Sellswords of Sundara (5E) details ten mercenary companies, including history, notable members and rumours, for the Sundara setting, along with a new character option for each company. They can be used with Sundara or dropped into another setting.
Sellswords of Sundara (PFRPG) is the above supplement converted for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.
Characters might find notes and letters when searching and 100 Notes and Letters to Find in Magnimar Now Available has 100 such for them to find in or about Magnimar. Whether or not they have meaning is up to the GM and they can be used as random things to find or adventure hooks.
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Gaps require bridges or other means to cross them and 100 Bridges to Find in a Dungeon has 100 different ways of spanning a gap. They range from makeshift to well constructed to magical to odd.
100 Bridges to Find in a Dungeon (PFRPG) is the above supplement converted for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. You do not need both versions.
Books can sometimes be a source of useful information but some are less vital. 100 Books to Find in or About the Region Behind the Claw: Deneb has 100 books on or about Deneb that Travellers could find.
Map – Village 5 is a hand-drawn black and white village map with a 300dpi resolution in four versions that can be used for personal and commercial use.
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Strange air and odd feelings can be found in a dungeon and 100 Airs and Atmospheres to Encounter in a Dungeon has some to encounter. They can range from odd to harmful to helpful.
100 Airs and Atmospheres to Encounter in a Dungeon (PFRPG) is the above supplement converted for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. You do not need both versions.
Strange items can be found in hoards or in the possession of NPCs and 100 Knick-knacks for Pugmire has such for Pugmire. They may be simply odd or perhaps a source of adventure hooks.
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Characters can have encounters at ports and 100 Sights to See at the Port has 100 such for them to see in the port or perhaps the associated settlement. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.
Whilst travelling through a jungle, characters can have encounters and 100 Encounters for a Fantasy Jungle (Black Spear) has some that can be used for colour, or potential adventure hooks. This is a conversion of the original supplement. You do not need both versions.
100 Notes, Letters or Graffiti to Find in or about Undermountain has 100 notes, letters or graffiti to find in Undermountain, covering levels 1 to 11. Each snippet has details as to what it refers to and there are supplementary tables for customising the appearance.
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Characters may find flowers and trees that have useful properties, and 100 Flowers and Trees Sure to Boost Your Stats has a list of such, divided into terrain types, with the useful properties they have.
A Dekas of Alchemical Items VI (PFRPG) has ten new alchemical items for Pathfinder for characters to create or buy or for NPCs to own.
Characters may come across rumours when asking around and 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in or About Magnimar has 100 such for them to hear. They can be used as adventure hooks, misinformation or background colour.
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Characters may come across bits and pieces of technology that don’t seem to make sense, and 100 Science Fiction Oddities has such for them to find. They may be partially broken, of no understandable use or perhaps only fragments of a larger whole.
100 Encounters for Coastal Regions (Lore 100) has 100 encounters for characters to have along the coast, some on land, some at sea. This is a conversion of the original supplement to Lore 100. You do not need both versions.
Goblin markets are strange places in Changeling: the Lost, where changelings can find strange things for sale. Buyer Beware: 10 Goblin Markets has ten such markets described, with appearance, rumours and merchants.
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Potions may be the most important part, but the containers they come in can also be interesting. 100 Descriptions for Potion Bottles has 100 such, from the crude to the artistic and the worthless to the valuable, to use.
Not every book is definitely useful or valuable and 100 Books to Find in or about the Borderland Provinces has 100 such to flesh out a bookshelf in the Lost Lands setting about the Border Provinces.
Characters may hear rumours when asking around for information, and 100 Hooks Rumours to Hear in or about Deneb has some for them to hear about the Deneb sector. They can be used as adventure hooks or background colour.
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The Barrada of Sundara, a water-dwelling subspecies of orcs detailed in Species of Sundara: Orcs (PFRPG), have teeth that grow back and they remove and use these teeth to make charms that are enchanted by the orc’s shamans which are then gifted to others. When worn, these charms allow water breathing for the wearer.
A Barradan orc’s tooth that is mounted on a necklace. When worn and activated, the charm allows the wearer to breathe water as water breathing for 10 minutes at the cost of one charge. The charm has only 5 charges when fully charged, and once all are used, the tooth crumbles to dust.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, water breathing; Cost 150 gp
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GameMastering is not always an easy job to do, and 100 Tips and Tricks for Being a Better Game Master has 100 things that can make it easier.
Characters can have encounters when travelling and 100 Things to Find, See and Hear in a Forest (Black Spear) has 100 such to have. They can be used to enliven a journey or as potential adventure hooks.
d66 Forbidden Lands Knick-knacks has 36 minor items that characters could find in the Forbidden Lands, whether in hoards, in the possession of NPCs or perhaps start the game with themselves.
Map – Village 2 is a hand-drawn black and white village map with a 300dpi resolution in four versions that can be used for personal and commercial use.
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This is a new item for use with Cities of Sundara.
Gemstones are one of the most prized treasures of the earth, with many different types of gems in many different lands. Dragongems only occur in the lands where dragon steel, from which they gain their name, can be found, which makes them difficult to get at the best of times. Even scarcer than dragon steel, the volcanic nature of the dragon steel lands adds to the danger of finding dragongems. Only in Ironfire are dragongems dug up with any regularity and even there they are scarce, and the subject of fierce bidding should they come onto the market.
Dragongems are an extremely rare form of diamond found in igneous rocks, and are commensurately valuable as a result. The carbon of the diamond contains inclusions of dragon steel that reflect the light in unusual ways and give the gems a strange, steel-like colour when light is shone on them. Peering into a dragongem will reveal tiny crystals of dragon steel inside it.
Dragongems are not quite as hard as diamonds, as the dragon steel inclusions slightly weaken the gemstone’s structure. This does make them easier to shape than diamonds, but not that much easier, as they are as hard as rubies and sapphires.
A dragongem will be worth at least twice what a diamond of the same size and quality would be. Though dragongems can be used to make unusual pieces of jewellery, they are rarely used for such mundane purposes. The sorcerers and spellusers of Archbliss have discovered that dragongems are unusually potent when it comes to enchanting them for magical use. They have a natural ability to enhance magics that have to do with sharpness and hardness, and can be found embedded in the hilts of dragon steel swords, where they can improve even a non-magical weapon, or in rings and amulets that are intended to improve various martial abilities and defences.
A dragongem pommel is a pommel- or hilt-mounted enchanted dragongem that can be attached to a sword of any type. The sword or dagger to which it is attached will gain a +1 enhancement bonus to damage rolls, 2 points of hardness and 10 hit points and will also be classed as a magic weapon for attack purposes. The bonuses stack with any that already apply.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, dragongem worth at least 2,500 gp, magic weapon; Cost 3,000 gp
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