This is published by Sad Fishe Games, but we have contributed to it. This is a simple two-sided adventure in which the characters have to try to defend a village against raiders.
Numenera is a game published by Monte Cook Games. Its setting is the Ninth World, and this list has ten rumours for that setting. The rumours, which are similar to the Hearsay that can be found in the official books, can be used as adventure hooks or as simple misinformation.
Guran is known for the luminous blue baubles that are found in the nearby mines, which caused the Bauble Rush that resulted in the city’s founding. So many baubles were found that they have little value, but there are persistent rumours of baubles in colours other than blue, which are said to fetch a significantly higher price due to their scarcity. No-one seems to have ever seen these differently coloured baubles in person, though, with the rumours being relegated to the friend of a friend territory.
In the Clave, the oldest part of Guran, stands an unused morgue that was apparently ordered built by the town’s council during the Rose Plague, but was completed too late, after the plague had spent its course, and now stands empty. There are rumours, though, that this isn’t the real reason why the morgue was left empty after use, and that something happened in it during the plague that caused those who knew about it to hush it up.
Maggie and Marchie Yets run two different tailors in Guran’s Midmarket district. The two make different types of clothing, and would appear to have no real areas of conflict over what they make. Yet it’s rumoured that the sisters detest each other and have a long-standing conflict wherein each is trying to undermine the business of the other, whilst presenting a friendly face as far as the outside world can see.
Mylian Acan is the leader of Guran and has the support of much of the populace. He is an Aeon Priest and sometimes comes into conflict with some of the more fervent members of the order. It’s rumoured that this conflict is only deepening, as some of the other priests are objecting to how Mylian is making use of the numenera, and are working to undermine Mylian in any way they can. Or, perhaps, even take more extreme measures.
Sweet End is the part of Guran to visit for entertainment that is not of a family friendly nature and, given that its heart never closes, a lot of people are visiting to enjoy such entertainment. There are rumours of darker places, off Forever Street and away from the constant glow of baubles, were one can find entertainment that is outright illegal and would be shut down, should it ever be discovered by the authorities.
The Council of Guran assists the city’s leader, Mylian Acan, in governing the city and is also authorised to rule should anything happen to Mylian, though they must find a replacement within a week. There’s a rumour that several members of the council have already been corrupted by an opponent of Mylian, who plans to enlist a majority on their side before they strike down Mylian themselves.
The Hatchet in Guran is the town’s slum and is reputedly ruled by a mutant called Jirlin and his gang, with Jirlin feeding those who cross him to the ravage bear kept in a pit in the district. There’s a rumour, though, that the bear is looking rather sickly, and perhaps is dying from its long captivity. Should that be the case, Jirlin will lose one of his most effective measures against those who oppose him.
The part of Guran known simply as “that place” is a piece of forested land that is often used for hunting, as well as a meeting spot, whether that be for young couples or clandestine meetings. Due to hunting being common, it is also common for others visiting it to end up injured by accident. Though there are rumours that not every injury is accidental in nature.
The Rusted Relic in Guran is run by a woman called Mecky, who used to be a well-known Nano in the Steadfast and the right-hand woman of one of its leaders. There are many rumours about what happened that resulted in Mecky ending up in Guran and recently there are rumours that someone has been asking around after her, though it isn’t known why.
The Upper West and the Lower West are two districts of Guran which constantly engage in ribbing as to which of the two is better. Most of the time, this is good-natured, but sometimes it isn’t and there are suggestions that the ribbing might be about to degenerate into more active conflict between the two districts, though no-one seems to know why the situation has deteriorated so much.
Even in a post-apocalyptic setting, there can be things to encounter, ranging from the useful to the odd to the dangerous. 100 Encounters for Post-Apocalyptic Rivers has 100 such for swamps.
100 Encounters for Post-Apocalyptic Rivers (Mutant Future) is the above supplement converted for use with Mutant Future. You do not need both versions.
Characters may ask around for information and 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Heartwood has 100 rumours for them to hear in the Heartwood setting. They can be used as background colour, misinformation and potential adventure hooks.
Colour Filler Art – Mixed Coins in Sand has gold coins partially buried in sand. There is a single image on a transparent background, at 300 dpi. The image can be used for personal and commercial uses.
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In this, the first of a new series of videos in which Neal Litherland covers Chronicles and World of Darkness, he looks at what content the series will contain.
On Little Cat Feet is a piece of fiction from Cults of Sundara, one of the supplements for Cities of Sundara, which is available in versions for 5th Edition and Pathfinder.
Raskin Bowers reclined on his couch, a glass of wine in one hand, and his smoldering pipe in the other. A tall man whose thick shoulders and powerful arms were sheathed in a thin layer of recently-acquired fat, the governor had worked hard to raise himself out of the dirt of the common soldier’s lot. Promoted in the field, and then promoted within command, he’d eventually been elected to take charge of a collection of towns that had come under the rule of the Lander’s Guild. An aristocracy in all but name, the guild had deep pockets, but when gold wouldn’t get their way, they weren’t shy about using steel to enforce their will.
Bowers dragged deeply on his pipe, and closed his eyes as the slow-burning leaf filled his lungs. The old ache in his back from his years on the march began to fade, as did the tension in his temples. He blew the smoke out through his nostrils, sipping at his wine.
Despite his admonitions to himself not to take his duties to bed with him, he couldn’t help but think about the reports he’d been getting for a fortnight or more. Strange figures had been seen stalking through the night, vanishing into the surrounding countryside when approached by guild guards. Guild representatives had awoken to find rats with their guts torn out, or birds with their heads twisted off, the bodies left on the representatives’ side tables like presents. Or warnings. Bowers laid his wine glass aside, and put his pipe back to his lips. He had sent orders that these events were not to be discussed. They were petty tricks, and as such they should be ignored. The Lander’s Guild had to be above such things; to act, as Bowers said, as the stewards of those who had proven unable to be their own caretakers.
A breeze ruffled the governor’s hair. He frowned, and glanced at the window. It was open, letting in the night air. He laid his pipe aside, careful to keep the bowl facing upward. He dusted his hands, and crossed the room to the casement. He was sure he’d closed it earlier, after he’d had one too many papers blow off his desk and onto the floor. His legs were a tad unsteady, and he paused for a moment with one hand on the wall, and the other on the window.
That was when the lights went out.
At first, Bowers was sure it was just an errant breeze that had snuffed his candles. That was when he realized the night wind had died. He raised his gaze to the glass, and he saw a figure behind him. Before he could turn, though, he was seized by strong hands. One clamped down hard on the back of his neck, and the other cupped his throat. He felt five, sharp points prick his skin, and a trickle of blood bead down his neck.
“Move, and I will tear out your throat,” a soft voice whispered in his ear. “Do you understand?”
“I don’t know who you think you are-” Bowers snarled, until he felt the points dig into his neck.
“I will not repeat myself,” the voice hissed in his ear.
“Yes,” Bowers said after a moment. “I understand.”
“You will write to your superiors, and tell them they were misinformed,” the voice continued, a single, sharp point running up and down Bowers’ throat, just over his trip-hammering pulse. “The land here is bad, and yields sick crops. There is a blight that will curdle their coffers. Tell them there are creatures in the forests. It doesn’t matter what you say, so long as they understand that holding this place will cost them more than it could ever yield.”
“I can’t do that,” Bowers hissed. “If the guild finds out I lied to them, they’ll kill me.”
The pinpricks at Bowers’ throat grew hot, and dug deeper. The beads of blood on his neck grew to a trickle, and he felt one of the blades press up behind his jaw. He felt hot breath on his ear, and cold sweat on his brow.
“They might kill you, if they find you,” the voice purred. “I will do it here, and now. And I will do it in such a way that no one who hears the tale would ever accept your posting for themselves.”
“All right, all right,” Bowers moaned. “I’ll send the missive.”
“Tonight,” the voice said.
The pressure at Bowers’ throat increased another hair, then something struck the back of his knee. The governor was thrown to the ground, barely getting his hands up in time to stop himself from slamming into the boards. Bowers pushed himself to one side, rolling, snatching his dagger from its sheath as he came up, one arm ready to block a descending blow. All he saw was moonlight streaming in through the open window, and all he heard were the sounds of the night outside. He was alone once more.
Once the governor got his breathing under control he fumbled his way to his desk, and re-lit the taper with a hand sparker. He lifted a small mirror, looking at his throat. Four small punctures stood out clearly on one side of his neck. He dabbed away the blood, and collapsed into his chair. A night breeze made the window creak, and he shuddered.
Bowers drew a fresh sheet of paper from a sheaf. He took up his pen, and stared at his hand until the adrenaline shakes stopped. Once they had, he started writing. Blight had been discovered among the crops, he said, and entire fields had been lost. Worse, the soil had been tainted by something he could not identify. It was for this reason he recommended the Landers’ Guild withdraw their interest. Then, as a postscript, he resigned his commission with the organization. Bowers sealed the missive, stamping the wax before slipping it into an envelope.
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Even in the future people will join cults, looking for meaning in life. 100 Sci-Fi Cults has 100 such cults that characters could encounter or perhaps even attempt to join.
Gaps need crossing, and 100 Bridges to Find in a Dungeon (C&C) has 100 different bridges, though some are only loosely definable as such, to cross them. This is a conversion of the original supplement to Castles & Crusades.
Characters may hear things when asking around for information, and 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear for Pirates of Pugmire has 100 rumours for them to hear related to the Acid Sea and its settlements.
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