Neal Litherland, who was written quite a few supplements for us, has one of his own now available, 100 Get of Fenris Kinfolk.
This has a list of 100 Fenris get to add to a World of Darkness game, providing their names and some details on each.
Neal Litherland, who was written quite a few supplements for us, has one of his own now available, 100 Get of Fenris Kinfolk.
This has a list of 100 Fenris get to add to a World of Darkness game, providing their names and some details on each.
100 Pirates to Encounter is now available from DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.
Pirates are a popular sight, and this supplement provides 100 different ones, from captains to less distinguished ones, that characters could encounter. They could be met in a tavern, encountered on the high seas or be the source of adventure hooks. Each pirate has their name and a few details on them.
100 Characters You Might Meet In A Star Port is now available to buy from DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.
At some point in a space campaign characters will pass through a star port. These ports, whether they be disreputable or mainstream, have residents and transients of all types. This supplement has 100 NPCs for characters to meet. These could be background colour at the local cantina or someone the characters are actively seeking out.
Although aimed at Starfinder, this is simply due to the races and descriptions used. There are no stats, so with varying degrees of work the supplement can be adapted to other systems.
A Baker’s Dozen of Noble Families, the latest supplement written by Neal Litherland, is now available to buy from DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.
In many fantasy settings, noble families are important, wealthy and have a lot of sway. They can be patrons for characters, providing them adventures to do, allies with needed resources or foes who are very difficult to eliminate. This supplement has thirteen different noble families that can be dropped into a campaign.
100 Merchants to Encounter, the latest supplement from Neal Litherland, is now available to buy from DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.
Merchants are commonly encountered by characters, who may want to sell them recovered items, buy goods or services or have things repaired. This is a list of 100 different merchants characters can encounter. They can be used on the fly, if a GM needs a merchant quickly, to flesh out a city, as colour or as a source of adventure hooks.
300 Random Ability Scores for NPCs is now available to buy from DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.
This is a collection of hand-rolled ability scores suited to various versions of the World’s Oldest Roleplaying Game as well as derived and OSR games. Each result has six ability scores in three tables rolled using different methods; 3d6, 4d6 and discard the lowest and 2d6+6. These results are perhaps best used for NPCs for whom stats are needed in a hurry.
100 Random Bandits to Meet is now available to buy from DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.
Bandits are frequently encountered in fantasy settings, whether as minor nuisances, major foes or problems that characters have been hired to deal with. This supplement details 100 different bandits that can be encountered, giving them their own foibles and making them into individuals. They can even be used as a source of adventure hooks.
100 NPCs You Might Meet At The Tavern and Curse of the Ancient Tomb are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.
Characters will often spend times in taverns and inns, meeting contacts, finding out information or simply staying the night. Some NPCs encountered may be immediately important, but there are others as well. This supplement details 100 NPCs that could be encountered. These may be a source of useful skills, information or adventure hooks, or they may simply be background colour.
Curse of the Ancient Tomb sees the characters exploring a recently revealed tomb, one that is not just a tomb but also a prison for its sole powerful occupant. The tomb itself has other dangers too. The supplement comes with a 30″x60″ battlemap of the tomb that can be printed out and assembled.
100 Random Mercenary Companies and The Tree of Sighing Blades are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.
100 Random Mercenary Companies is the latest supplement from Neal Litherland. Not every nation can afford to keep enough troops on hand to fight a war, or they may lack specialist skills. This is a list of 100 different mercenary companies, giving their name and a brief overview, that characters could encounter.
The Tree of Sighing Blades is highly prized for its sap, but the sharp blades that whirl beneath its canopy make harvesting the sap a dangerous proposition. This supplement comes with a 24″x24″ battlemap of the tree and surroundings that can be printed out and assembled.
100 People to Encounter in the Wild West and The Inn of Dusk are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.
Player characters are not the only people that can be encountered and 100 People to Encounter in the Wild West has 100 people to encounter in the Wild West. These can be used in a historical campaign, steampunk or Weird West.
The Inn of Dusk is a roadside inn with a dark secret and staying overnight may be a fatal mistake. The supplement comes with a 24″x20″ battlemap of the inn and a menu that can be printed out.