Tag Archives: Flavour

100 Sights to See at the Faire, 100 Encounters for Fantasy Mountains (Zweihander) and Book Cover 8 Now Available

100 Sights to See at the Faire100 Sights to See at the Faire, 100 Encounters for Fantasy Mountains (Zweihander) and Book Cover 8 are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Faires are a common sight in small towns and villages and 100 Sights to See at the Faire has 100 encounters for a fantasy faire for characters to see, from stalls to encounters. They can be used to enliven a faire or as potential adventure hooks.

100 Encounters for Fantasy Mountains (Zweihander) has 100 different encounters for mountains, from the curious to the odd to the potentially hazardous. They can be used to add colour to a journey or as potential adventure hooks.

Book Cover 8 is a stock art multi-coloured patchwork leather design. It comes in A4 and US Letter sizes and in two versions, one with a transparent window. It is 300 dpi resolution and can be used commercially.

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100 Sights to See in a Steampunk City, Laboratory of the Terramancer and 100 Notes and Letters to Find in Pugmire Now Available

100 Sights to See in a Steampunk City100 Sights to See in a Steampunk City, Laboratory of the Terramancer and 100 Notes and Letters to Find in Pugmire are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Characters may see unusual sights in a steampunk city and 100 Sights to See in a Steampunk City has 100 such to encounter. They can be used as background flavour or perhaps as potential adventure hooks.

Laboratory of the Terramancer is a short adventure in which the characters explore an underground complex constantly being rebuilt by elementals.

100 Notes and Letters to Find in Pugmire has 100 such for characters to find in Pugmire, whether whilst searching a desk or a body. They may or may not be relevant, depending on what the Guide wishes.

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100 Familiars to Encounter, 100 Books to Find on an Ifrian Bookshelf and Filler Art – Clockwork Robot Now Available

100 Familiars to Encounter100 Familiars to Encounter, 100 Books to Find on an Ifrian Bookshelf and Filler Art – Clockwork Robot are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Many spellusers of one stripe or another have familiars, and 100 Familiars to Encounter has 100 for such to have. These are often more unusual familiars than normal animals.

Not every book found on a bookshelf is either useful or particularly valuable and 100 Books to Find on an Ifrian Bookshelf has 100 such books to flesh out a 7th Sea bookshelf on the topic of Ifri.

Filler Art – Clockwork Robot is a piece of black and white filler for commerical or personal use. It depicts a black and white clockwork robot in two variations at 300dpi resolution.

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100 Conspiracy Theories to Encounter, Creeping Undeath and 10 Ammunition Spells Now Available

100 Conspiracy Theories to Encounter100 Conspiracy Theories to Encounter, Creeping Undeath and 10 Ammunition Spells are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

100 Conspiracy Theories to Encounter is aimed at a suitable modern setting. These theories can be used by the GM to add flavour, misdirection or be a soure of adventure hooks.

Creeping Undeath sees the characters in a village when it starts getting overrun by undead. They will need to find the cause and stop it.

10 Ammunition Spells is a Pathfinder supplement that has ten different spells that can be used to enhance ammunition.

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100 Weird or Unsettling Childhood Events, The Forever Man, 100 Rumours to Hear in or About the Great Rift: Corridor and Reft and Book Cover 7 Now Available

100 Weird or Unsettling Childhood Events100 Weird or Unsettling Childhood Events, The Forever Man, 100 Rumours to Hear in or About the Great Rift: Corridor and Reft and Book Cover 7 are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

100 Weird or Unsettling Childhood Events has 100 strange events from a character’s childhood that could be used to flesh out their background or as a potential source of adventure hooks.

The Forever Man has the characters discover a man who has been trapped, still alive, under s atone for years. Once free, they want to regain their lands and punish their enemies.

100 Rumours to Hear in or About the Great Rift: Corridor and Reft has 100 rumours that characters could hear in a spaceport bar or other place about the Great Rift. They can be used as background colour or potential adventure hooks.

Book Cover 7 is a red scale with gold trimmings book cover that comes in A4 and US Letter sizes, and in a standard version and one with a transparent window for each size. They can be used for personal and commercial projects.

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100 Fantasy Entertainers and Artists to See on the Street, Treacherous Gold and 100 Snow and Ice Encounters (Zweihander) Now Available

100 Fantasy Entertainers and Artists to See on the Street100 Fantasy Entertainers and Artists to See on the Street, Treacherous Gold and 100 Snow and Ice Encounters (Zweihander) are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Characters may encounter entertainers and artists on the streets of a fantasy city, or in other places such as carnivals and taverns. 100 Fantasy Entertainers and Artists to See on the Street has 100 such to encounter, to add flavour or as potential adventure hooks.

Treacherous Gold sees the characters encounter a group of orcs with hostages. They may choose to buy the hostages’ freedom, try to free them with force or become hostages themselves. The supplement comes with two 24×24 battlemaps.

100 Snow and Ice Encounters (Zweihander) has 100 different encounters for cold and icy regions and winter for Zweihander. Some are potentially useful, some are potentially dangerous and some are odd.

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100 Fantasy Tattoos (And the Meaning Behind Them), The Horn of Holmir and 100 Things to Find in a Chemist or Pharmacy Now Available

100 Fantasy Tattoos (And the Meaning Behind Them)100 Fantasy Tattoos (And the Meaning Behind Them), The Horn of Holmir and 100 Things to Find in a Chemist or Pharmacy are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Tattoos are not just used for ornamentation; they can also have meaning. 100 Fantasy Tattoos (And the Meaning Behind Them) has 100 tattoos that denote things such as achievements and membership in organisations that can be used to enliven NPCs, indicate enemies or be something that characters strive to gain.

The Horn of Holmir sees the characters asked to recover some treasure from a recently discovered burial ship but other parties are after it as well.

100 Things to Find in a Chemist or Pharmacy has 100 over the counter medications and useful items to find in such a place. They can be used to flesh out a modern location or be loot in a post-apocalyptic one.

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100 Encounters for Fantasy Oceans, 100 Encounters for Fantasy Oceans (PFRPG), Crypt of Shadows and Filler Art – Coin Pile Now Available

100 Encounters for Fantasy Oceans100 Encounters for Fantasy Oceans, 100 Encounters for Fantasy Oceans (PFRPG), Crypt of Shadows and Filler Art – Coin Pile are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Oceans can be dangerous places and 100 Encounters for Fantasy Oceans has 100 ways of enlivening a voyage. Some may be potentially hazardous, others odd and some a source of adventure hooks.

The supplement is also available in a Pathfinder version which has Pathfinder stats added for some items. You do not need both versions.

Crypt of Shadows sees the characters asked to explore an ancient crypt below a stone circle. and unwittingly releasing a plague of shadows.

Filler Art – Coin Pile is a black and white hand drawn pile of coins at 300dpi resolution in two different versions, each of which comes with a transparent and a white background.

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100 Curious Items to Find, The Haunted Dagger and 100 Rumours to Hear in Ifri Now Available

100 Curious Items to Find100 Curious Items to Find, The Haunted Dagger and 100 Rumours to Hear in Ifri are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

100 Curious Items to Find has 100 odd items that characters could find in treasure hoards, shops or in the possession of NPCs. Whether not any of these items have meaning or value is up to the GM.

The Haunted Dagger is an enchanted dagger that contains the souls of some of those it has killed. The souls may be helpful or not.

Characters can come across rumours whilst searching for information and 100 Rumours to Hear in Ifri is a 7th Sea supplement with 100 rumours to hear in Ifri. Whether or not any particular rumour is true is up to the GM.

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100 Hazards to Find in a Dungeon, 100 Hazards to Find in a Dungeon (PFRPG) and Book Cover 6 Now Available

100 Hazards to Find in a Dungeon100 Hazards to Find in a Dungeon, 100 Hazards to Find in a Dungeon (PFRPG) and Book Cover 6 are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Dungeons can be dangerous places, and not just because of the occupants and traps. 100 Hazards to Find in a Dungeon has 100 more mundane dangers that characters could stumble into in a dungeon, but this does not make them less potentially lethal.

100 Hazards to Find in a Dungeon (PFRPG) is the same supplement but written for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. It has stats for each of the hazards. You do not need both versions.

Book Cover 6 is a leather and gemstone book cover that comes in A4 and US Letter sizes, and in a standard version and one with a transparent window for each size. They can be used for personal and commercial projects.

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