault.

In the wilder lands, characters may come across ruins, and 100 Ruins to Encounter has 100 such to discover. They range from small fragments to large fortresses.

100 Encounters for Fantasy Mountains (3Deep) has 100 encounters for fantasy mountains. The supplement has been adapted to the 3Deep rules.

100 Mourning Cant Dialects, Phrases and Meanings has 100 examples of Winter Court Mourning Cant for Changeling: The Lost.

Filler Art – Hidden Ladder is a piece of stock art for commercial and personal use, depicting a hidden ladder. This is a 300 dpi TIFF in clear and white backgrounds.

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100 Hooks and Rumours for Gods of the Fall PDF Preview

A new video has been published on YouTube that previews the first few pages of 100 Hooks and Rumours for Gods of the Fall.

New World Nights: 100 Ghouls For The American Camarilla PDF Preview

A new video has been published on YouTube that previews the first few pages of New World Nights: 100 Ghouls For The American Camarilla.

The Vanilla Priest Now Available

The Vanilla PriestThe Vanilla Priest is now available to buy on itch.

The Vanilla Priest is a new class for the Vanilla Game, a combination spellusing and combat class; not as good as a specialist but competent at both.

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Sci-Fi Sale

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The Sci-Fi Sale is now live on DriveThruRPG. For just under the next 13 days, 43 of our supplements have up to 33% off. Click here to see ours that are for sale, and 100 Rumours to Hear in or About the Great Rift: Corridor and Reft is on sale as well.

Latest Metal Levels Achieved

Here are the latest supplements to reach new best-selling levels on DriveThruRPG.

OBS Electrum Best Seller100 Detailed Items to Find in an Occultist’s Chambers, 100 Fantasy Drinks and The Warlock Returns Issue #01 have all gone up to Electrum from Silver.

OBS Silver Best Seller10 Fantasy Villages, 100 Alchemical Creations, 100 Books to Find on a Ravenloft Bookshelf, 100 Chaotic Happenings to Experience, 100 Descriptions for Modern Zombies, 100 Disturbing to Horrifying Fantasy Encounters, 100 Encounters for a Dubious Starport, 100 Traditional Chinese Medicinal Herbs to Find, 25 Items of Weird News and The Hermit of Castle Ruins have all gone up to Silver from Copper.

OBS Copper Best Seller100 Ceilings to Find in a Dungeon, 100 Encounters for Fantasy Plains, 100 Encounters for Fantasy Plains – Supplement for Zweihander RPG, 100 Fantasy Entertainers and Artists to See on the Street, 100 Notes and Letters to Find on Urth II, 100 Potentially Dubious Space Cargoes, 100 Secret and Hidden Doors and Passages to Find in a Dungeon, 100 Staircases to Find in a Dungeon, 100 Statues to Find in a Dungeon, 100 Things to Find in a Place of Worship, 100 Witches, 100 Xenoarchaeological Finds, Cities of Sundara: Ironfire (5E), Curse of the Ancient Tomb and The Warlock Returns Issue #03 have all reached Copper.

Encounters for Ironfire: The City of Steel

Ironfire: The City of SteelFour encounters for each of the districts of Ironfire are given here. The encounters will work with the Pathfinder and 5E versions of the supplement.

Stone Pole

  1. Two fighters salute each other as seconds stand by and commence a duel. The duel is over quickly, to the disappointment of the watchers, as one of the combatants was easily wounded by the other.
  2. A boisterous group of mercenaries who appear to be freshly arrived in town are entering the Ashes.
  3. Outside one of the armour sellers in the district, two mercenaries are discussing the merits of different types of armour with the owner, which involves much gesturing as if with weapons.
  4. A group of applicants wanting to join the Scarlet Company are shown inside the Scarlet Chevron by one of the Crimson Sergeants to prove their worth.

The Harbour

  1. One of the Harbour’s defence ships suddenly surges out of dock, seemingly in a hurry to get out into the water.
  2. Outside the Clearinghouse, someone stands on a crate and says they are looking for labourers for the day. There’s a surge as those still waiting for employment push forward.
  3. A gnome that is muttering to himself starts unpacking a crate on the docks. Everyone around him starts to back away and give him a clear berth.
  4. An argument breaks out between one of the custom agents, a ship’s captain and a merchant who owns a cargo brought in on the ship, over whether or said a cargo has been properly inspected.


  1. A new mural is being added to a building by two artists and passers-by stop to take a look at it.
  2. A group has assembled outside the Museum of Artistic Industry and a guide is calling them to attention as they are about to be shown around.
  3. A loud rumbling noise comes from Irons Academy, loud enough that those who can hear it check to see if anything has happened.
  4. A tea shop is setting up a number of tables outside its front door and a few customers are waiting for seats when they are ready.


  1. A huge gout of steam bursts from one of the vents, causing those nearest it to duck out of the way.
  2. Wagons that are by Oak Gate are being directed back out of the city again, to the warehouses that stand just outside, as the guard is telling the drivers the goods on them are unsuitable for storing in the city.
  3. Two dark shapes are seen down an alley. One looks to be struggling with the other.
  4. A barker is advertising the benefits of the inn and brothel they are promoting to any who pass.

The Dragon Forge

  1. Red-glowing slag hisses out into the canals of the Slag Runs as engineers open the locks for the stuff expelled from the Forge.
  2. A public meeting of the representatives of the city’s districts is being held and spectators are filing into the Castle to watch.
  3. Steam loudly whistles from the outbuildings of Smokefield, as excess is vented into the air.
  4. Slagbreakers head away from the Slag Runs with cartloads of slag that have been broken up.

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100 Xenoarchaeological Finds, A Dekas of Alchemical Items (PFRPG) and 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in the Pirate Nations Now Available

100 Xenoarchaeological Finds100 Xenoarchaeological Finds, A Dekas of Alchemical Items (PFRPG) and 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in the Pirate Nations are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

Previous civilisations in a science fiction setting may have left remains behind and 100 Xenoarchaeological Finds has 100 small items that could be found in various places. They may be useful, dangerous or odd.

A Dekas of Alchemical Items (PFRPG) has ten new alchemical items for Pathfinder that characters could make, buy or find in the possession of others.

Characters may encounter rumours when asking around on various matters and 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in the Pirate Nations has 100 such for the 7th Sea’s Pirate Nations. Whether or not any rumour is true is up to the GM.

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Releasing in May 2021

Coming Soon

May 1st

  • 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in the Pirate Nations
  • 100 Xenoarchaeological Finds
  • A Dekas of Alchemical Items (PFRPG)

May 8th

  • 100 Encounters for Fantasy Mountains (3Deep)
  • 100 Ruins to Encounter
  • Filler Art – Hidden Ladder
  • The Secret Languages of Sorrow: 100 Mourning Cant Dialects and Phrases

May 15th

  • A Baker’s Dozen of Eremeän Locations
  • Cities of Sundara: Hoardreach (5E)
  • Cities of Sundara: Hoardreach (PFRPG)

May 22nd

  • 100 Minor Jobs for Adventurers
  • 100 Snow and Ice Encounters (Lore 100)
  • d66 Hooks and Rumours for the Forbidden Lands

May 29th

  • 100 Books to Find in Miskatonic Country
  • 100 Post-Apocalyptic Rumours to Hear
  • A Baker’s Dozen of Sorcerous Items (DS&DS)
  • Filler Art – Papers

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