All posts by Azukail

100 Foods to Find in a Dungeon and 100 Notes and Letters to Find on Urth Now Available

100 Foods to Find in a Dungeon100 Foods to Find in a Dungeon and 100 Notes and Letters to Find on Urth are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Just as in the surface world, underground dwellers need to eat, and intelligent ones will have recipes. 100 Foods to Find in a Dungeon has 100 different dishes to find in the underearth realms, ranging from the comparatively normal to the disgusting to the toxic.

100 Notes and Letters to Find on Urth has written notes that characters could find on Urth. They may be misdirection, or may be potential adventure hooks. A supplementary table has possible conditions for the notes.

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Another New Video for Rumours, Notes and Books Collection (5E Fantasy Grounds)

A new demo video for Rumours, Notes and Books Collection (5E Fantasy Grounds) has been published on YouTube. This video demonstrates the 100 Irrelevant Notes and Letters to Bamboozle Players module in the collection.

Alone in the Dungeon Now Available

Alone in the DungeonAlone in the Dungeon is now available to buy on itch.

This is another solo journalling TTRPG in which the player’s character is a solitary Dungeon Delver, who explores ruins looking for treasure. It requires a standard set of 52 cards and a d6 to play.

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Releasing in July 2020

Coming SoonThese are the supplements scheduled for release in July 2020.

July 4th

  • 100 Foods to Find in a Dungeon
  • 100 Notes and Letters to Find on Urth

July 11th

  • 100 Descriptions for Daggers
  • Filler Art: Runestones
  • Tower of the Elephant
  • RolemasterBlog Bundle 41-50

July 18th

  • 100 Encounters for a Fantasy Desert (Zweihander)
  • 100 Superstitions for a Fantasy Setting

July 25th

  • 100 Hazards to Find in a Dungeon
  • 100 Hazards to Find in a Dungeon (PFRGP)
  • Book Cover 6

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Twenty-Five Supplements Have Reached New Best-Selling Levels

Another twenty-five supplements have reached new best-selling levels on DriveThruRPG.

OBS Electrum Best Seller100 Books on Alchemy to Find on a Bookshelf and 100 Books to Find on an Occultist’s Bookshelf have both moved up to Electrum from Silver.

OBS Silver Best Seller100 Cold Wilderness Locations, 100 Cults to Encounter, 100 Descriptions for Rings, 100 Detailed Bits of Junk to Find in Space, 100 Encounters in a Fey Forest (PFRPG), 100 Fantasy Islands to Encounter, 100 More Things to Find in a Survivalist’s Retreat, Grosk’s Tavern, Pompous Title Generator and Spire’s Reach have all moved up to Silver from Copper.

OBS Copper Best Seller100 Books on Military Subjects to Find on a Bookshelf, 100 Descriptions for Keys, 100 Illusionist Items to Find, 100 Interesting Things, 100 More Events for a Modern Street, 100 Rumours to Hear in Lovecraft Country, 100 Secret Societies, 100 Things to Find in a Garden Shed, 100 Walls to Find in a Dungeon, A Baker’s Dozen of Black Market Magical Items (PFRPG), A Baker’s Dozen of Islands in the Void, A Baker’s Dozen of Planetary Bodies and Capricorn One have all reached Copper.


100 Encounters for a Fantasy Swamp, 100 Encounters for a Fantasy Swamp (PFRPG) and Book Cover 5 Now Available

100 Encounters for a Fantasy Swamp100 Encounters for a Fantasy Swamp, 100 Encounters for a Fantasy Swamp (PFRPG) and Book Cover 5 are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Swamps and marshes can be dangerous places and 100 Encounters for a Fantasy Swamp has 100 brief encounters that can be dropped in by the GameMaster to make travel more interesting. The encounters can be odd, dangerous or a source of potential adventure hooks.

100 Encounters for a Fantasy Swamp (PFRPG) is the same supplement written for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. It is slightly longer and has Pathfinder stats for some entries.

Book Cover 5 is a leather debossed and gilt book cover that comes in A4 and US Letter sizes, and in a standard version and one with a transparent window for each size. They can be used for personal and commercial projects.

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Alone Amongst the Ruins Now Available

Alone Amongst the RuinsAlone Amongst the Ruins is now available to buy on itch.

This is our first release on itch and it’s a simple, short solo TTRPG. In it, the character awakens in a deserted world and, using a journal, a standard deck of 52 cards and a six-sided die, they attempt to piece together what happened.

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D10: Unusual Places to Find an Ooze

Image: Jacob E. Blackmon

Here are 10 perhaps strange or unexpected places to find an ooze. Some of the oozes will be very small ones, given the size of the container. In other cases, not every container material will be suitable for every ooze, so don’t put an ooze that can devour metal in a metal container. May of the places will come as a surprise to characters, and perhaps a nasty one.

  1. Hidden in a sarcophagus.
  2. Imprisoned in a sealed barrel.
  3. In a large, lidded cauldron.
  4. In the tubes and flasks of an alchemical setup.
  5. Inside a hollow statue.
  6. Inside a locked chest.
  7. Inside a sealed bottle.
  8. Inside a stuffed bear.
  9. Inside a suit of plate armour.
  10. When a water pump is used, the ooze comes out of the nozzle.

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100 Secret Societies and 100 Cats to Meet in the Monarchies of Mau Now Available

100 Secret Societies100 Secret Societies and 100 Cats to Meet in the Monarchies of Mau are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Secret societies can exist in any setting and 100 Secret Societies has 100 suitable for a fantasy one. These groups may vary in how secret they are. They could be allies, patrons, enemies or perhaps even groups that characters want to join.

100 Cats to Meet in the Monarchies of Mau has 100 cats that could be met in the monarchies and beyond. Each cat is given a name and some details. They could be sources of goods and services, contacts, allies or foes.

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New Video for Rumours, Notes and Books Collection (5E Fantasy Grounds)

A new demo video for Rumours, Notes and Books Collection (5E Fantasy Grounds) has been published on YouTube. This video demonstrates the 100 Less Than Useful Books to Find on a Fantasy Bookshelf module in the collection.