There are still encounters even after an apocalypse and 100 Encounters for the Post-Apocalyptic Desert has such for desert regions. The encounters are most suited for apocalyptic lands that have suffered some sort of final war.
100 Encounters for the Post-Apocalyptic Desert (Mutant Future) is the above supplement converted for use with Mutant Future. You do not need both versions.
100 Hobs To Meet in The Hedge has 100 hobgoblins to encounter for Changeling: the List. They may be helpful or harmful, or possibly even both.
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Itch, though they don’t take as high a percentage as, say, DriveThruRPG, do pass transaction costs onto the designer, which DriveThru don’t. As a result of these increasing, it’s become rather infeasible to sell supplements at under $2 on the site. Therefore, from 15th November, any supplement under $2 that isn’t Pay What You Want is going to be increased in price, so that they become comparable with the returns they’d have on DriveThru.
Some artwork copyright William McAusland, used with permission
Cities of Sundara: MoĂĽd, available in 5E and Pathfinder versions, introduced a new player species, the half-dead; creatures who have been warped and twisted by their exposure to negative energies. As well as the broad description of the half-dead, a number of variant heritages were given for specific varieties that share similar abilities and characteristics. Here are two more such variant heritages for Pathfinder.
Mummies are feared for mummy rot, a curse and a disease that the undead creatures spread by their touch that is difficult to cure. Sometimes, those affected by the disease, but who are not killed by it and are treated, especially if they only just survived, suffer from a lasting effect, one that affects them, or perhaps just their descendants. Mummified have dry, parchment-like skin, sometimes marked by what look like patches of dry rot, and flesh that is wasted, leaving the skin shrunken onto the bones, though they are stronger than they might look. Mummified gain a +2 bonus to their Strength and Wisdom and a -2 to their Intelligence. Mummified are immune to mummy rot, but are still affected by other diseases, only having the normal half-dead bonus. They gain a +2 bonus for resisting curses. This alters ability score modifiers, and replaces Touch of the Grave.
Ghostouched are those who have survived the corrupting touch of ghosts but have suffered consequences as a result. They look aged, older than they are, with white, thinning hair and prematurely wrinkled and blotched skin, though their physical age is the same and they age normally. Ghostouched have been weakened by their experiences and have -2 to their Constitution but their experience has left them immune to fear effects and those of magical aging and they have +2 Wisdom. This alters ability score modifiers, and replaces Touch of the Grave.
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Even on rivers, characters can have encounters and 100 Encounters for Fantasy Rivers has 100 for them to have. They range from the normal to the potentially dangerous and some can be used as a source of adventure hooks.
100 Encounters for Fantasy Rivers (PFRPG) is the above supplement with Pathfinder stats added in places. You do not need both supplements.
Not every book found is necessarily useful and 100 Books to Find in or About the Region Behind the Claw: The Spinward Marches has 100 such that can be used to flesh out a bookshelf, whether physical or electronic, concentrating on the Spinward Marches.
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