Releasing in September 2023

Coming Soon

September 2nd

  • 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Blight: Artist’s Quarter
  • 100 Trolls for Changeling: the Dreaming
  • Map – Village 15
  • What’s the Thief Doing? 100 Activities

September 9th

  • 100 Hooks and Rumours for Aysle
  • 100 Post-Apocalyptic Snow and Ice Encounters
  • 100 Post-Apocalyptic Snow and Ice Encounters (Mutant Future)

September 16th

  • 100 Fantasy Underwater Encounters (Zweihander)
  • 100 Secret Societies For a Sci Fi Setting
  • A Dekas of Alchemical Items VI (5E)

September 23rd

  • 100 Books to Find on a Druid’s Bookshelf
  • 100 Hooks and Rumours for Terrinoth II
  • 100 Notes and Letters for the City of Dolmvay

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Hexploratores Volume 1-2: New Thurak (Openquest/D20Quest) Now Available

Hexploratores Volume 1-2: New Thurak (Openquest/D20Quest)Hexploratores Volume 1-2: New Thurak (Openquest/D20Quest) is now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

Published by Prudence Publishing, this supplement we have contributed to is the first in a series that details hexes from a setting in finer detail. The supplement can be used to build the setting, or dropped into others.

D66 Curious Magical Chests Kickstarter is Now Live

D66 Curious Magical ChestsThe Kickstarter for D66 Curious Magical Chests has now launched. It will run from now until September 6th.

The reward tiers are:

  • PDF of D66 Curious Magical Chests
  • PDF of D66 Curious Magical Chests & Bonus PDFs
  • PDF & POD of D66 Curious Magical Chests
  • PDF & POD of D66 Curious Magical Chests & Bonus PDFs

Click here to see the Kickstarter.

Welcome to Hoardreach

Some artwork copyright William McAusland, used with permission.

Welcome to Hoardreach is a piece of fiction for Hoardreach: The City of Wyrms, one of the supplements for Cities of Sundara, which is available in versions for 5th Edition and Pathfinder.

Hoardreach is an impressive sight when seen from a distance, whether approaching it by land or air, and air is a common method of reaching the city, given the number of flying creatures that live in it and the airships that Hoardreach is known for.

The city is built atop a table mesa and its lights are visible from a long way away at night, reflecting off cloud cover if there is any. Smaller lights can be seen floating in the skies above the city, which during the day as the traveller gets closer resolve into some of the airborne beings that live there and the mentioned airships. Not everything has, or needs, a light, but enough do, for whatever reason, that a dancing show of diving and glittering lights can be seen weaving amongst that are more constant in their path.

The mesa rises out of the forest surrounding the city, towering into the sky. Paths lead through the forest, passing the villages that nestle beneath the shadow of the dragons’ wings, farms growing crops and raising livestock.

Most of the population lives within the city’s walls, and Hoardreach itself is a study in contrasts. The influence of the five founding dragons can be felt throughout the city, as the land has adapted to them, from the bogs of Westgate to the kiln-like air of the Sunrise District to the frosts of North District. Contrasts that wouldn’t be seen elsewhere, as such different climates would not, under other circumstances, be found so close to each other. The influence of the founders alters the climate itself.

Within the city itself can be found a host of different species, as different peoples cluster in the areas with the conditions they most enjoy; those who like winter’s chill do not appreciate the heat of the Sunrise District. Other districts are less obviously dominated by a single dragon, and trade comes in by air from other cities. Huge airships slow above the city and descend to the ground, there to be unloaded of people and cargo.

Hoardreach is a city of contrasts, a cosmopolitan city and a place to rub shoulders with all manner of peoples. Hoardreach is my city, and I welcome you to it.

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100 Strange or Weird Items for a Modern Setting, 100 Hazards to Find in a Dungeon (C&C) and 100 Books to Find in Ghelspad IV

100 Strange or Weird Items for a Modern Setting100 Strange or Weird Items for a Modern Setting, 100 Hazards to Find in a Dungeon (C&C) and 100 Books to Find in Ghelspad IV are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

In a setting that’s modern but also strange in some way, characters may stumble across weird items and 100 Strange or Weird Items for a Modern Setting has 100 such to find. They range from the odd to the definitely dangerous.

Dungeons can be dangerous places, and not just because of the occupants and traps. 100 Hazards to Find in a Dungeon (C&C) has 100 more mundane dangers that characters could stumble into in a dungeon, but this does not make them less potentially lethal. This is a conversion of the original supplement to Castles & Crusades.

Not every book found is useful or valuable, and 100 Books to Find in Ghelspad IV has 100 minor books to find on a Scarred Lands bookshelf, all about Ghelspad.

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August 2023 Creator Day and Sale

944010 / Pixabay

The August 2023 Creator Day and Sale is now live on and all of our paid supplements have 30% off. Click here to see them.

Neal Litherland Reads “Send in the Dogs” from Guilds of Sundara

In this video, Neal Litherland reads the fiction “Send in the Dogs” from Guilds of Sundara, available for 5E and Pathfinder.

100 Encounters for Post-Apocalyptic Farmlands (Mutant Future) PDF Preview

A new video has been published on YouTube that previews the first few pages of 100 Encounters for Post-Apocalyptic Farmlands (Mutant Future).

D10: The Strange Rumours – Ruk: Harmonius

WorldsThe Strange is a game published by Monte Cook Games. It is, at least in part, set in the normal world, but there are other worlds out there, in the Strange. This list has ten rumours for that setting, similar to the various different adventure hooks in the books, and these can be used as adventure hooks or simple misinformation.

  1. Apostle Warad-chel, of the Church of the Embodiment in Harmonius, is one of the highest-ranking apostles in the hierarchy of the Church, and has been implicated in a number of incidents that nearly led to disciplinary action being taken against the faction, but First Apostle Ah-kalla always stands by his favoured Servitor. Some claim that the First Apostle’s statement that the True Code is stronger in Warad-chel than anyone else means that Warad-chel is a literal embodiment of the True Code and, as such, possibly the First Apostle’s superior.
  2. Gardens can be found in Harmonius, some merely ornamental but the fruits of others rivals those products created by Zal and other factions. It’s rumoured that Zal in particular is not happy about this, as it means people buy less goods from them. It’s said that the faction has been looking into ways of damaging the gardens so that they are no longer as productive and what they produce is not as good.
  3. Harmonius has pneumatic elevator tubes stretching to the surface below that can be used to travel to and from the city. The tubes could once be retracted for defensive purposes, but this hasn’t been tested in some time. It’s rumoured that the city has been quietly checking the mechanisms to see if they work, which does suggest that there’s a fear they may be needed at some point in the not-too-distant future.
  4. It’s said that occasionally defensive mechanisms on Harmonius decide someone approaching the city by airborne means is a threat, and one that needs dealing with quickly and efficiently. Those it decides are a threat never make it anywhere else. It’s also said that in truth it’s not the city deciding who and what to eliminate, but someone in control of said mechanisms.
  5. Most of Harmonius floats above the surface of Ruk using massive and ancient technological engines. It’s rumoured that there have been problems with those engines recently, and that no-one seems to know how to fix the problem, due to their age. Should this be true, and should a solution not be found, Harmonius may have to settle back down to Ruk, else risk falling from the sky.
  6. The Ankaseri faction was destroyed after attempting to sway Maru-shtal, the Arbiter of Harmonius, but there are rumours that it was never completely destroyed, despite appearances. Some say that a residue of the faction remained and it has been slowly building its strength back up and plotting its return, and its revenge on Maru-shtal and everyone else.
  7. The Market Tri-Tower of Harmonius is constantly bedecked with lights that can be seen from some distance away. It’s rumoured, though, that there have been problems with the lights recently, with some of them cutting out for no discernible reason. Nothing serious has happened as yet, but some are said to be concerned by this.
  8. The Office of the Arbiter is used by the Factol Council of Harmonius to decide close decisions, but there are rumours that the Office is not always as independent of the factions as it should be. Some claim that at least one faction has the ability to sway the Arbiter, Maru-shtal, to make decisions that are in their favour, though this ability is used rarely to prevent it from becoming obvious.
  9. There are pneumatic elevator tubes leading up into Harmonius from the ground below, one of the ways of getting to the city. Some say that these elevator tubes can be risky to use, because some of them have hidden diversions in them, where those who are unlikely to be missed are diverted away so that they can be experimented upon in hidden labs, where new flesh is always needed.
  10. Those who become apostles of the Church of the Embodiment in Harmonius can take communion, and those who eat a wafer of the bread gain a benefit, said to be because their ties to the True Code are strengthened. Some whisper that this communion has another effect, and that those who take it are subtly influenced by First Apostle Ah-kalla in their actions and choices afterwards.

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100 Sci Fi Bands, 100 Things to Find, See and Hear in a Forest (Recusant) and 100 Notes and Letters for Pirates of Pugmire Now Available

100 Sci Fi Bands100 Sci Fi Bands, 100 Things to Find, See and Hear in a Forest (Recusant) and 100 Notes and Letters for Pirates of Pugmire are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Even in futuristic settings, people can still listen to music, and 100 Sci Fi Bands has 100 bands with brief details on the type of music they play.

Characters can have encounters when travelling and 100 Things to Find, See and Hear in a Forest (Recusant) has 100 such to have. They can be used to enliven a journey or as potential adventure hooks.

100 Notes and Letters for Pirates of Pugmire has 100 jottings that characters could find lying around or on the bodies of the dead, with a secondary table for determining condition.

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