Tag Archives: Azukail Games

Many More Best-Selling Supplements

Partially thanks to the recent sale, many more supplements have reached new best-selling levels.

OBS Silver Best SellerOn DriveThruRPG, 100 Encounters in a Fey Forest, 100 Valuable(ish) Containers for Treasure and Grim & Perilous Book of Monsters have all moved up to Silver from Copper

OBS Copper Best Seller100 (And More) British-Inspired Street Names, 100 Gangs for Your Urban Campaigns, 100 Histories and Legends for Fantasy Weapons, 100 Rumours to Hear in Pugmire, 100 Space Bars, 100 Things to Find on a Farm, A Baker’s Dozen of Enchanted Volumes (PFRPG), Feldaryn’s Flying Ship, Grim & Perilous Chases, Mating Season and The Red Stone Circle have all reached the Copper level.

OBS Silver Best SellerOn DMs Guild, 100 Less Than Useful Books to Find on a Forgotten Realms Bookshelf not only reached Copper, it went straight past that to Silver.

Thanksgiving Weekend Sale on One Book Shelf

944010 / Pixabay

It’s One Book Shelf’s Thanksgiving Weekend Sale from now until December 2nd, and 276 of our supplements have 33% off until then. Click here to see them.

In addition, a variety of our Community Content titles are also in the sale. These are the following:

100 Books to Find on a Pugmire Bookshelf

100 Rumours to Hear in Pugmire

Grim & Perilous Book of Chases

Grim & Perilous Book of Monsters

Grim & Perilous Book of Murder

100 Less Than Useful Books to Find on an Urth Bookshelf

100 Rumours to Hear on Urth

A Baker’s Dozen of Invocation Spells

100 Less Than Useful Books to Find on a Forgotten Realms Bookshelf

Five More Supplements Reach New Metal Levels

Five more supplements have reached new best-selling levels on DriveThruRPG.

OBS Silver Best SellerMoving up from Copper to Silver are A Baker’s Dozen of Rumours (And The Truth Behind Them) and The Inn of Dusk.

OBS Copper Best SellerReaching the Copper level for the first time are 100 Electronics Supply Items to Find, 100 Floors to Find in a Dungeon and 100 Space Landmarks.

First Gold Supplement

Nine more supplements have reached new best selling levels on DriveThruRPG.

OBS Gold Best SellerFirst up is the first supplement to move up from Electrum to Gold, 100 Creepy Things and Events to Encounter Outdoors.

OBS Electrum Best SellerAnother supplement has moved up from Silver to Electrum, 100 Irrelevant Clues to Bamboozle Players.

OBS Silver Best SellerTwo more supplements, 100 Nobles to Encounter and What Has He Got in His Pockets? – 100 Modern Era Items, have moved up to Silver from Copper.

OBS Copper Best SellerFinally, five more supplements have reached the Copper level. These are 100 Dungeon Myths, Legends and Rumours, 100 Encounters for a Fantasy Jungle, 100 Fantasy Foods, 100 Sci-Fi Cocktails and 100 Things to Find at Halloween.

Many New Metal Levels Achieved

Fourteen supplements have achieved new best-selling levels on DriveThruRPG.

OBS Electrum Best Seller100 Irrelevant Notes and Letters to Bamboozle Players has moved up from Silver to Electrum.

OBS Silver Best Seller100 Books Published in the 19th Century to Find on a Bookshelf, 100 Fantasy Drinks, 100 Water Sources and Features to Find in a Dungeon, 100 Zombie Encounters for the Zombie Apocalypse and Fantasy Beer Name Generator have moved up from Copper to Silver.

OBS Copper Best Seller100 Books on UFOs and Extraterrestrials to Find on a Bookshelf, 100 Chaotic Happenings to Experience, 100 Detailed Bits of Junk to Find in Space, 100 Pieces of Flotsam and Jetsam To Find On A Beach, 100 Snow and Ice Encounters, A Baker’s Dozen of Dungeon Rooms IV: Level Connectors, Grosk’s Tavern and MEMO: How Law Enforcement Should Deal with the Rising Problem of Vigilantes with Superpowers have all reached the Copper level.

Halloween Sale Now Live

944010 / Pixabay

The Halloween Sale is now live on DriveThruRPG. Until the end of the month, 103 of our supplements have 25% off. Click here to see them.

New Metal Levels Achieved

More supplements have reached new best-selling levels on DriveThruRPG.OBS Electrum Best Seller

100 Detailed Things to Find in a Dungeon has become the latest supplement to reach the Electrum level.

OBS Silver Best Seller100 Random Encounters for on the Road or in the Wilderness has moved up from Copper to Silver.

OBS Copper Best SellerThe recently-released 100 Knightly Orders has reached Copper, as have 100 Less Than Useful Books to Find on a Steampunk Bookshelf and Halloween Equipment and Items – A Hero Kids Compatible Supplement.

Four More Coppers Supplements

OBS Copper Best SellerFour more supplements have achieved the Copper best selling level on DriveThruRPG.

100 Inane Comments and Useless Answers from Speaking to Animals

A Baker’s Dozen of Alchemist Bomb Discoveries (PFRPG)

Grim & Perilous Book of Murder

Pirate Ship Name Generator

Pathfinder Blowout Sale

944010 / Pixabay

For just under the next 13 days, DriveThruRPG are having a Pathfinder Blowout Sale for Pathfinder 1st Edition supplements.

Our 11 Pathfinder compatible supplements are in this sale, and have 40% off. Click here to see them.

Two New Coppers and a Silver

Three more supplements have reached new best selling levels on DriveThruRPG.

OBS Silver Best Seller100 People to Encounter on a Victorian Street has moved up from Copper to Silver.

OBS Copper Best Seller100 Legendary Weapons, which was only reduced a few days ago, and Star Mangled Manor have both now reached the Copper level.