All posts by Azukail

Many New Metal Levels Achieved

Fourteen supplements have achieved new best-selling levels on DriveThruRPG.

OBS Electrum Best Seller100 Irrelevant Notes and Letters to Bamboozle Players has moved up from Silver to Electrum.

OBS Silver Best Seller100 Books Published in the 19th Century to Find on a Bookshelf, 100 Fantasy Drinks, 100 Water Sources and Features to Find in a Dungeon, 100 Zombie Encounters for the Zombie Apocalypse and Fantasy Beer Name Generator have moved up from Copper to Silver.

OBS Copper Best Seller100 Books on UFOs and Extraterrestrials to Find on a Bookshelf, 100 Chaotic Happenings to Experience, 100 Detailed Bits of Junk to Find in Space, 100 Pieces of Flotsam and Jetsam To Find On A Beach, 100 Snow and Ice Encounters, A Baker’s Dozen of Dungeon Rooms IV: Level Connectors, Grosk’s Tavern and MEMO: How Law Enforcement Should Deal with the Rising Problem of Vigilantes with Superpowers have all reached the Copper level.

100 Fantasy Foods and Inns & Taverns Bundle Now Available

100 Fantasy Foods100 Fantasy Foods and the Inns & Taverns Bundle are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Characters often visit inns and taverns and 100 Fantasy Foods has 100 different foods suitable for a fantasy setting that they could find there. This can liven up the menu from the usual stews, roasts, cheese, bread and other items commonly found.

100 Fantasy Foods is also included in the Inns & Taverns Bundle at a reduced price.


Halloween Sale Now Live

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The Halloween Sale is now live on DriveThruRPG. Until the end of the month, 103 of our supplements have 25% off. Click here to see them.

100 Floors to Find in a Dungeon Now Available

100 Floors to Find in a Dungeon100 Floors to Find in a Dungeon is now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Dungeons have floors and this supplement has 100 different floors that can be used to enhance a dungeon. The floors may be potentially dangerous or potentially puzzling, and some could perhaps be used as a source of adventure hooks.

Our 3Deep compatible supplements have also been added to the 3Deep Bundle.

New Metal Levels Achieved

More supplements have reached new best-selling levels on DriveThruRPG.OBS Electrum Best Seller

100 Detailed Things to Find in a Dungeon has become the latest supplement to reach the Electrum level.

OBS Silver Best Seller100 Random Encounters for on the Road or in the Wilderness has moved up from Copper to Silver.

OBS Copper Best SellerThe recently-released 100 Knightly Orders has reached Copper, as have 100 Less Than Useful Books to Find on a Steampunk Bookshelf and Halloween Equipment and Items – A Hero Kids Compatible Supplement.

100 Cold Wilderness Locations Now Available

100 Cold Wilderness Locations100 Cold Wilderness Locations is now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Creating an entire world may not be easy, and this supplement has 100 different locations that can be dropped in to flesh it out, from small to large, from mountains to plains, oceans to lakes. Each location is named and given a description, and they are intended to be used in cold climes.

100 Knightly Orders Now Available

100 Knightly Orders100 Knightly Orders is now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Knights may often be encountered singly, but a core element of knighthood is the knightly order. Without an order to belong to, a knight is not a true knight. This supplement has 100 different orders that characters could encounter. They are not all the traditional mounted warrior type either; the orders include spellusers and knights who use rather different fighting methods or different areas of interest.

Four More Coppers Supplements

OBS Copper Best SellerFour more supplements have achieved the Copper best selling level on DriveThruRPG.

100 Inane Comments and Useless Answers from Speaking to Animals

A Baker’s Dozen of Alchemist Bomb Discoveries (PFRPG)

Grim & Perilous Book of Murder

Pirate Ship Name Generator

Grim & Perilous Library Collection

The Grim & Perilous Library CollectionThe Grim & Perilous Library Collection is out. This bundle contains all the titles available in the Grim & Perilous Library, which includes the three we have contributed to, Grim & Perilous Chases, Grim & Perilous Book of Monsters and Grim & Perilous Book of Murder. The titles are available at a substantial discount in the bundle. Click here to check it out.

A Baker’s Dozen of Fantasy Shipwrecks Now Available

A Baker’s Dozen of Fantasy ShipwrecksA Baker’s Dozen of Fantasy Shipwrecks is now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

This supplement has thirteen different shipwrecks that can be dropped into a campaign. Each shipwreck has details on the ship, how it came to be wrecked and what treasure and monsters could be found in the area.