All posts by Azukail

Three New Golds and Nineteen More Metals

A total of twenty-two new best-selling levels have been achieved on DriveThruRPG, including three new Golds.

OBS Gold Best Seller100 NPCs You Might Meet At The Tavern, 100 Rumours to Hear in a Town or Village and 100 Creepy Things and Events to Find in a Spooky House have all moved up to Gold from Electrum.

OBS Electrum Best Seller100 Corpses to Find in a Dungeon, 100 Creepy Things and Events to Encounter When Travelling and 100 Things to Find, See and Hear in a Forest have all moved up to Electrum from Silver.

OBS Silver Best Seller100 Military Surplus Items to Find, 100 Strange or Unusual Encounters for Fantasy Cities II, 100 Superstitions for a Fantasy Setting, Crossroad Chronicler: Volume 2 and The Warehouse Heist have all moved up to Silver from Copper.

OBS Copper Best Seller100 Conspiracy Theories to Encounter, 100 Descriptions for Daggers, 100 Fantasy Battle Cries (And Their Histories), 100 Less Than Useful Books to Find on a Forgotten Realms Bookshelf (Fantasy Grounds), 100 Random Scribbles to Bamboozle Players to Find on Pieces of Paper II, Crossroad Chronicler: Volume 3, Kill The Priest, Lowborn #2, Thar’s Rustlers in Them There Hills, The Claw and The Lost Pyramid have all reached the Copper level.

A Baker’s Dozen of Fantasy Vigilantes, 100 Things to Find in a Place of Worship and Pirate Equipment and Items – A Hero Kids Compatible Supplement Now Available

A Baker's Dozen of Fantasy VigilantesA Baker’s Dozen of Fantasy Vigilantes, 100 Things to Find in a Place of Worship and Pirate Equipment and Items – A Hero Kids Compatible Supplement are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

In a fantasy setting there will be criminals and abuse power, just as in any other, and there will be those who oppose them. A Baker’s Dozen of Fantasy Vigilantes has 13 vigilantes with descriptions, actions, rumours and backstories that characters could encounter.

Places of worship can exist in almost any setting and 100 Things to Find in a Place of Worship lists items that characters could find in one. They may be used as background decoration to they may have meaning.

Pirate Equipment and Items – A Hero Kids Compatible Supplement has six new pieces of Equipment and six new Items for Hero Kids, all with a pirate theme. Each card comes in two variants, one with an image and one with a blank spot for children to draw their own.

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100 Underearth Locations Preview Video

A new video has been published on YouTube that previews the first few pages of 100 Underearth Locations.

Big Eyed Grey Humanoid from Space Now Available

Big Eyed Grey Humanoid from SpaceBig Eyed Grey Humanoid from Space is now available to buy from itch.

This is a new Background for Troika! Numinous Edition, describing a an alien with a poor reputation.

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Lowborn #3 Now Available

Lowborn #3Lowborn #3 is now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Lowborn #3 is the third edition of the fanzine published through the Grim & Perilous Library Community Content Programmes. It contains articles and adventures for ZWEIHÄNDER and we have contributed to it. The fanzine is available in both PDF and print on demand, with the PDF coming free with the print on demand version.

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100 Underearth Locations, 10 Ammunition Spells (PF2) and Filler Art – Clockwork Chest Now Available

100 Underearth Locations100 Underearth Locations, 10 Ammunition Spells (PF2) and Filler Art – Clockwork Chest are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

100 Underearth Locations has 100 different places to flesh out the underground realms, whether natural or dungeon. Each is named and described. They can be a source of danger and potential adventure hooks.

10 Ammunition Spells (PF2) is a Pathfinder 2nd Edition supplement that has ten different spells that can be used to enhance ammunition.

Filler Art – Clockwork Chest is a piece of black and white filler for commerical or personal use. It depicts a black and white clockwork chest in four variations at 300dpi resolution.

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Crossroad Chronicler: Volume 4 Now Available

Crossroad Chronicler: Volume 4Crossroad Chronicler: Volume 4 is now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

This is not published by us but we have contributed to it. This issue contains articles related to solo play and Ironsworn, including new Delve sites, a solo LARP, an urban exploration game, herbs, a Halloween game and expressive tables.

Rogue-tober Sale

944010 / Pixabay

Together with three other indie publishers we are running a Rogue-tober Sale on DriveThruRPG. 20 of our supplements have 25% off for the next week. Click here to see them.

This Wretched Cake Now Available

This Wretched CakeThis Wretched Cake is now available to buy on itch.

This is a hack of Chris Bissette’s The Wretched and is a solo journalling game in which the character has promised to bake and decorate an elaborate cake, despite lacking the requisite skills.

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Marchlands Pocket Adventure: Blackacre Orchard – Adventure for Zweihander Now Available

Marchlands Pocket Adventure: Blackacre Orchard - Adventure for ZweihanderMarchlands Pocket Adventure: Blackacre Orchard – Adventure for Zweihander is now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

This Zweihander adventure features a cursed estate that the characters must deal with. It is published by Sad Fishe Games.