Tag Archives: Azukail Games

Play it Forward Sale

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The Play it Forward Sale is now live on DMs Guild and Storytellers Vault. We don’t have many products on either site but, for just under the next 13 days, the three we have are all reduced by 20%.

The reduced supplements are the following:

100 Books to Find on a Mage’s Bookshelf

100 Less Than Useful Books to Find on a Forgotten Realms Bookshelf

100 Less Than Useful Books to Find on a Forgotten Realms Bookshelf (Fantasy Grounds)

Newsletter and a Free PDF for Joining

Over the weekend, we set up a newsletter on the site. The newsletter will be used to send notifications on new releases, products and other material and will be primarily weekly, published on a Saturday. It will contain discounts on supplements and these will be a bit larger than the ones on the DriveThru mailing list. In addition, we can use it to notify those who join up on releases outside of DriveThru. The format will be similar to the current DriveThru mailing list, though sometimes longer.

Those who join the mailing list will get a free PDF, called The Book of Sixes. The Book of Sixes contains 33 d6 tables that have been taken from a selection of our supplements and are suited to a fantasy game. Each d6 table is fully usable. The video below shows some details on what the PDF looks like.

The mailing list can be joined by using the widget in the sidebar or the full page here.

The Book of Sixes

Releasing in May 2020

These are the supplements scheduled for release in May 2020.

May 2nd

100 Rumours to Hear in Lovecraft Country: Rumours to hear in or about the towns of Arkham and Kingsport.

100 Tropical Wilderness Locations: Wilderness locations to fill out the blank spaces on a tropical map.

May 9th

100 Answering Machine Messages to Bamboozle Characters: Messages that characters could find that may, or may not, be important.

100 Books to Find on a Ravenloft Bookshelf: Books to find in Ravenloft that are not particularly useful or valuable.

100 Books to Find on a Ravenloft Bookshelf (Fantasy Grounds): A Fantasy Grounds conversion of this.

May 16th

A Baker’s Dozen of Devils: 13 fiends described with their rituals and cults.

100 Encounters for Fantasy Mountains (PFRPG): A conversion of the system neutral version to Pathfinder 1E.

May 23rd

100 Rumours to Hear in the Wild West: Rumours for characters to hear in the American Old West, that could be adventure hooks.

The Lair of Ozymandius: Part of the RolemasterBlog series, a short drop-in adventure.

May 30th

100 Elemental Locations: 25 locations for each primary element that could be found on the plane in question.

The Nightaxe Conspiracy: An adventure for 1st level Pathfinder 1E characters.

Claim a Discount

Would you like a discount on these supplements when they are released? Sign up for our newsletter and get discount codes emailed to you.

Ten Supplements Have Reached New Metal Levels

The latest updates for which supplements have reached new best-selling levels.

OBS Silver Best Seller100 Early Books on Egyptology to Find on a Bookshelf and Creatures Of The Night! have both moved up to Silver from Copper.

OBS Copper Best Seller100 Books to Find on a Pugmire Bookshelf, 100 Encounters for Fantasy Mountains, 100 Fantasy Guilds, 100 Potentially Useful Things to Find in the Post-Apocalyptic Wasteland (Mutant Future), 100 Temperate Wilderness Locations, A Baker’s Dozen of Black Market Magical Items II (PFRPG), Crossroad Chronicler: Volume 2 and The Knitting Circle of Whispering Valley have all reached Copper.

Azukail Games YouTube Channel

YouTube LogoLast week we published out first video on the YouTube channel. More are planned, and some are already in progress or completed.

Upcoming subjects are going to be more demos of Fantasy Grounds modules, unboxing videos for print on demand books and a couple of tutorials. More are planned, and subscribers to the channel are definitely welcome.

You can find the channel and subscribe to it by clicking here.

100 Less Than Useful Books to Find on a Forgotten Realms Bookshelf (Fantasy Grounds) Video on YouTube

Our first video, a demo video for 100 Less Than Useful Books to Find on a Forgotten Realms Bookshelf (Fantasy Grounds), is now live on YouTube.

More New Best-Sellers

Partially thanks to OneBookShelf consolidating sales medals across their sites, many supplements have reached new best-selling levels.

OBS Electrum Best Seller100 Creepy Things and Events to Encounter Outdoors II has gone from Silver to Electrum,

OBS Silver Best Seller100 Irrelevant Notes and Letters to Bamboozle Players II, 100 Prisoners for a Fantasy Jail, 100 Random Encounters for on the Road or in the Wilderness (PFRPG), Equipment and Items – A Hero Kids Compatible Supplement and Lovecraftian Title Generator have gone from Copper to Silver.

OBS Copper Best Seller100 (And More) Male Breton First Names, 100 Bits of Miscellaneous Tat to Find (5E), 100 Cults to Encounter, 100 Detailed Items to Find at a Craft Fair, 100 Less Than Useful Books to Find on a Wild West Bookshelf,  100 Rumours to Hear in the Space Port Bar and A Baker’s Dozen of Rumours (And The Truth Behind Them)(5E) have reached Copper.

Releasing in April 2020

These are the supplements scheduled for release in April 2020.

April 4th

100 Interesting Things: Unusual and possibly useless items to find in treasure hoards and possessions.

100 Rumours to Hear in the Crescent Empire: 7th Sea supplement with rumours to hear in the Crescent Empire.

April 11th

100 Books to Find on a Crescent Empire Bookshelf: 7th Sea supplement with books of varying utility to flesh out a Crescent Empire bookshelf.

7th Sea Bundle: All our 7th Sea supplements.

Tomes of Steampunk: 20 detailed books on topics such as clockwork, steam engines and steampunk contraptions

April 18th

100 Fantasy Guilds: A variety of different briefly-detailed guilds for characters to interact with.

Sangen Geneering Heist (3Deep): A conversion of this SF heist for 3Deep.

April 25th

100 Descriptions for Keys: Detailed descriptions for key.

100 Things to Find, See and Hear in a Forest (Zweihander): A conversion of this forest encounter supplement for Zweihander.

Hero Kids Supplements Now Pay What You Want

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With the recent problems around the world, many children are going to be home from school. Tabletop gaming is one way to help keep them occupied so, for the time being, we’ve made all our paid Hero Kids supplements, which are the various Equipment and Item collections, Pay What You Want. Check out our Hero Kids range here.

Many New Best-Selling Supplements

Partly thanks to the recent GM’s Day Sale, fifteen supplements have reached new best-selling levels on DriveThruRPG.

OBS Electrum Best Seller100 Merchants to Encounter has gone up from Silver to Electrum.

OBS Silver Best Seller100 Books to Find on a Survivalist’s Bookshelf, 100 Gangs for Your Urban Campaigns, 100 Random Encounters for on the Road or in the Wilderness (5E), “I’m Back!” – 25 Reasons for a Villain’s Survival, The Haunted Forest and While I Was Away – 50 Reasons for Character Absences have all moved up to Silver from Copper.

OBS Copper Best Seller100 (And More) Female Breton First Names, 100 Books on Philosophy to Find on a Bookshelf, 100 Things to Find in a School Chemistry Lab, 100 Things to Find in a Supermarket, 520 Command Words for Magic Items, Bokar and His Wondrous Wagon, Gemsting Cave and Knight Fall have all reached the Copper level.