Tag Archives: Flavour

100 Features of the Underearth Realms and 100 Rumours to Hear in or About the Great Rift: Riftspan Reaches, Touchstone and Afawahisa Now Available

100 Features of the Underearth Realms100 Features of the Underearth Realms and 100 Rumours to Hear in or About the Great Rift: Riftspan Reaches, Touchstone and Afawahisa are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

The caverns under dungeons or from which dungeons may be carved have their own features, and 100 Features of the Underearth Realms has 100 such to add. Some may be interesting, some odd and some potentially hazardous.

100 Rumours to Hear in or About the Great Rift: Riftspan Reaches, Touchstone and Afawahisa has 100 rumours that characters could hear in or about the Great Rift. They may be used as background flavour, potential adventure hooks or misinformation.

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100 Sci-Fi Gangs, 100 Modern Street Encounters (DS&DS) and Six Pack: Christmas Spells (PFRPG) Now Available

100 Sci-Fi Gangs100 Sci-Fi Gangs, 100 Modern Street Encounters (DS&DS) and Six Pack: Christmas Spells (PFRPG) are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

In futuristic settings, there will more than likely still be crime people trying to control it, and 100 Sci-Fi Gangs has 100 different gangs to encounter as foes, suppliers or allies. Each is named and given a brief description of their speciality.

100 Modern Street Encounters (DS&DS) has 100 encounters for Dark Streets & Darker Secrets. The encounters are appropriate for a dark city and in most case are dark in nature.

Six Pack: Christmas Spells (PFRPG) has six spells thematically appropriate for a Christmas game, though they may not be suitable for year round use.

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100 Encounters for a Dubious Starport and 100 Notes and Letters to Find in Lovecraft Country: Arkham Now Available

100 Encounters for a Dubious Starport100 Encounters for a Dubious Starport and 100 Notes and Letters to Find in Lovecraft Country: Arkham are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Not every starport is big and bustling and 100 Encounters for a Dubious Starport has 100 encounters and events for those less salubrious ports on the borderlands, sparsely-settled worlds and places with a dubious reputation. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.

When searching desks, cabinets and the pockets of the dead, investigators can come across notes and letters. 100 Notes and Letters to Find in Lovecraft Country: Arkham Now Available has 100 such from them to find, all in or about Arkham.

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100 Pulp Era Rumours to Hear, 100 Encounters for Fantasy Plains – Supplement for Zweihander RPG, Zweihander Bundle and Book Cover 10 Now Available

100 Pulp Era Rumours to Hear100 Pulp Era Rumours to Hear, 100 Encounters for Fantasy Plains – Supplement for Zweihander RPG, Zweihander Bundle and Book Cover 10 are now available to but from DriveThruRPG.

In the pulp era of the 20s and 30s, characters may encounter all sorts of strange rumours. 100 Pulp Era Rumours to Hear has 100 such about lost civilisations, forgotten cities, the occult and weird science. They can be used to add flavour or as potential adventure hooks.

100 Encounters for Fantasy Plains – Supplement for Zweihander RPG has 100 encounters that can be used to enliven a journey across the plains. The encounters range from the dangerous to the odd and some may be potential adventure hooks.

The above supplement is also in the Zweihander Bundle, which contains all our currently released Zweihander compatible supplements.

Book Cover 9 is a stock art leather and gilt book cover for personal or commercial use. It comes in two sizes, U.S. Letter and A4, and three  variants, one with a transparent hole and one suitable for a rear cover, at 300 dpi resolution.

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100 Sci-Fi Mercenary Companies, 100 Rumours for Saga of the Goblin Horde and d66 Stronghold Flaws Now Available

100 Sci-Fi Mercenary Companies100 Sci-Fi Mercenary Companies, 100 Rumours for Saga of the Goblin Horde and d66 Stronghold Flaws are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Whenever there are wars to be fought, you can find people willing to fight them for money, not a cause. 100 Sci-Fi Mercenary Companies has 100 different mercenary companies for a futuristic setting. Characters could go up against these companies, or perhaps seek to join or even hire them.

100 Rumours for Saga of the Goblin Horde has 100 rumours for this setting from Zadmar Games. They can be used as potential adventure hooks or just as background colour.

The Forbidden Lands Player’s Handbook has a d6 table of stronghold flaws. d66 Stronghold Flaws has many more flaws that can be used instead of this, adding new hooks and problems

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100 Things Dubious Politicians Didn’t Want Overheard, 10 Ammunition Spells (5E) and Colour Filler Art – Mixed Coin Stacks Now Available

100 Things Dubious Politicians Didn't Want Overheard100 Things Dubious Politicians Didn’t Want Overheard, 10 Ammunition Spells (5E) and Colour Filler Art – Mixed Coin Stacks are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Some politicians may be less than honest, and they may have secrets that they didn’t want someone else to overhear. 100 Things Dubious Politicians Didn’t Want Overheard has 100 snippets of such conversations for characters to hear.

10 Ammunition Spells (5E) is a 5th Edition supplement that has ten different spells that can be used to enhance ammunition.

Colour Filler Art – Mixed Coin Stacks is a piece of colour stock art for personal or commercial use that depicts mixed stacks of coins.

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100 Encounters for Fantasy Plains, 100 Encounters for Fantasy Plains (PFRPG) and The Flaming Portal Now Available

100 Encounters for Fantasy Plains100 Encounters for Fantasy Plains, 100 Encounters for Fantasy Plains (PFRPG) and The Flaming Portal are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Characters may travel across the plains of a fantasy settings, those flat and often boring areas of a setting that include grassland and savannah. 100 Encounters for Fantasy Plains has ways to liven up such journeys with encounters, some odd, some dangerous and some potential adventure hooks.

100 Encounters for Fantasy Plains (PFRPG) is the above supplement converted to the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Pathfinder stats have been added to some encounters. You do not need both versions.

In The Flaming Portal, the characters are teleported to a volcanic lair, where they will need to figure out what’s going on in order to escape.

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100 Disturbing to Horrifying Fantasy Encounters and Arkham Brochure Now Available

100 Disturbing to Horrifying Fantasy Encounters100 Disturbing to Horrifying Fantasy Encounters and Arkham Brochure are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

100 Disturbing to Horrifying Fantasy Encounters has 100 encounters for a fantasy setting that range from those that suggest something is wrong to those that make it abundantly obvious. They can be used as background for a dark campaign, random encounter or adventure hooks.

The Arkham Brochure is a prop that is intended to be used with a 1920s setting. It is designed to appear like a promotional flyer published by Arkham’s chamber of commerce.

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100 Ghostly Apparitions to Encounter, 100 Notes and Letters to Find in the Monarchies of Mau and Book Cover 9 Now Available

100 Ghostly Apparitions to Encounter100 Ghostly Apparitions to Encounter, 100 Notes and Letters to Find in the Monarchies of Mau and Book Cover 9 are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Characters may sometimes encounter the spirits of the restless dead and 100 Ghostly Apparitions to Encounter has 100 such for many settings. The apparitions may be reliving the moment of their death, or carrying out activities from life. Whether or not any has meaning is up to the GM.

100 Notes and Letters to Find in the Monarchies of Mau has 100 jottings that characters could find lying around or on the bodies of the dead, with a secondary table for determining condition.

Book Cover 9 is a stock art wood and copper nail book cover for personal or commercial use. It comes in two sizes, U.S. Letter and A4, and two variants, one with a transparent hole, at 300 dpi resolution.

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100 Statues to Find in a Dungeon, The Blood Blades Part 1: “Seeker” and 100 Books to Find in or About the Great Rift: Corridor and Reft Now Available

100 Statues to Find in a Dungeon100 Statues to Find in a Dungeon, The Blood Blades Part 1: “Seeker” and 100 Books to Find in or About the Great Rift: Corridor and Reft are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Dungeons and other locations may contain statues and 100 Statues to Find in a Dungeon has some to enliven such areas. They can be a source of room flavour or perhaps adventure hooks. Two supplementary tables can be used to define materials and dressing.

In The Blood Blades Part 1: “Seeker”, the characters explore a small barrow in which was interred a legendary blade and its wielder.

Not every book found has meaning or use and 100 Books to Find in or About the Great Rift: Corridor and Reft has 100 minor books that can be used to flesh out a bookshelf, whether digital or physical.

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