Tag Archives: Flavour

100 Encounters for the Borderland Regions, 100 Books to Find in Aihrde and Children of The Night: 100 Animal Ghouls

100 Encounters for the Borderland Regions100 Encounters for the Borderland Regions and 100 Books to Find in Aihrde are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG and Children of The Night: 100 Animal Ghouls is available on Storytellers Vault.

The borderlands are the region between the civilised regions and the wilds, areas of potential conflict where civilisation may be in advance or retreat. 100 Encounters for the Borderland Regions has 100 encounters for such regions to enliven a journey.

Books can be valuable or useful but not every book is truly either. 100 Books to Find in Aihrde has 100 books for the World of Aihrde that can be used to fill a bookshelf or library.

Vampires do not only turn humans into servants; they use animals as well. Children of The Night: 100 Animal Ghouls has 100 animal ghouls for a Vampire game.

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100 Pieces of Futuristic Data for Characters to Discover, 100 Snow and Ice Encounters (3Deep) and d66 Hooks and Rumours for the Bleed Now Available

100 Pieces of Futuristic Data for Characters to Discover100 Pieces of Futuristic Data for Characters to Discover, 100 Snow and Ice Encounters (3Deep) and d66 Hooks and Rumours for the Bleed are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Whilst searching computer systems and networks, characters can come across bits and pieces of information. 100 Pieces of Futuristic Data for Characters to Discover has things for them to discover which may or may not be important.

100 Snow and Ice Encounters (3Deep) can be used to enliven journeys through regions of snow and ice. This is a conversion of the original supplement to 3Deep.

Characters may overhear rumours when asking around and d66 Hooks and Rumours has 36 rumours for Ashen Stars’ Bleed setting. Whether or not any rumour is true is up to the GM.

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100 Post-Apocalyptic Rumours to Hear, A Baker’s Dozen of Sorcerous Items (DSDS), 100 Books to Find in Miskatonic Country and Filler Art – Papers Now Available

100 Post-Apocalyptic Rumours to Hear100 Post-Apocalyptic Rumours to Hear, A Baker’s Dozen of Sorcerous Items (DSDS), 100 Books to Find in Miskatonic Country and Filler Art – Papers are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Characters may hear rumours when asking around and 100 Post-Apocalyptic Rumours to Hear has some for a post-apocalyptic setting. The setting is assumed to be one after a final war, and the rumours can be used for anything from background colour to adventure hooks.

A Baker’s Dozen of Sorcerous Items (DSDS) has 13 new sorcerous items for Dark Streets & Darker secrets. None are necessarily safe to use.

Books can be a useful source of information and 100 Books to Find in Miskatonic Country has 100 minor books to flesh out a bookshelf. They may be found in or about Miskatonic Country,

Filler Art – Papers has 14 different 300 dpi hand drawn images of pieces of paper in two versions. They may be used in commercial and personal projects.

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100 Minor Jobs for Adventurers, 100 Snow and Ice Encounters (Lore 100) and d66 Hooks and Rumours for the Forbidden Lands Now Available

100 Minor Jobs for Adventurers100 Minor Jobs for Adventurers, 100 Snow and Ice Encounters (Lore 100) and d66 Hooks and Rumours for the Forbidden Lands are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Characters may not always be able to do the big adventures and 100 Minor Jobs for Adventurers has 100 small tasks they could do, for small amounts of money, goods or services.

100 Snow and Ice Encounters (Lore 100) has 100 encounters that can be used to liven up journeys through cold lands. This is a conversion of the original supplement to Lore 100.

Characters may ask around for information, and d66 Hooks and Rumours for the Forbidden Lands has 36 rumours that they could hear. These can be used for background colour, misinformation and potential adventure hooks.

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100 Ruins to Encounter, 100 Encounters for Fantasy Mountains (3Deep), 100 Mourning Cant Dialects, Phrases and Meanings and Filler Art – Hidden Ladder Now Available

100 Ruins to Encounter100 Ruins to Encounter, 100 Encounters for Fantasy Mountains (3Deep) and Filler Art – Hidden Ladder are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG and 100 Mourning Cant Dialects, Phrases and Meanings is available on Storytellers Vault.

In the wilder lands, characters may come across ruins, and 100 Ruins to Encounter has 100 such to discover. They range from small fragments to large fortresses.

100 Encounters for Fantasy Mountains (3Deep) has 100 encounters for fantasy mountains. The supplement has been adapted to the 3Deep rules.

100 Mourning Cant Dialects, Phrases and Meanings has 100 examples of Winter Court Mourning Cant for Changeling: The Lost.

Filler Art – Hidden Ladder is a piece of stock art for commercial and personal use, depicting a hidden ladder. This is a 300 dpi TIFF in clear and white backgrounds.

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100 Xenoarchaeological Finds, A Dekas of Alchemical Items (PFRPG) and 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in the Pirate Nations Now Available

100 Xenoarchaeological Finds100 Xenoarchaeological Finds, A Dekas of Alchemical Items (PFRPG) and 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in the Pirate Nations are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

Previous civilisations in a science fiction setting may have left remains behind and 100 Xenoarchaeological Finds has 100 small items that could be found in various places. They may be useful, dangerous or odd.

A Dekas of Alchemical Items (PFRPG) has ten new alchemical items for Pathfinder that characters could make, buy or find in the possession of others.

Characters may encounter rumours when asking around on various matters and 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in the Pirate Nations has 100 such for the 7th Sea’s Pirate Nations. Whether or not any rumour is true is up to the GM.

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Cities of Sundara: Silkgift (PFRPG), Cities of Sundara: Silkgift (5E) and 100 Hooks and Rumours for Gods of the Fall Now Available

Cities of Sundara: Silkgift (PFRPG)Cities of Sundara: Silkgift (PFRPG), Cities of Sundara: Silkgift (5E) and 100 Hooks and Rumours for Gods of the Fall are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Cities of Sundara: Silkgift (PFRPG) describes a fantasy city, the third for a setting though it can be used elsewhere, with details on the city itself, locations and people, rumours and new game stats.

Cities of Sundara: Silkgift (5E )is the above supplement converted for use with the Fifth Edition of the World’s Most Popular Role Playing Game.

Characters may hear rumours when asking around and 100 Hooks and Rumours for Gods of the Fall has 100 such for the Gods of the Fall setting. They are similar to the hooks in the setting book, According to Prophecy, but what prophecy they apply to, and whether they are true, is up to the GM.

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100 Video Feeds to See in a Cyberpunk Setting, 100 Encounters for Fantasy Mountains (Lore 100) and New World Nights: 100 Ghouls For The American Camarilla Now Available

100 Video Feeds to See in a Cyberpunk Setting100 Video Feeds to See in a Cyberpunk Setting and 100 Encounters for Fantasy Mountains (Lore 100) are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG and New World Nights: 100 Ghouls For The American Camarilla is available from Storyteller’s Vault.

In a cyberpunk or other futuristic setting, characters may turn on a terminal or catch a glimpse of a larger screen. 100 Video Feeds to See in a Cyberpunk Setting has 100 different videos for them to see, from filler to odd to potential adventure hooks.

Mountains can be dangerous places to travel through and 100 Encounters for Fantasy Mountains (Lore 100) has 100 encounters to enliven a mountain journey to make it more interesting.

100 Ghouls For The American Camarilla has 100 ghouls described for Vampire. The ghouls are given their names and some personal details and include many that are independent.

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100 Staircases to Find in a Dungeon, 100 Encounters for a Fantasy Desert (3Deep) and 100 Notes and Letters to Find on Urth II Now Available

100 Staircases to Find in a Dungeon100 Staircases to Find in a Dungeon, 100 Encounters for a Fantasy Desert (3Deep) and 100 Notes and Letters to Find on Urth II are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Dungeons have staircases, of whatever sort, to connect levels, or parts of levels, together. 100 Staircases to Find in a Dungeon has staircases that a GM can drop in to make the area more interesting. They can be used as colour, hazards or potential adventure hooks.

Deserts can be mysterious and dangerous places and 100 Encounters for a Fantasy Desert (3Deep) has 100 encounters that characters could have. They can be used to enliven a desert journey.

Characters may come across notes and letters, whether searching a room or a body, and 100 Notes and Letters to Find on Urth II has 100 such for them to find. They may or may not be relevant to anything.

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100 Potentially Dubious Space Cargoes, 100 Random Encounters for on the Road or in the Wilderness – Supplement for Zweihander, Filler Art – Rock Outcropping and Book Cover Bundle 1 Now Available

100 Potentially Dubious Space Cargoes100 Potentially Dubious Space Cargoes, 100 Random Encounters for on the Road or in the Wilderness – Supplement for Zweihander, Filler Art – Rock Outcropping and Book Cover Bundle 1 are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

In a futuristic setting, characters may come across cargoes, either ones they are transporting for money or ones found in ships and warehouses. 100 Potentially Dubious Space Cargoes has 100 such, all of a possibly dubious nature, ranging from illegal to regulated to potentially dangerous.

A journey may be skipped over, or it could be gone into in more detail. 100 Random Encounters for on the Road or in the Wilderness – Supplement for Zweihander has 100 encounters to enliven a journey, from the odd to the beneficial to the potentially dangerous.

Filler Art – Rock Outcropping has a piece of stock art for personal and commercial use. This is a hand drawn black and white rock outcropping. It comes as a 300dpi TIFF with white and transparent backgrounds.

Book Cover Bundle 1 contains Book Covers 2-10 at 25% off.

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