100 Encounters for the Post-Apocalyptic Mountains, 100 Encounters for the Post-Apocalyptic Mountains (Mutant Future), Map – Village 4 and 100 Hooks and Rumours for Dystopia Rising: Evolution

100 Encounters for the Post-Apocalyptic Mountains100 Encounters for the Post-Apocalyptic Mountains, 100 Encounters for the Post-Apocalyptic Mountains (Mutant Future), Map – Village 4 and 100 Hooks and Rumours for Dystopia Rising: Evolution are now available on DriveThruRPG.

100 Encounters for the Post-Apocalyptic Mountains has 100 encounters that characters could have in the moutains of a world that has suffered an apocalypse caused by war.

100 Encounters for the Post-Apocalyptic Mountains (Mutant Future) is the same supplement, but with Mutant Future stats added for some results.

Characters may hear rumours when asking around and 100 Hooks and Rumours for Dystopia Rising: Evolution has 100 such for the Nor’Merica setting. They can be used as background, misinformation and adventure hooks.

Map – Village 4 is a hand-drawn black and white village map with a 300dpi resolution in three versions that can be used for personal and commercial use.

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Neal Litherland Reads from 100 Strange Sights to See in The Hedge

A video has been published on YouTube, in which Neal Litherland reads the introductory fiction from 100 Strange Sights to See in The Hedge.

GMs Day Sale 2022

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The GMs Day Sale is now live on DriveThruRPG and 510 of our supplements have up to 30% off. Click here to see them.

In addition, many of our Community Content and Third Party items are also on sale, though there is no easy way to link to them.

Releasing in March 2022

Coming Soon

March 5th

  • 100 Encounters for the Post-Apocalyptic Mountains
  • 100 Encounters for the Post-Apocalyptic Mountains (Mutant Future)
  • 100 Hooks and Rumours for Dystopia Rising: Evolution
  • Map – Village 4

March 12th

  • 100 Airs and Atmospheres to Encounter in a Dungeon
  • 100 Airs and Atmospheres to Encounter in a Dungeon (PFRPG)
  • 100 Knick-knacks for Pugmire

March 19th

  • 100 Encounters for Coastal Regions (3Deep)
  • 100 Events for a Cyberpunk City
  • 150 Sights To See (And Rumors To Hear) In Absalom

March 26th

  • 100 Broadcasts in the Madness Network
  • 100 Patients to Find in an Emergency Room
  • 100 Snow and Ice Encounters (Black Spear)
  • Filler Art – Fang Necklace

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D8: Numenera Rumours – Caecilian Jungle

Numenera Cover
TM and © 2019 Monte Cook Games, LLC.

Numenera is a game published by Monte Cook Games. Its setting is the Ninth World, and this list has eight rumours for that setting. The rumours, which are similar to the Hearsay that can be found in the official books, can be used as adventure hooks or as simple misinformation.

  1. Archeol is a miniature city within the Caecilian Jungle, where the buildings rise no higher than the knee of a human. Those who have visited the city say that it is clearly inhabited, but the inhabitants have not been seen as yet. One Nao has postulated that the city is a reflection of an ultraterrestrial city, one that is in fact full size, and that its inhabitants can only be seen by travelling to their home dimension, something the Nano is hoping to achieve.
  2. It’s said that an immense, frog-like beast lurks somewhere within the Caecilian Jungle, preying on any creature that ventures too close to its home. The creature reputedly despises everything else and considers trespassers as nothing more than food waiting to be eaten. There are no first-hand accounts of this beast, because no-one is said to have survived the encounter.
  3. Le Temple de Frogue is one of the locations of interest said to be within the Caecilian Jungle and is said to be a fertility symbol, a giant temple constructed in the shape of a humanoid frog. There are rumours of strange beings lurking in the region of the temple, creatures of mud and flesh and frogs, and it’s said that sometimes these creatures venture away from the temple, seeking new people to incorporate into more of their kind.
  4. Mechanical creatures lurk in the Caecilian Jungle waiting for the foolish to enter so that they can be preyed upon. There are rumours that some of these creatures are more impatient, and unwilling to wait for prey to approach them. Instead, they raid out from the jungle at settlements and camps in the surrounding region.
  5. Scattered on the edges of the Caecilian Jungle are a number of makeshift camps that have been set up by those who decided not to proceed any further into the jungle, instead stopping and selling supplies, maps and equipment to those who do proceed. There are rumours that some of these camps are more dangerous to visit than others, for the inhabitants of these camps deliberately send people astray, to be robbed, sold into slavery or killed.
  6. The Caecilian Jungle is known for the strange creatures that can be found it, including, reportedly, carnivorous plants that have been enhanced. There are rumours, though, that some of these plants managed to escape from where they were being kept penned up and are now spreading out into the rest of the jungle and, perhaps, even beyond it.
  7. The Malingering Valley in the Caecilian Jungle is filled with cold springs that sometimes erupt in cold water and ice steam. One of the things that the eruptions may produce is small creatures carried up from the bowels of the earth. It’s said that sometimes these are things that have never been seen before, and sometimes a hefty reward is said to be offered by interested parties for any creatures recovered that have never been previously encountered.
  8. The Westwind is a tornado within the Caecilian Jungle that is in constant movement, and can carry away anything from a small animal to a tree. The Westwind constantly changes its size, but there’s a rumour that recently it has only been getting larger, never smaller again. It’s also said that the Westwind’s movement has become more purposeful of late, as if being directed by something.

Want some items that could be used as oddities? Check out 100 Xenoarchaeological Finds.

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100 Sights to See at the Port, 100 Encounters for a Fantasy Jungle (Black Spear) and 100 Notes, Letters or Graffiti to Find in or about Undermountain Now Available

100 Sights to See at the Port100 Sights to See at the Port and 100 Encounters for a Fantasy Jungle (Black Spear) are now available on DriveThruRPG and 100 Notes, Letters or Graffiti to Find in or about Undermountain is available on DMs Guild.

Characters can have encounters at ports and 100 Sights to See at the Port has 100 such for them to see in the port or perhaps the associated settlement. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.

Whilst travelling through a jungle, characters can have encounters and 100 Encounters for a Fantasy Jungle (Black Spear) has some that can be used for colour, or potential adventure hooks. This is a conversion of the original supplement. You do not need both versions.

100 Notes, Letters or Graffiti to Find in or about Undermountain has 100 notes, letters or graffiti to find in Undermountain, covering levels 1 to 11. Each snippet has details as to what it refers to and there are supplementary tables for customising the appearance.

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100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in or about Deneb PDF Preview

A new video has been published on YouTube that previews the first few pages of 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in or about Deneb.

Cities of Sundara: Ironfire (5E) is Deal of the Day

Cities of Sundara: Ironfire (5E)Cities of Sundara: Ironfire (5E) is today’s Deal of the Day on DriveThruRPG and has 50% off, reduced to $2. Click here to see it.

In addition, the rest of the Sundara range, 5E and Pathfinder, has 25% off for the next week. Click here to see the titles.

100 Tips and Tricks for Being a Better Game Master PDF Preview

A new video has been published on YouTube that previews the first few pages of 100 Tips and Tricks for Being a Better Game Master.


Faith is a piece of fiction for Gods of Sundara, which is available in versions for 5th Edition and Pathfinder.

Gods of SundaraThe acolyte knelt on his simple rug, holding still in the silence. The echo of his question was ringing in his ears, and he was fighting a flush of embarrassment that he’d asked it at all. His teacher, an older, handsome woman with her lips stained as red as her robes, regarded him quietly. There was a hint of a smile at the corners of her mouth, and lurking behind her eyes. The acolyte dropped his eyes, but kept his head held high.

“I was wondering when you would find the courage to finally let that one off your lips,” Amari said, her voice playful, but not mocking.

“You knew?” Vitar asked.

Amari’s smile finally broke the dam, and her laughter came with it. She shook her head, carefully dabbing the corner of her eye so as not to smudge her carefully-applied kohl. “Vitar, my dear pupil, every priest who has knelt on that rug has wondered that same thing in their hearts. And if I am to tell you the full truth, as I swore to do when I accepted my position, it would not surprise me to learn that most pupils of all the world’s faiths from the great to the small have asked it in one way or another.”

“So there is an answer?” Vitar asked, raising his eyes.

“There are many answers,” Amari replied, nodding to him. “I don’t know which of them is correct, but I can tell you the one I have come to believe over the years.”

Vitar swallowed hard. He’d been expecting to be chastised, or worse to be brushed off. He leaned forward, his hands on his thighs, his eyes bright with expectation. Amari smiled, and for just a moment wondered if she’d looked as young and innocent as her charge when she’d finally gotten up the courage to ask the question that came out of every acolyte’s mouth sooner or later.

“Are the gods real?” Amari asked, repeating Vitar’s question. “Yes. But they are real in the way the sky is real, or that time is real. Or the bottom of the sea. They are too large for us to see in their entirety, or to truly contemplate without feeling very small inside ourselves. For while we may understand them in part, it is often impossible for us to truly know them except in the way that a mouse might know a thunderstorm.”

Vitar swallowed, and nodded. He started rubbing a fraying patch on his robes with his thumb; a nervous habit Amari had yet to break him of. She waited, letting him work through his thoughts in his own time. Part of being a teacher was to know when to let the student do the work for themselves.

“If they are real, but we cannot know them, then why do we do this?” Vitar asked, swallowing.

“You know the answer already, don’t you?” Amari said. It wasn’t a question, though she asked it like one.

“Faith,” Vitar said.

“Faith,” Amari agreed, nodding her head approvingly.

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