Category Archives: Things

What Has He Got in His Pockets? 100 Bard Items, A Dekas of Alchemical Items V (5E) and 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in or about the Trojan Reach Now Available

What Has He Got in His Pockets? 100 Bard ItemsWhat Has He Got in His Pockets? 100 Bard Items, A Dekas of Alchemical Items V (5E) and 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in or about the Trojan Reach are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

Defeated enemies have pockets, and What Has He Got in His Pockets? 100 Bard Items has 100 items that could be found in the pockets, or other location, of a bard. They range from junk through odd to having minor magic powers.

A Dekas of Alchemical Items V (5E) has ten new alchemical items for 5th Edition for characters to create or buy or for NPCs to own.

Characters may hear rumours when asking around for information, and 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in or about the Trojan Reach has some for them to hear related to the Trojan Reach. They can be used as adventure hooks or background colour.

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100 Space Age Ruins, Fantasy Bestiary (3Deep), 100 Knick-knacks for Undermountain III and Map – Village 14 Now Available

100 Space Age Ruins100 Space Age Ruins, Fantasy Bestiary (3Deep) and Map – Village 14 are now available on DriveThruRPG and 100 Knick-knacks for Undermountain III  is available on DMs Guild.

In a futuristic setting, ruins still exist, whether of precursor civilisations or of places that have been abandoned, damaged or partly destroyed, and 100 Space Age Ruins has 100 such for characters to encounter.

Fantasy Bestiary (3Deep) has 96 new monsters of varying types for 3Deep, mostly aimed at a fantasy setting, but some usable in others.

100 Knick-knacks for Undermountain III has 100 minor items that could be found instead of trinkets or in an NPCs possession, all connected to Undermountain in some way.

Map – Village 14 is a hand-drawn black and white village map with a 300dpi resolution in four versions that can be used for personal and commercial use.

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Dark Waters Luck Gift (5E)

Publisher’s Choice Quality Stockart © Rick Hershey/Fat Goblin

The Dark Waters of Sundara are a species of gnome from Species of Sundara: Gnomes (5E) that lives in the swamps of the world. Luck is a serious matter to these gnomes, and they will give luck gifts to others as a mark of respect or affection. Luck gifts cannot be sold, as doing so brings only bad luck.

Dark Waters Luck Gift

Wondrous item, uncommon, requires attunement

Luck gifts can take many forms, but are always a small trinket that can be carried or worn; amulets around the neck are the most common.

Luck gifts can be used once to make an unsuccessful roll into a successful one, after which they break and become unusable.

Luck gifts, if someone is foolish enough to sell them, do not work for the buyer and curse the seller with a -2 penalty on all rolls until the curse is removed.

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100 Decorative Features for Interiors, 100 Books to Find in or about Bard’s Gate (Lost Lands) and 100 Notes and Letters for the Nile Empire Now Available

100 Decorative Features for Interiors100 Decorative Features for Interiors, 100 Books to Find in or about Bard’s Gate (Lost Lands) and 100 Notes and Letters for the Nile Empire are now available on DriveThruRPG.

Buildings are rarely plain on the inside, and 100 Decorative Features for Interiors has 100 ways of making them more distinctive. The features are often those that would be found in higher-end locations.

Not every book is definitely useful or valuable and 100 Books to Find in or about Bard’s Gate has 100 such to flesh out a bookshelf in the Lost Lands setting about Bard’s Gate.

Characters may find notes and letters in a variety of places, and 100 Notes and Letters for the Nile Empire has 100 such. They can be used as background colour or potential adventure hooks.

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What Has He Got in His Pockets? 100 Druid Items, 100 Encounters for Moorlands and Heaths (Black Spear) and 100 Gangsters, Gun Mals, and Goons Now Available

What Has He Got in His Pockets? 100 Druid ItemsWhat Has He Got in His Pockets? 100 Druid Items, 100 Encounters for Moorlands and Heaths (Black Spear) and 100 Gangsters, Gun Mals, and Goons are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

Defeated enemies have pockets, and What Has He Got in His Pockets? 100 Druid Items has 100 items that could be found in the pockets, or other location, of a druid. They range from junk through odd to having minor magic powers.

Moorlands and heaths are similar regions and often the result of long habitation. 100 Encounters for Moorlands and Heaths (Black Spear) has 100 encounters for such regions and can be used as ways of enhancing journeys or as potential adventure hooks.

Not everything in Arkham is purely related to the Mythos, as in the 1920s criminals were a strong element. 100 Gangsters, Gun Mals, and Goons has 100 such people of various dubious professions that investigators can encounter.

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100 Items to Salvage from a Spaceship, 100 Dungeon Entrances (C&C), 100 Knick-knacks for Ghelspad III and Map – City 1 Now Available

100 Items to Salvage from a Spaceship100 Items to Salvage from a Spaceship, 100 Dungeon Entrances (C&C), 100 Knick-knacks for Ghelspad III and Map – City 1 are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Characters may search spaceships for valuables and 100 Items to Salvage from a Spaceship has 100 things to find, ranging from random junk and broken equipment to potentially useful or valuable items.

Dungeons need to be entered and 100 Dungeon Entrances (C&C) has ways to do just that. The entrances range from the mundane to the magical and from the easy to find to the hidden.

100 Knick-knacks for Ghelspad III has 100 minor items that could be found instead of trinkets or in an NPCs possession, all connected to Ghelspad in some way.

Map – City 1 is a hand drawn map of a city at 300dpi resolution in eight versions that can be used for personal and commercial use.

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100 Fantasy Underwater Encounters, 100 Fantasy Underwater Encounters (PFRPG) and 100 Books for a Pirates of Pugmire Bookshelf Now Available

100 Fantasy Underwater Encounters100 Fantasy Underwater Encounters, 100 Fantasy Underwater Encounters (PFRPG) and 100 Books for a Pirates of Pugmire Bookshelf are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

Even underwater, characters can have encounters, and 100 Fantasy Underwater Encounters has 100 such to have. These can be used as dangers, background colour or potential adventure hooks.

100 Fantasy Underwater Encounters (PFRPG) is the above supplement converted for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. You do not need both versions.

Books can be important, but not every book is like that. 100 Books for a Pirates of Pugmire Bookshelf has 100 less useful books that could be found on or about the Pirates of Pugmire.

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100 Strange Components to Find in a Wizard’s Possession, 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in or About Bard’s Gate (Lost Lands) and 100 Rumors To Hear at The Freehold Now Available

100 Strange Components to Find in a Wizard's Possession100 Strange Components to Find in a Wizard’s Possession and 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in or About Bard’s Gate (Lost Lands) are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG and 100 Rumors To Hear at The Freehold is available on Storytellers Vault.

Wizards may have odd items in their possession and 100 Strange Components to Find in a Wizard’s Possession has 100 such for characters to find. Some may be magical in nature.

When asking around for information, characters may hear rumours, and 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in or About Bard’s Gate (Lost Lands) has 100 such related to Bard’s Gate and its Suzerainty. They can be used as background colour, misinformation and adventure hooks.

The fae dabble in half-truths and the Lost may always fall prey to such. 100 Rumors To Hear at The Freehold is available on Storytellers Vault has 100 rumours that may or may not be true for characters to hear.

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What Has He Got in His Pockets? 100 Cleric Items, 20 Hazards for the Wasteland (Legacy), 100 Books to Find in or About the Solomani Front: Solomani Rim II and Map – Village 13 Now Available

What Has He Got in His Pockets? 100 Cleric ItemsWhat Has He Got in His Pockets? 100 Cleric Items, 20 Hazards for the Wasteland (Legacy), 100 Books to Find in or About the Solomani Front: Solomani Rim II and Map – Village 13 are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

Defeated enemies have pockets, and What Has He Got in His Pockets? 100 Cleric Items has 100 items that could be found in the pockets, or other location, of a druid. They range from junk through odd to having minor magic powers.

The wasteland is full of dangers and 20 Hazards for the Wasteland (Legacy) has 20 Hazards for Legacy: Life Among the Ruins that characters could encounter.

Not every book found is necessarily useful, and 100 Books to Find in or About the Solomani Front: Solomani Rim II has 100 books to find in or about the Solomani Rim for fleshing out a bookshelf.

Map – Village 13 is a hand-drawn black and white village map with a 300dpi resolution in four versions that can be used for personal and commercial use.

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100 Knightly Orders For a Sci Fi Setting, 100 Encounters for Moorlands and Heaths (3Deep) and 100 Notes and Letters to Find on or about the Rock of Bral Now Available

100 Knightly Orders For a Sci Fi Setting100 Knightly Orders For a Sci Fi Setting and 100 Encounters for Moorlands and Heaths (3Deep) are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG and 100 Notes and Letters to Find on or about the Rock of Bral is available on DMs Guild.

Even in a futuristic setting, there can be the equivalent of knightly orders. 100 Knightly Orders For a Sci Fi Setting has 100 such with a wide range of interests to encounter.

Moorlands and heaths are similar regions and often the result of long habitation. 100 Encounters for Moorlands and Heaths (3Deep) has 100 encounters for such regions and can be used as ways of enhancing journeys or as potential adventure hooks.

Characters may find notes and letters in a variety of places, and 100 Notes and Letters to Find on or about the Rock of Bral has 100 such for Bral. They can be used as background colour or potential adventure hooks.

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