All posts by Azukail

New Year, New Game Sale 2020

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The New Year, New Game Sale is now live on DriveThruRPG. Although we don’t currently have any game systems, one of our products, 100 Books to Find on a Mage’s Bookshelf, is in the sale and has been reduced by 25% for just under two weeks.

Click here to find it.

100 Rumours to Hear in the Space Port Bar and A Baker’s Dozen of Planetary Bodies Now Available

100 Rumours to Hear in the Space Port Bar100 Rumours to Hear in the Space Port Bar and A Baker’s Dozen of Planetary Bodies are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Characters may stumble across rumours in a space port bar or other suitable location, and 100 Rumours to Hear in the Space Port Bar has a selection for them to hear. These rumours could be incidental information heard whilst seeking something else, misinformation or adventure hooks.

A Baker’s Dozen of Planetary Bodies has thirteen new planetary bodies that characters could travel to for Shadow of the Demon Lord. These can be dropped into orbit around gas giants or used as planets in their own right.

New Metal Levels Reached

More supplements have reached new best-selling levels on DriveThruRPG.

OBS Electrum Best SellerTomes of Cthulhu has moved from Silver up to the Electrum level.

OBS Silver Best SellerMoving up to Silver from Copper are 100 Knightly Orders, 100 Legendary Weapons, 100 People to Encounter in the Wild West and 100 Pirates to Encounter.

OBS Copper Best SellerReaching the Copper level are 100 Less Than Useful Books to Find on an Urth Bookshelf, Call That a Knife?, Christmas Equipment and Items – A Hero Kids Compatible Supplement and World War Tree.

100 Strange or Unusual Encounters for Fantasy Cities II Now Available

100 Strange or Unusual Encounters for Fantasy Cities100 Strange or Unusual Encounters for Fantasy Cities II is now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Dungeons and the wilderness are not the only places characters visit, nor are they the only places where they can have interesting encounters. This supplement has 100 different encounters suitable for fantasy cities. These encounters may have more to them than initially meets the eye, and they can be used as a source of adventure hooks or simply background flavour.

100 Sci-Fi Foods, Six Pack: Wondrous Christmas Items II (PFRPG) and Sci-Fi Bar Bundle Now Available

100 Sci-Fi Foods100 Sci-Fi Foods, Six Pack: Wondrous Christmas Items II (PFRPG) and Sci-Fi Bar Bundle are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

Even in the future, people will probably still need to eat, and 100 Sci-Fi Foods has 100 different foods that characters could find in bars, restaurants, canteens and on ships, from the prosaic to the strange.

Six Pack: Wondrous Christmas Items II (PFRPG) has six new Christmas- themed wondrous items for Pathfinder. These are mostly suited to lighter Christmas adventures, rather than dark ones.

100 Sci-Fi Foods is also included in the Sci-Fi Bar Bundle, which includes a number of supplements related to futuristic bars.

100 Transmissions to Hear During the Zombie Apocalypse and A Baker’s Dozen of Islands in the Void Now Available

100 Transmissions to Hear During the Zombie Apocalypse100 Transmissions to Hear During the Zombie Apocalypse and A Baker’s Dozen of Islands in the Void are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

During a zombie apocalypse, characters may get a radio and 100 Transmissions to Hear During the Zombie Apocalypse has 100 transmissions to hear over it. They could be useful, provide filler or potential adventure hooks. Some transmissions have details of what can be heard in the background.

A Baker’s Dozen of Islands in the Void has thirteen new locations for the Void for Shadow of the Demon Lord. The Void is the home of the Demon Lord and contains the wreckage of universes. These islands can be explored by characters whilst in the Void.

A Baker’s Dozen of Islands in the Void is also included in the Shadow of the Demon Lord Bundle, which contains all supplements released for the system.

Teach Your Kids to Game Sale 2019

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The Teach Your Kids to Game Sale is now live on DriveThruRPG and five of our Hero Kids supplements are in it. For just under two weeks, these supplements have 50% off. Click here to see them.

Four More Best-Sellers

Four more titles have reached new best-selling Metal ranks on DriveThruRPG.

OBS Silver Best SellerMoving up to Silver from Copper are 100 Books on Myths and Legends to Find on a Bookshelf and 100 Characters You Might Meet In A Star Port.

OBS Copper Best SellerAchieving Copper are 100 Cold Wilderness Locations and 100 Goods and Services to Find on the Fantasy Black Market.

100 Goods and Services to Find on the Fantasy Black Market Now Available

100 Goods and Services to Find on the Fantasy Black Market100 Goods and Services to Find on the Fantasy Black Market is now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

In a fantasy setting, characters may still want to buy goods or services that are less than totally legitimate. These can range from introductions to providers of illegal services, to items that are legal, but restricted as to who may own them to items that are totally illegal. This supplement provides 100 different examples of these.

Many More Best-Selling Supplements

Partially thanks to the recent sale, many more supplements have reached new best-selling levels.

OBS Silver Best SellerOn DriveThruRPG, 100 Encounters in a Fey Forest, 100 Valuable(ish) Containers for Treasure and Grim & Perilous Book of Monsters have all moved up to Silver from Copper

OBS Copper Best Seller100 (And More) British-Inspired Street Names, 100 Gangs for Your Urban Campaigns, 100 Histories and Legends for Fantasy Weapons, 100 Rumours to Hear in Pugmire, 100 Space Bars, 100 Things to Find on a Farm, A Baker’s Dozen of Enchanted Volumes (PFRPG), Feldaryn’s Flying Ship, Grim & Perilous Chases, Mating Season and The Red Stone Circle have all reached the Copper level.

OBS Silver Best SellerOn DMs Guild, 100 Less Than Useful Books to Find on a Forgotten Realms Bookshelf not only reached Copper, it went straight past that to Silver.