All posts by Azukail

25 Items of Weird News, 100 Encounters for a Fantasy Jungle – Supplement for Zweihander RPG and Colour Filler Art – Buried Treasure Chest Now Available

25 Items of Weird News25 Items of Weird News, 100 Encounters for a Fantasy Jungle – Supplement for Zweihander RPG and Colour Filler Art – Buried Treasure Chest are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Characters may uncover stories in newspapers and 25 Items of Weird News has 25 stories for them to uncover. These may be the sign of something odd or weird going on, or them may have perfectly normal explanations.

Whilst travelling through jungle or rainforest regions, characters may encounter things. 100 Encounters for a Fantasy Jungle – Supplement for Zweihander RPG has 100 such encounters, some of which may be interesting and some potentially dangerous.

Colour Filler Art – Buried Treasure Chest is a piece of stock art for commercial or personal use that shows a partially buried open chest of gold coins.

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D10: What’s Found in the Gelatinous Cube?

Gelatinous Cube
Image: Jacob E. Blackmon

Gelatinous cubes are conscientious dungeon cleaners, eating up all that organic matter than can be found, including unwary adventurers. They cannot digest metal or stone, so what items of minimal or no value might be found inside a dead one?

  1. Copper coin bearing the head of an unknown monarch. One edge has been sharpened.
  2. Deformed-looking skull that is just a partially-digested human skull.
  3. Flint arrowhead.
  4. Iron bands that used to reinforce a barrel.
  5. Oblong steel token, measuring 2″x1/2″ with “Admit One” etched into one face.
  6. Odd-shaped piece of stone that turns out to be a nose broken from a statue.
  7. One steel boot.
  8. Steel funerary urn, open and empty, with “Mother” inscribed on it.
  9. Threads of gold, all that survives from a gold-embroidered piece of clothing.
  10. Twenty-five studs, all loose, that were once set into a leather belt.

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100 Strange Beliefs to Hold and A Baker’s Dozen of Drugs Now Available

100 Strange Beliefs to Hold100 Strange Beliefs to Hold and A Baker’s Dozen of Drugs are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Characters may come across people and groups with peculiar beliefs and 100 Strange Beliefs to Hold has 100 such for them to have. Some of the beliefs are harmless whilst others could result in their holdings doing violence.

A Baker’s Dozen of Drugs has 13 new drugs for Shadow of the Demon Lord. Most of the drugs have benefits for their use but one is primarily intended to control others. All have problems if they are over used.

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Rumours, Notes and Books Collection (5E Fantasy Grounds) Now Available

Rumours, Notes and Books Collection (5E Fantasy Grounds)Rumours, Notes and Books Collection (5E Fantasy Grounds) is now available to buy from Steam and Fantasy Grounds.

This is a collection of the following supplements that have been adapted for 5E and Fantasy Grounds.

One demo video for the modules is currently available; three more will follow.

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Releasing in June 2020

Coming SoonThese are the supplements scheduled for release in June 2020.

June 6th

  • 100 Strange Beliefs to Hold
  • A Baker’s Dozen of Drugs

June 13th

  • 100 Encounters for a Fantasy Jungle (Zweihander)
  • 25 Items of Weird News
  • Colour Filler Art – Open Buried Chest

June 20th

  • 100 Cats to Find in the Monarchies of Mau
  • 100 Secret Societies

June 27th

  • 100 Encounters for a Fantasy Swamp
  • 100 Encounters for a Fantasy Swamp (PFRPG)
  • Book Cover 5

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The Nightaxe Conspiracy (PFRPG) and 100 Elemental Locations Now Available

The Nightaxe Conspiracy (PFRPG)The Nightaxe Conspiracy (PFRPG) and 100 Elemental Locations are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

The Nightaxe Conspiracy (PFRPG) by Daniel Aznavorian is an urban adventure for 1st level characters for Pathfinder 1E. In this adventure, the characters see a bar fight turn nasty due to the influence of a drug. Following up on this leads them to a gang that is distributing this drug. The adventure comes with separate PDFs of stats as well as battlemaps.

100 Elemental Locations has 100 locations with an elemental theme, 25 each of air, earth, fire and water. These can be used to flesh out an elemental plane or places with strong elemental connections. Each is named and given a brief description as to what makes it interesting.

Lowborn #1 Print on Demand Unboxing

This is a short video that gives a preview of what the print on demand version of Lowborn #1 is like.

Crossroad Chronicler: Volume 3 Now Available

Crossroad Chronicler: Volume 3Crossroad Chronicler: Volume 3 is now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

This is not published by us but we have contributed to it. This issue contains articles related to solo play and Ironsworn, including ocean terrain oracles and creatures, alternate solo rules for Black Spear, motivation mechanics, secret clocks and timeplay in Ironsworn.

100 Rumours to Hear in the Wild West and The Lair of Ozymandius Now Available

100 Rumours to Hear in the Wild West100 Rumours to Hear in the Wild West and The Lair of Ozymandius are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Characters may hear rumours whilst inquiring in places and 100 Rumours to Hear in the Wild West has 100 suitable for hearing in the American Old, or Wild, West. They can be misinformation, background colour or potential adventure hooks.

The Lair of Ozymandius has the characters attempting to escape from the underground island lair of their captor. This process is made more difficult because they are missing heir memories.

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3d6: Giant Ant Colony

Giant Ant
Image: Jacob E. Blackmon

Giant ants, like their smaller cousins, can often be found in colonies. The colonies are naturally much larger than a normal ant colony, but fortunately, given that they are the size of a small pony, they are inhabited by significantly fewer ants.

What’s Happening in the Colony?

  1. A train of workers is carrying food deep into the colony; the food is an assortment of vegetation and unidentifiable pieces of meat.
  2. Drones are clinging to the ceiling, fanning their wings to spread fresh air through the colony’s tunnels.
  3. Six workers are repairing a piece of wall that has partially collapsed.
  4. Three soldiers are killing an invading soldier from another colony.
  5. Two workers are digging a new tunnel or cave to expand the colony.
  6. Workers are carrying freshly-laid eggs through the tunnels.

What Features Can Be Found in the Colony?

  1. Aphid farm, in which giant aphids are being tended to be workers.
  2. Cave in which ant eggs are stored, waiting to hatch.
  3. Caved-in tunnel, blocking part of the colony off.
  4. Food storage area, filled with pieces of plant, fruit and meat.
  5. Mushroom cave, where workers are tending fungi.
  6. Stream of fresh water cutting the tunnel in half.

What Does the Ant Look Like?

  1. An eye is damaged.
  2. Gouges cover its exoskeleton.
  3. Missing an antenna.
  4. Part of one leg is missing.
  5. Piebald patches on its exoskeleton.
  6. Sticky sap covers the ant, slowing it down.

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