In this video, Neal Litherland talks about faith and cults in the Sundara setting.
Releasing in June 2023
June 3rd
- 100 Dungeon Entrances (C&C)
- 100 Items to Salvage from a Spaceship
- 100 Knick-knacks for Ghelspad III
- Map – City 1
June 10th
- 100 Encounters for Moorlands and Heaths (Black Spear)
- 100 Gangsters, Gun Mals, and Goons
- What Has He Got in His Pockets? 100 Druid Items
June 17th
- 100 Sluagh for Changeling: the Dreaming
- Guilds of Sundara (5E)
- Guilds of Sundara (PFRPG)
June 24th
- 100 Books to Find in or about Bard’s Gate
- 100 Decorative Features for Interiors
- 100 Notes and Letters for the Nile Empire
100 Encounters for Fantasy Hills (Black Spear) PDF Preview
A new video has been published on YouTube that previews the first few pages of 100 Encounters for Fantasy Hills (Black Spear).
D10: The Strange Rumours – Ruk
The Strange is a game published by Monte Cook Games. It is, at least in part, set in the normal world, but there are other worlds out there, in the Strange. This list has ten rumours for that setting, similar to the various different adventure hooks in the books, and these can be used as adventure hooks or simple misinformation.
- A small group of Ruk’s inhabitants are said to be promoting only natural birth and claiming that family connections are far more important than the inhabitants believe. Their beliefs, in fact, seem to have been influenced by Earth humans’ approach to children and family, and those factions who are less keen on Earth are proclaiming that the group has been tainted and needs eradicating.
- Devotees of the All Song of Ruk say that the All Song arose as a way to repair the damage done to the True Code by whatever accident Ruk suffered in the Strange. There are claims, though, that as a patch, the All Song is flawed, and it is now at the stage where it is causing more damage to Ruk than it is solving.
- It’s believed that some sort of accident in the Strange damaged Ruk severely, compromising both its structure and the True Code on which everything depends. There are claims that this accident wasn’t an accident, and was instead the result of deliberate action by malign forces, but no-one seems to know just who or what said forces might be.
- Most believe that the inhabitants of Ruk did not originally look like humans from Earth, as they do now, but reshaped themselves so that they could better interact with the people of Earth. Not everyone of Ruk believes this, but there are rumours of a small faction who not only believe it but believe that the people of Ruk should seek to regain their original form, blaming Earth humans for them having changed from their rightful shape.
- Perhaps half of Ruk’s population doesn’t experience natural childbirth, instead being grown in vats. There have been rumours of problems with some of these vats recently, with those being born from them coming out… wrong. No-one seems to be clear at how they are wrong, but something just doesn’t feel right about them.
- Ruk was built as a lifeboat fleeing the consumption by a planetovore of its originating civilisation, eventually getting wrecked on the Shoals of Earth, though little more is known about the event or the origin. There are rumours that Ruk wasn’t the only lifeboat constructed by the civilisation, and that there may be at least one more out there somewhere.
- The Church of the Embodiment is the largest of Ruk’s factions and believes that adhering and preserving the True Code will result in the arrival of a messiah. It’s rumoured that some members of the faction believe that the All Song is preventing their messiah from arriving, and are planning to take action against followers of the All Song.
- The walls of Ruk are massive spars of organimer that pierce and protect the landscape, though some also lie shattered. It’s rumoured that the organimer spars are starting to break, though, and break at an increasing speed. None claim to have seen this happen, but it’s said that the factions are trying to discover if this is true and, if it is, discover a way of stopping it.
- Those of Ruk seek to find fragments of their lost genetic code that are represented in the True Code. There are rumours that, somewhere, perhaps hidden on Ruk, in the Strange nearby or even upon Earth, is a repository of the True Code that contains much of the missing knowledge, and there are many factions that would love to get their hands on such a repository.
- Though those of Earth only recently became aware of Ruk, those of Ruk have known of Earth since before recorded history. It’s believed that a number of historical figures may have come from Ruk, and some suggest that Ruk has been gradually shaping Earth’s history of its own ends.
100 Fantasy Underwater Encounters, 100 Fantasy Underwater Encounters (PFRPG) and 100 Books for a Pirates of Pugmire Bookshelf Now Available
100 Fantasy Underwater Encounters, 100 Fantasy Underwater Encounters (PFRPG) and 100 Books for a Pirates of Pugmire Bookshelf are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.
Even underwater, characters can have encounters, and 100 Fantasy Underwater Encounters has 100 such to have. These can be used as dangers, background colour or potential adventure hooks.
100 Fantasy Underwater Encounters (PFRPG) is the above supplement converted for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. You do not need both versions.
Books can be important, but not every book is like that. 100 Books for a Pirates of Pugmire Bookshelf has 100 less useful books that could be found on or about the Pirates of Pugmire.
PaizoCon23 MegaBundle
100 Knick-knacks for Magnimar is one of the supplements in the PaizoCon23 MegaBundle. Click here to get it and a host of other supplements for 89% off at $19.99.
Discussions of Darkness Episode 9 :Addressing (And Inverting) Stereotypes in The World of Darkness
In this, the ninth episode in a series of videos in which Neal Litherland covers Chronicles and World of Darkness, he looks at stereotypes in the setting.
PaizoCon Online Sale

The PaizoCon Online Sale is now live on DriveThruRPG and 79 of our supplements have up to 25% off for just over a week. Click here to see them.
D10: Night City Rumours – Medical Center
10 Hooks and Rumours for Cyberpunk’s Night City
This list has ten hooks and rumours that can be heard in or about the Medical Center district of Night City. Whether or not they are true is up to the GameMaster. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.
- A contract dispute between Amerline and the private security force they hired to maintain the Amerline Depot in Medical Center has resulted in an upsurge in crime in the depot. Because of this, some customers are reputedly choosing not to use the company, which may lead to them resolving the dispute quickly, and others are said to have decided to protect themselves, often pre-emptively, which has led to a number of incidents.
- Argus Inc. in the Barbican Building of Night City’s Medical Center has been focusing on developing software for many local medical facilities. There have been rumours of problems with some of the applications developed recently, which is unusual as Argus programs are normally considered to be the most reliable on the market. Though it’s possible Argus may have been cutting corners, it’s perhaps more likely that someone is attempting to damage their reputation.
- Medical Technologies in Night City’s Medical Center grows new body parts and stores existing ones, all for use in medical purposes. The building has fairly low security, even though what’s stored could be considered to be valuable, but it’s rumoured that it’s only most of the building that has relatively low security. There are said to be hidden labs whose security would make Arasaka envious. Which leads to speculation as to just what might be going on in them.
- Night City’s Municipal Criminal Justice Complex in Medical Center is, naturally, one of the city’s most secure buildings, housing as it does Police Precinct #1 as well as jail cells, police academy and all the relevant other offices and training areas. Equally naturally, some consider a building so secure to be a challenge. No-one has managed to break the security, or at least no-one is known to have, and there are rumours about just what happens to those why try and fail.
- The Jellical Inn in Night City’s Medical Center requires all the personnel attire themselves as cats, which proves to be a popular diversion for the primarily business travellers to whom the hotel caters. There are rumours that some of the personnel are not merely attired as cats, but have had cybernetic enhancements to make a more convincing appearance, and that these personnel are for travellers with more… exotic tastes.
- The MacMillan Building in Night City’s Medical Center is occupied by a large number of psychologists and psychiatrists. Sometimes, someone with more serious problems than the white-collar people the practitioners usually see is brought into the building. It’s rumoured that there is a very secure room hidden within the building’s core after an incident involving a cyberpsycho.
- The Night Owl in the Bay Bridge Residential Hotel in Night City’s Medical Center is one of the few bars in the city that never closes. Those who patronise the bar are tend to mind their own business, and it’s rumoured a few of them use the bar as a place to mind their own illegal business; it’s said that with the right contacts at the Night Owl you can get just about anything you might want.
- The U(F)C Health Sciences Center in Night City’s Medical Center is a branch of the University of Free California Medical School and med students go there for their two years of schooling. The students and interns won’t turn people away from the 24-hour emergency clinic, due to wanting the practice, but expensive supplies will be cut back if someone can’t afford the fee. It’s also rumoured that some of those who can’t afford to pay do end up paying in other ways, as they are dismantled and sold piecemeal as donor organs and slightly used cyberware.
- There’s a rumour that information that could be quite embarrassing for the federal government has been acquired by a netrunner. Little is known of the details, but it’s been said that representatives have been seen at Eurasiabank Plaza in Night City’s Medical Center, apparently in talks with the bank about the matter.
- WorldSat Communications Center in Night City’s Medical Center is occasionally accused by a paranoid of beaming microwaves at their offices in the Corporate Center. There’s no evidence this is true, or why WorldSat would want to do it, but it’s rumoured that one individual was so convinced of this that they tried to beam their own microwaves back at WorldSat.
Want some general cyberpunk rumours? Check out 100 Cyber City Rumours.
D10: Night City Rumours – Medical Center is unofficial content provided under the Homebrew Content Policy of R. Talsorian Games and is not approved or endorsed by RTG. This content references materials that are the property of R. Talsorian Games and its licensees.
100 Body Mods and Augmentations For Your Sci Fi Game, A Dekas of Alchemical Items IV (5E) and 100 Hooks and Rumours for Fading Suns Now Available
100 Body Mods and Augmentations For Your Sci Fi Game, A Dekas of Alchemical Items IV (5E) and 100 Hooks and Rumours for Fading Suns are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.
Characters may look into adding cybernetic enhancements to their bodies and 100 Body Mods and Augmentations For Your Sci Fi Game has 100 such that they can use.
A Dekas of Alchemical Items IV (5E) has ten new alchemical items for 5th Edition for characters to create or buy or for NPCs to own.
Characters may hear rumours whilst asking around for information and 100 Hooks and Rumours for Fading Suns has 100 such to hear. They can be used as colour, misinformation or potential adventure hooks.