5-Min-Superhero is now available to buy on itch.
This is a simple solo journalling game that requires a d6, some way of writing down your notes and a timer. It is based around five d6 tables, used to generate the random elements.
5-Min-Superhero is now available to buy on itch.
This is a simple solo journalling game that requires a d6, some way of writing down your notes and a timer. It is based around five d6 tables, used to generate the random elements.
Eighteen more supplements have reached new best-selling levels on DriveThruRPG.
100 Random Bandits to Meet has moved up to Electrum from Silver.
100 Controversial History Books to Find on a Bookshelf, 100 Fantasy Guilds, Lowborn #1, The Warlock Returns Issue #01, Tomes of Cthulhu II and What Has He Got in His Pockets? 100 Detailed Fantasy Oddities have moved up from Copper to Silver.
100 (And More) Medieval English Surnames, 100 Books to Find on a 7th Sea Bookshelf, 100 Curious Items to Find, 100 Fantasy Bands, 100 Fantasy Tattoos (And the Meaning Behind Them), 100 Hazards to Find in a Dungeon, 100 More Things to Find at Farmers’ Markets and Craft Fairs, 100 Pamphlets or Seminars on Dealing with the Supernatural, 100 Unusual Aasimar, 100 Weird or Unsettling Childhood Events and 25 Items of Weird News have reached Copper.
100 Familiars to Encounter, 100 Books to Find on an Ifrian Bookshelf and Filler Art – Clockwork Robot are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.
Many spellusers of one stripe or another have familiars, and 100 Familiars to Encounter has 100 for such to have. These are often more unusual familiars than normal animals.
Not every book found on a bookshelf is either useful or particularly valuable and 100 Books to Find on an Ifrian Bookshelf has 100 such books to flesh out a 7th Sea bookshelf on the topic of Ifri.
Filler Art – Clockwork Robot is a piece of black and white filler for commerical or personal use. It depicts a black and white clockwork robot in two variations at 300dpi resolution.
A new video has been published on YouTube that previews the first few pages of Tomes of Cthulhu.
The September D100 System Sale is now live on DriveThruRPG and 52 of our supplements have 20% off for the next few days. Click here to see them.
Gravedigger is now available to buy from itch.
This is a new background for Troika! Numinous Edition, for a person who digs graves for a living and may suffer the consequences of doing so.
This table can be rolled on to determine what humanoids went into making that flesh golem. The table can be rolled on five times, for each arm, each leg and the torso and head. It’s not really needed to roll for the brain. This might wind up with something very lopsided, but why not go for it? Alternatively, if one limb belongs to a giant race and the other doesn’t, roll twice for the second limb. Either the result will be a giant or the limb will be made from those two humanoids.
100 Conspiracy Theories to Encounter, Creeping Undeath and 10 Ammunition Spells are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.
100 Conspiracy Theories to Encounter is aimed at a suitable modern setting. These theories can be used by the GM to add flavour, misdirection or be a soure of adventure hooks.
Creeping Undeath sees the characters in a village when it starts getting overrun by undead. They will need to find the cause and stop it.
10 Ammunition Spells is a Pathfinder supplement that has ten different spells that can be used to enhance ammunition.
The Warlock Returns Issue #01 is now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.
This is a fanzine for Advanced Fighting Fantasy that contains a variety of articles. It isn’t published by us, but by Arion Games, but we have contributed content to it. It’s currently available as a PDF with print on demand to follow.
What’s So Cool About Being a Fantasy Adventurer? is now available to buy on itch.
What’s So Cool About Being a Fantasy Adventurer? is a hack of What’s So Cool About Outer Space? by Jared Sinclair. This is a rules light d6-based TTRPG about being a fantasy adventurer. The PDF contains a number of tables to use for inspiration.