Gaps require bridges or other means to cross them and 100 Bridges to Find in a Dungeon has 100 different ways of spanning a gap. They range from makeshift to well constructed to magical to odd.
100 Bridges to Find in a Dungeon (PFRPG) is the above supplement converted for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. You do not need both versions.
Books can sometimes be a source of useful information but some are less vital. 100 Books to Find in or About the Region Behind the Claw: Deneb has 100 books on or about Deneb that Travellers could find.
Map – Village 5 is a hand-drawn black and white village map with a 300dpi resolution in four versions that can be used for personal and commercial use.
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This is a DungeonDraft asset pack containing 98 pieces of paper, scrolls, envelopes and notes, all hand drawn and all colourable in some way. Some of the assets are different versions of others. All may be used for commercial purposes.
The Strange is a game published by Monte Cook Games. It is, at least in part, set in the normal world, but there are other worlds out there, in the Strange. This list has ten rumours for that setting, similar to the various different adventure hooks in the books, and these can be used as adventure hooks or simple misinformation.
Butterfly Objectors are former recursors who have given up the ability due to a belief that those who translate to other realities do not in fact translate but are instead copied at the other end, the original person dying in the process. They believe that groups that use operatives to translate are evil perpetrators of lies. It’s rumoured that some Objectors have grown tired of trying to convince people of the truth by peaceful means and plan to start using violence against the Estate and others.
Disgraced former senator Jerry Toomey is the most visible advocate of the Circle of Liberty and, as well as being a talking head who regularly appears on various programmes, Toomey also operates a private compound called Promised Land, billed as a relaxation spot for the wealthy. Rumour is that not everyone who goes to the compound comes back out again.
Quiet Cabal agents operate on Earth, with the agents often being Earth humans. It’s rumoured that more agents than usual have been deployed recently, perhaps indicating that the Cabal is expecting a threat of some kind that will need dealing with, perhaps because they are searching for something.
Recursion miners are those individuals and groups that find and explore recursions, or that attempt to create new recursions. Sometimes, their methods can be problematic at best and outright dangerous at worst and there are rumours that some of the individuals and groups are also banded together into a larger organisation, and that these miners are those who use the most destabilising methods.
Spiral dust is a drug made from cyphers that has hit the streets that has an odd effect on the heaviest users, as such end up translated against their will to another recursion. It’s not known who is supplying spiral dust, or how it is made, but there are rumours that the amount of it on the streets is continually increasing, creating more and more addicts.
The Circle of Liberty is a loosely-connected collection of groups, including advocacy groups, think tanks, charities and industry associations, that advocates for decentralised government. It’s rumoured that the Circle is even larger than it might appear, with affiliated groups in many different countries, connected to the Circle though such connections are hidden.
The Estate has encountered reports of a number of people on Earth being attacked by what sounds like skeletons from Ardeyn, but there is little proof of the matter and, naturally, no dead skeletons to examine, given they crumble away very quickly. The organisation is trying to determine if there’s any truth in the matter.
The Quiet Cabal maintains a number of sanctums on Earth, camouflaged to look like normal businesses and establishments, often those that are out of the way that might see regular visits by strangers. It’s rumoured that a number of these sanctums have recently been attacked by an unknown party or parties, but presumably one of the Cabal’s rivals or enemies.
The September Project is attempting to create a quantum computer and is regarded as something of a joke thanks to the Estate’s efforts. There are rumours, though, that the Project has managed to convince at least one section of government, or of a government, that they are not a joke and are thereby gaining increased access to funding and resources.
There are reports that there have been issues between agents of the Office of Strategic Recursion, the Quiet Cabal and the Estate on Earth. Though the OSR regularly feeds information to the other two groups, there are rumours that they’ve clashed on occasion when the OSR disagreed with something the other groups were trying to achieve.
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Characters may end up in an emergency room at some point, for whatever reason. 100 Patients to Find in an Emergency Room has 100 people to find there, with descriptions of their injuries.
Characters can encounter things whilst travelling through snowy regions and winter, and 100 Snow and Ice Encounters (Black Spear) has 100 such encounters. They can be used as colour or as potential adventure hooks. This is a conversion of the original system neutral supplement.
Malkavians are connected to the Madness Network and they can hear various things from it. 100 Broadcasts in the Madness Network has 100 things for them to hear on the network, ranging from plot hooks to random nonsense.
Filler Art – Fang Necklace is a piece of hand drawn black and white stock art. There are two images, one on a white background, one on a transparent one, at 300 dpi. The image can be used for personal and commercial uses.
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10 Hooks and Rumours for Cyberpunk’s Night City
This list has ten hooks and rumours that can be heard in or about the Little Italy district of Night City. Whether or not they are true is up to the GameMaster. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.
Beppo’s Trattoria in Little Italy is neutral ground, open to all Mob business, and off limits to both violence and the police. There’s the occasional rumour that Beppo isn’t quite as neutral as he’s supposed to be, and that sometimes guests get served a meal that has more in it than they bargained for.
Bruce Skiv is the current Capo di tutti Cappi of the Mob in Little Italy, but it’s rumoured that Boss Skiv’s grip on power has weakened recently after several attempts on the crime boss’s life. Though none have been successful, one was apparently a poisoning attempt that has seriously debilitated Skiv, though he seems unchanged when seen in public.
Chrome Ring Gym #46 in Little Italy may be part of a national chain but it is also the place where Mob enforcers gather to gossip, work out and receive orders. It’s rumoured that it’s also a place where disagreements can be settled after hours with violence, violence that usually results in only one person walking away from it afterwards. Or living, at least.
Guido’s Fashion Trim in Little Italy is a popular place with the resurgent Mob, and a good source of mid-level gangster gossip. There are occasional rumours that the law has an informant inside Guido’s, but as none of the staff have turned up dead or disappeared completely, most assume this isn’t true.
Julius Electronics in Little Italy is one of a small chain of electronics retailers and has a wide range of merchandise. The store isn’t the most secure place around, and it’s rumoured that they’ve been having problems with theft recently, particularly of high-end items. It sounds as if the shop is looking to increase its security with some more proactive defences.
KJBR Studios is home to one of Night City’s leading DJs, Rockaby Rozalyn. It’s rumoured that Rockaby has been receiving threats recently, suggesting that they leave the station or bad things will happen. Such could well be from a competing station, one that wants to poach Rockaby for their own channel or simply get rid of a popular competitor. KJBR are said to be looking into hiring people to deal with the problem.
Stafford Metro Productions has their business office in Little Italy, but the production company shoots at various locations around, primarily for TV but sometimes for the home market. It’s rumoured that part of the company also films less reputable productions, available for those with the money.
The Clinic in Little Italy is known to have the best doctors with virtually no failures with their prosthetic technology. It’s rumoured, though, that the failure rate is higher than it appears to be, for failures can sometimes be made to disappear, due to the surgery parlour having a Mob connection.
The Mob purchased the Social Services Agency building when they re-entered the city and turned it into a brothel, an excellent, and now legal, source of income for them. It’s rumoured, though, that it’s possible to purchase entertainment that is definitely not legal there, but most doubt the Mob would risk damaging a legal cash cow by having an illegal operation based there.
There’s a building currently empty in Little Italy which the current owner plans to turn into a hotel, but they’ve been having trouble getting the loan to do the place up, rumoured to be because of Mob interference. It’s also rumoured that the Mob have got tired of the owner’s intransigence and has been suggesting that they will use more vigorous means if the building isn’t sold to them.
D10: Night City Rumours – Little Italy is unofficial content provided under the Homebrew Content Policy of R. Talsorian Games and is not approved or endorsed by RTG. This content references materials that are the property of R. Talsorian Games and its licensees.
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