Tag Archives: Flavour

100 Interesting Things and 100 Rumours to Hear in the Crescent Empire Now Available

100 Interesting Things100 Interesting Things and 100 Rumours to Hear in the Crescent Empire are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

100 Interesting Things has 100 items that could be found in treasure, belonging to a defeated enemy or perhaps as an heirloom belonging to a character. Some have magical powers verging on the useless, some are old and some seem to be junk. Whether any individual item has worth is up to the GM.

100 Rumours to Hear in the Crescent Empire is a supplement for 7th Sea that has 100 rumours characters could hear. The rumours may be true or false or somewhere in between. They contain hints and plots and potential adventure hooks.

100 Rumours to Hear in or about the Planes and Six Pack: Wondrous Items of Silliness II (PFRPG) Now Available

100 Rumours to Hear in or about the Planes100 Rumours to Hear in or about the Planes and Six Pack: Wondrous Items of Silliness II (PFRPG) are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

100 Rumours to Hear in or about the Planes has 100 rumours that characters could hear, whether whilst they are travelling the planes or when speaking to someone about them. The rumours may or may not be true and can be a source of adventure hooks, background information or misinformation.

In celebration of April Fool’s Day, Six Pack: Wondrous Items of Silliness II (PFRPG) has six new less than useful wondrous items for the Pathfinder game. None have been thoroughly checked for game balance or utility.

100 Walls to Find in a Dungeon and Sangen Geneering Heist (Cepheus) Now Available

100 Walls Find in a Dungeon100 Walls to Find in a Dungeon and Sangen Geneering Heist (Cepheus) are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Dungeons have walls to keep the ceiling and floor apart, and 100 Walls Find in a Dungeon has a selection of walls to do such. Some are odd, some are potentially dangerous and some may be a source of adventure hooks. They can be used to flesh out an otherwise uninteresting room.

Sangen Geneering Heist (Cepheus) is an adventure for Cepheus Engine. The characters are asked to break into a geneering facility, steal some data and destroy the originals and some in-progress experiments. They are not being told everything, though.

100 Encounters for Fantasy Mountains and Chimaerical: An Ancestry for Shadow of the Demon Lord Now Available

100 Encounters for Fantasy Mountains100 Encounters for Fantasy Mountains and Chimaerical: An Ancestry for Shadow of the Demon Lord are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Mountains can be dangerous places to travel through and 100 Encounters for Fantasy Mountains has 100 different encounters for such locations. These can be used to enliven a journey or as a source of potential adventure hooks. Some are potentially dangerous, some are potentially useful and some are weird.

Chimaerical: An Ancestry for Shadow of the Demon Lord introduces a new, composite ancestry tainted by the Demon Lord’s Shadow whose abilities and appearance differ from one Chimaerical to the next.

100 Graves and Grave Markers for a Fantasy Graveyard and A Dekas of Black Market Equipment (PFRPG) Now Available

100 Graves and Grave Markers for a Fantasy Graveyard100 Graves and Grave Markers for a Fantasy Graveyard and A Dekas of Black Market Equipment (PFRPG) are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Characters may end up in a graveyard for a number of reasons and 100 Graves and Grave Markers for a Fantasy Graveyard has 100 different graves, from the magical to the mundane, for them to encounter. They can be used as dressing or potential adventure hooks.

A Dekas of Black Market Equipment (PFRPG) has ten items of dubious legality for Pathfinder. They may have illegal uses or be simply illegal. Characters could find them in the possession of dubious characters or get into trouble themselves for owning them.

100 Temperate Wilderness Locations, 100 Rumours to Hear in the Monarchies of Mau and Canis Minor Bundle Now Available

100 Temperate Wilderness Locations100 Temperate Wilderness Locations, 100 Rumours to Hear in the Monarchies of Mau and the Canis Minor Bundle are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Fleshing out an entire game world can be difficult, and 100 Temperate Wilderness Locations has various locations that can be dropped into a setting. They range from large to small, from plains to mountains. Each location has its name given, as well as what makes it interesting.

Just as in other settings, characters may seek out rumours in the Monarchies of Mau. 100 Rumours to Hear in the Monarchies of Mau has 100 different rumours for them to hear. These may or may not be true and can be used as background colour or as potential adventure seeds.

100 Rumours to Hear in the Monarchies of Mau is also available in the Canis Minor Bundle.

100 Fantasy Battle Cries (And Their Histories) and A Dekas of Black Market Alchemical Items (PFRPG) Now Available

100 Fantasy Battle Cries (And Their Histories)100 Fantasy Battle Cries (And Their Histories) and A Dekas of Black Market Alchemical Items (PFRPG) are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Battle cries are often used to inspire troops and strike fear into the enemy.  100 Fantasy Battle Cries (And Their Histories) has 100 different battle cries for forces to shout, together with the histories of how they came to be.

A Dekas of Black Market Alchemical Items (PFRPG) has ten alchemical items of dubious legality for Pathfinder. These items may have illegal uses, as well as their legal ones, or may simply have no legal use at all. Finding them may be problematical.

100 Columns and Pillars to Find in a Dungeon, 100 Columns and Pillars to Find in a Dungeon (PFRPG) and Six Pack: Valentine’s Items (PFRPG) Now Available

100 Columns and Pillars to Find in a Dungeon100 Columns and Pillars to Find in a Dungeon, 100 Columns and Pillars to Find in a Dungeon (PFRPG) and Six Pack: Valentine’s Items (PFRPG) are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

Columns and pillars are commonly found in large areas, where they help to hold up the roof. They may be plain or extensively carved. The columns in 100 Columns and Pillars to Find in a Dungeon, however, are far stranger. In some cases they appear incapable of holding the ceiling up. Some are odd, some are dangerous and some may potentially be a source of adventure hooks.

The supplement comes in Pathfinder and system neutral versions. You do not need both versions.

Six Pack: Valentine’s Items (PFRPG) has six different magic items for Pathfinder, all with a Valentine’s Day theme. They may not be balanced enough for a regular campaign, but should be fine for a one-shot.

More than Coin – Non-Monetary Rewards and A Baker’s Dozen of Black Market Magical Items II (PFRPG) Now Available

More than Coin – Non-Monetary RewardsMore than Coin – Non-Monetary Rewards and A Baker’s Dozen of Black Market Magical Items II (PFRPG) are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Not every employer may be able, or willing, to pay characters in cash, and GMs may not wish them to either. More than Coin – Non-Monetary Rewards has various rewards that all have value, but none of them are cash or can be immediately swapped for cash.

A Baker’s Dozen of Black Market Magical Items II (PFRPG) has 13 new magic items of dubious use. Some have both uses that are both legal and illegal, others will be illegal most places. They will most likely be found in the possession of dubious characters.

100 Pieces of Graffiti to Find in a Dungeon and 100 Pieces of Graffiti to Find in a Dungeon (PFRPG) Now Available

100 Pieces of Graffiti to Find in a Dungeon100 Pieces of Graffiti to Find in a Dungeon and 100 Pieces of Graffiti to Find in a Dungeon (PFRPG) are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Characters are not the only creatures to be in dungeons and some of the others may have left writings and sketches as graffiti. This supplement has 100 such to find, which could be used as dressing, misinformation or adventure hooks. Three short supplemental tables can be used to determine the appearance of the graffiti.

The supplement comes in system neutral and Pathfinder variants. You do not need both versions.