Tag Archives: Bundles

One Week Bundle: Inns & Taverns

One Week Bundle: Inns & TavernsFor one week eight inns & taverns supplements have been bundled together with 50% off. They are as follows:

Click here to get the bundle for $6.47, reduced from $12.94.

One Week Bundle: Creepy

One Week Bundle: CreepyFor one week the six Creepy supplements have been bundled together with 50% off. They are as follows:

Click here to get the bundle for $5.97, reduced from $11.94.

One Week Bundle: People Electrum Best Sellers

One Week Bundle: People Electrum Best SellersFor one week the nine current Electrum people best sellers on DriveThruRPG have been bundled together with 50% off. They are as follows:

Click here to get the bundle for $7.96, reduced from $15.92.

One Week Bundle: Cepheus Engine

One Week Bundle: Cepheus EngineFor one week the four current Cepheus Engine supplements on DriveThruRPG have been bundled together with 50% off. They are as follows:

Click here to get the bundle for $4.13, reduced from $8.26.

PaizoCon23 MegaBundle

PaizoCon23 MegaBundle100 Knick-knacks for Magnimar is one of the supplements in the PaizoCon23 MegaBundle. Click here to get it and a host of other supplements for 89% off at $19.99.

One Week Bundle: Sci-Fi Electrum Best Sellers

One Week Bundle: Sci-Fi Electrum Best SellersFor one week the ten current Electrum sci-fi best sellers on DriveThruRPG have been bundled together with 50% off. They are as follows:

Click here to get the bundle for $7.35, reduced from $14.70.

Cepheus 2023 Publishers’ Bundles

Cepheus 2023 Publishers' BundlesAll of our Cepheus Engine supplements are currently available at a discount in two Cepheus Publisher bundles. These bundles feature products from several different publishers and are limited time. Click here to see the first bundle and here to see the second.

Gen Con 2022 Infinite Community Megabundle Now Available

Gen Con 2022 Infinite Community MegabundleThe Gen Con 2022 Infinite Community Megabundle is now available on Pathfinder Infinite. This is a collection of supplements, including 100 Notes and Letters to Find in Magnimar, all greatly discounted and is available for $24.99 for a limited time. Click here to see it.

5E 3rd-Party Publishers Bundle

5E 3rd-Party Publishers BundleSpecies of Sundara: The Blooded (Half-Elves and Half-Orcs) (5E) is reduced as part of the cross-publisher 5E 3rd-Party Publishers Bundle. Click here to see it.

Paizocon Infinite Community Megabundle

Paizocon Infinite Community MegabundleThe Paizocon Infinite Community Megabundle is currently live on Pathfinder Infinite and 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in or About Magnimar is included in it. The bundle costs $24.99, reduced from $110.41. Click here to see it.