Our Black Friday sale is now live on itch. Nine supplements have 25% off for just over three days, or they can all be bought together as a bundle.
Click here to see the offers.
Our Black Friday sale is now live on itch. Nine supplements have 25% off for just over three days, or they can all be bought together as a bundle.
Click here to see the offers.
The Black Friday/Cyber Monday Sale is now live on DriveThruRPG. For just under five days, 364 of our supplements have from 20% to 40% off their price.
Click here to see them.
In addition, there are reductions on our 7th Sea, DMs Guild, Traveller and Zweihander supplements, as well as 100 Books to Find on a Mage’s Bookshelf.
24XX: Deep Space Explorers is now available to buy on itch.
This is a lo-fi sci-fi RPG about exploring deep space using the 2400 system. Being the first to jump into a system is potentially dangerous, but potentially lucrative. The supplement has tables for generating characters and system.
100 Sci-Fi Mercenary Companies, 100 Rumours for Saga of the Goblin Horde and d66 Stronghold Flaws are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.
Whenever there are wars to be fought, you can find people willing to fight them for money, not a cause. 100 Sci-Fi Mercenary Companies has 100 different mercenary companies for a futuristic setting. Characters could go up against these companies, or perhaps seek to join or even hire them.
100 Rumours for Saga of the Goblin Horde has 100 rumours for this setting from Zadmar Games. They can be used as potential adventure hooks or just as background colour.
The Forbidden Lands Player’s Handbook has a d6 table of stronghold flaws. d66 Stronghold Flaws has many more flaws that can be used instead of this, adding new hooks and problems
A new video has been published on YouTube that previews the first few pages of 100 Encounters for Fantasy Plains.
Giant Space Spider is now available to buy from itch.
This is a new Background for Troika! Numinous Edition, describing an enormous space-dwelling spider.
Fifteen more supplements have reached new best-selling levels on DriveThruRPG.
100 Less Than Useful Books to Find on a Fantasy Bookshelf has gone up to Electrum from Silver.
100 Conspiracy Books to Find on a Bookshelf, 100 Histories and Legends for Fantasy Weapons, 100 More Traditional Chinese Medicinal Herbs to Find, 100 Rumours to Hear in Pugmire and 100 Things to Find by the Side of the Road have gone up to Silver from Copper.
Bes100 Disturbing to Horrifying Fantasy Encounters , 100 Ghostly Apparitions to Encounter, 100 Male Luchador Names, 100 Rumours to Hear in Théah, 100 Things to Find at Farmers’ Markets and Craft Fairs, 100 Things to Find in a Garage, 100 Underearth Locations, The Time Bandits of the Motley Faire and The Tree of Sighing Blades have all reached Copper.
100 Things Dubious Politicians Didn’t Want Overheard, 10 Ammunition Spells (5E) and Colour Filler Art – Mixed Coin Stacks are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.
Some politicians may be less than honest, and they may have secrets that they didn’t want someone else to overhear. 100 Things Dubious Politicians Didn’t Want Overheard has 100 snippets of such conversations for characters to hear.
10 Ammunition Spells (5E) is a 5th Edition supplement that has ten different spells that can be used to enhance ammunition.
Colour Filler Art – Mixed Coin Stacks is a piece of colour stock art for personal or commercial use that depicts mixed stacks of coins.
Alone in the Fantasy Forest is now available to buy on itch.
This is a solo journalling TTRPG in which the player’s character is a exploring a fantasy forest. It requires a standard set of 52 cards and a d6 to play.
Basilisks are feared eight-legged reptiles, not so much for their poisonous bite as for their gaze which turns those who meet it to stone. Basilisks can be found in most terrain, and statues may be the first sign there is one present.