The “Flavour” range of supplements is intended to provide descriptors, events and encounters to help flesh out things, locations and places and add depth to them.
- 100 Ads And Announcements For A Village Noticeboard
- 100 Airs and Atmospheres to Encounter in a Dungeon
- 100 Answering Machine Messages to Bamboozle Characters
- 100 Body Mods and Augmentations For Your Sci Fi Game
- 100 Bridges to Find in a Dungeon
- 100 Chaotic Happenings to Experience
- 100 Caves and Shelters to Find in the Wilderness
- 100 Ceilings to Find in a Dungeon
- 100 Columns and Pillars to Find in a Dungeon
- 100 Conspiracy Theories to Encounter
- 100 Corpses to Find in a Dungeon
- 100 Creepy-crawlies to Find in a Dungeon
- 100 Creepy Things and Events to Encounter Outdoors
- 100 Creepy Things and Events to Encounter Outdoors II
- 100 Creepy Things and Events to Encounter When Travelling
- 100 Creepy Things and Events to Find in a Spooky House
- 100 Creepy Things and Events to Find in a Spooky House II
- 100 Creepy Things and Events to Find in a Spooky House III
- 100 Curiosities to Bamboozle Players to Find Outdoors
- 100 Curses to Inflict
- 100 Cyber City Rumours
- 100 Cyberpunk Data Files to Find for Sale
- 100 Dangerous Plants
- 100 Decorative Features for Interiors
- 100 Descriptions for Daggers
- 100 Descriptions for Fantasy Currency
- 100 Descriptions for Keys
- 100 Descriptions for Modern Zombies
- 100 Descriptions for Modern Zombies II
- 100 Descriptions for Potion Bottles
- 100 Descriptions for Rings
- 100 Disturbing to Horrifying Fantasy Encounters
- 100 Doors to Find in a Dungeon
- 100 Dressings for an Evil Altar
- 100 Dungeon Entrances
- 100 Dungeon Flora
- 100 Dungeon Myths, Legends and Rumours
- 100 Effects of a Primquake
- 100 Encounters and Events for the Night
- 100 Encounters for a Dark Fey Forest
- 100 Encounters for a Dubious Starport
- 100 Encounters for a Fantasy Desert
- 100 Encounters for a Fantasy Jungle
- 100 Encounters for a Fantasy Swamp
- 100 Encounters for a War-Torn Land
- 100 Encounters for Coastal Regions
- 100 Encounters for Fantasy Hills
- 100 Encounters for Fantasy Mountains
- 100 Encounters for Fantasy Oceans
- 100 Encounters for Fantasy Plains
- 100 Encounters for Fantasy Rivers
- 100 Encounters for Moorlands and Heaths
- 100 Encounters for Post-Apocalyptic Farmlands
- 100 Encounters for Post-Apocalyptic Rivers
- 100 Encounters for Post-Apocalyptic Ruins
- 100 Encounters for the Post-Apocalyptic Coast
- 100 Encounters for the Post-Apocalyptic Desert
- 100 Encounters for the Post-Apocalyptic Forest
- 100 Encounters for the Post-Apocalyptic Hills
- 100 Encounters for the Post-Apocalyptic Jungle
- 100 Encounters for the Post-Apocalyptic Moors
- 100 Encounters for the Post-Apocalyptic Mountains
- 100 Encounters for the Post-Apocalyptic Ocean
- 100 Encounters for the Post-Apocalyptic Plains
- 100 Encounters for the Post-Apocalyptic Swamp
- 100 Encounters for the Post-Apocalyptic Underground
- 100 Encounters for the Borderland Regions
- 100 Encounters in a Fey Forest
- 100 Events for a Cyberpunk City
- 100 Events for a Fantasy Tavern
- 100 Events for a Magic Duel
- 100 Events for a Modern Street
- 100 Familiars to Encounter
- 100 Fantasy Aerial Encounters
- 100 Fantasy Battle Cries (And Their Histories)
- 100 Fantasy Tattoos (And the Meaning Behind Them)
- 100 Fantasy Maps to Find
- 100 Fantasy Underwater Encounters
- 100 Farming Country Encounters
- 100 Features and Conditions for Describing Books
- 100 Features for Fantasy Inns & Taverns
- 100 Features for Modern Pubs
- 100 Features of the Underearth Realms
- 100 Floors to Find in a Dungeon
- 100 Flowers and Trees Sure to Boost Your Stats
- 100 Frescoes, Mosaics, Murals and Reliefs to Find in a Dungeon
- 100 Ghostly Apparitions to Encounter
- 100 Graves and Grave Markers for a Fantasy Graveyard
- 100 Hallucinations and Visions for a Fantasy Setting
- 100 Haunted Locales
- 100 Hazards to Find in a Dungeon
- 100 Hiding Places for Valuables
- 100 Histories and Legends for Fantasy Weapons
- 100 Histories and Legends for Magic Items
- 100 Hooks and Oddities for Treasures
- 100 Hooks and Rumours for a Steampunk Setting
- 100 Hooks and Rumours for Between (Lost Lands)
- 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Blight: Artist’s Quarter (Lost Lands)
- 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Blight: BookTown (Lost Lands)
- 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Blight: Festival (Lost Lands)
- 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Blight: The Capitol (Lost Lands)
- 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Blight: The Hollow and Broken Hills (Lost Lands)
- 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Borderland Provinces (Lost Lands)
- 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Borderland Provinces II (Lost Lands)
- 100 Hooks and Rumours for the City of Dolmvay
- 100 Hooks and Rumours for the City of Dolmvay II
- 100 Hooks and Rumours for the City of Dolmvay III
- 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Grand Duchy of Reme (Lost Lands)
- 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Grand Duchy of Reme II (Lost Lands)
- 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in Aihrde
- 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in or About Bard’s Gate (Lost Lands)
- 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in or About Bard’s Gate II (Lost Lands)
- 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in or About Bard’s Gate III (Lost Lands)
- 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in or About Bard’s Gate IV (Lost Lands)
- 100 Illusions to Find in a Dungeon
- 100 Inane Comments and Useless Answers from Speaking to Animals
- 100 Irrelevant Clues to Bamboozle Players
- 100 Irrelevant Things to Hear from a Bug or Wiretap
- 100 Light Sources to Find in a Dungeon
- 100 Legendary Weapons
- 100 Magical Experiments to Find
- 100 Meaningless Tasks for a Conspiratorial Setting
- 100 Minor Jobs for Adventurers
- 100 Minor to Major Annoyances for Harassing Characters
- 100 Missions and Quests for Bards
- 100 Missions and Quests for Druids
- 100 Missions and Quests for Fighters
- 100 Missions and Quests for Mages
- 100 Modern Data Files to Find for Sales
- 100 More Events for a Modern Street
- 100 Mostly Cosmetic Starship Modifications
- 100 Obstacles for a Fantasy Chase
- 100 Orbital Encounters
- 100 Pieces of Cyber Data to Bamboozle Players to Discover
- 100 Pieces of Futuristic Data for Characters to Discover
- 100 Pieces of Graffiti to Find in a Dungeon
- 100 Plants for Alien Worlds
- 100 Post-Apocalyptic Rumours to Hear
- 100 Post-Apocalyptic Snow and Ice Encounters
- 100 Post-Apocalyptic Underwater Encounters
- 100 Problems to Encounter at a Starport
- 100 Problems to Encounter on a Starship
- 100 Pulp Era Rumours to Hear
- 100 Random Encounters for on the Road or in the Wilderness
- 100 Random Magic Effects to Encounter in a Dungeon
- 100 Random Oracular Pronouncements
- 100 Resources and Rumors To Find on DrekNet
- 100 Robot Malfunctions
- 100 Rugs and Carpets to Find in a Dungeon
- 100 Rumors To Hear In A Brothel
- 100 Rumours for Saga of the Goblin Horde
- 100 Rumours to Hear in a Town or Village
- 100 Rumours to Hear in or about the Planes
- 100 Rumours to Hear in the Space Port Bar
- 100 Sarcophagi and Coffins for a Dungeon
- 100 Rumours to Hear in the Wild West
- 100 Sci-Fi Data Files to Find for Sale
- 100 Secret and Hidden Doors and Passages to Find in a Dungeon
- 100 Sights and Sounds to See and Hear after a Battle
- 100 Sights for a Naval Battle
- 100 Sights to See After the Apocalypse
- 100 Sights to See at the Faire
- 100 Sights to See at the Port
- 100 Sights to See During the Alien Invasion
- 100 Sights to See During the Zombie Apocalypse
- 100 Sights to See in a Steampunk City
- 100 Signs of Prior Dungeon Explorers
- 100 Skeletal Remains to Encounter
- 100 Snow and Ice Encounters
- 100 Sounds to Hear in a Dungeon
- 100 Space Bar Features
- 100 Spacer Superstitions
- 100 Staircases to Find in a Dungeon
- 100 Stat Boost Potion Recipes
- 100 Statues to Find in a Dungeon
- 100 Strange Beliefs to Hold
- 100 Strange or Unusual Encounters for Fantasy Cities
- 100 Strange or Unusual Encounters for Fantasy Cities II
- 100 Strange Side-Effects from Potions
- 100 Superstitions for a Fantasy Setting
- 100 Terrible Fates
- 100 Things a Wandering Monster is Doing
- 100 Things Dubious Politicians Didn’t Want Overheard
- 100 Things for a Fallen Dwarven Hall
- 100 Things for a GM to Say to Disconcert their Players
- 100 Things to Find in a Fantasy Alley
- 100 Things to Find in a Ruin
- 100 Things to Find in a Shipwreck
- 100 Things to Find in Caves
- 100 Things to Find Frozen in the Ice
- 100 Things to Find, See and Hear in a Forest
- 100 Traits for Villages and Other Settlements
- 100 Transmissions to Hear During the Zombie Apocalypse
- 100 Trapdoors to Find in a Dungeon
- 100 Video Feeds to See in a Cyberpunk Setting
- 100 Walls to Find in a Dungeon
- 100 Water Sources and Features to Find in a Dungeon
- 100 Weird or Unsettling Childhood Events
- 100 Whispers and Rumors For Ironfire, The City of Steel!
- 100 Wild West Rumours, Facts and Oddities
- 100 Zombie Encounters for the Zombie Apocalypse
- 25 Items of Weird News
- A Baker’s Dozen of Pieces of Lore
- A Baker’s Dozen of Rumours (And The Truth Behind Them)
- “I’m Back!” – 25 Reasons for a Villain’s Survival
- MEMO: How Law Enforcement Should Deal with the Rising Problem of Vigilantes with Superpowers
- Merchants of Sundara
- More than Coin – Non-Monetary Rewards
- What’s the Bard Doing? 100 Activities
- What’s the Druid Doing? 100 Activities
- What’s the Fighter Doing? 100 Activities
- What’s the Mage Doing? 100 Activities
- What’s the Thief Doing? 100 Activities
- While I Was Away – 50 Reasons for Character Absences
Army Men
Fifth Edition Compatible
- 100 Airs and Atmospheres to Encounter in a Dungeon (5E)
- 100 Encounters for Coastal Regions (5E)
- 100 Encounters for Fantasy Oceans (5E)
- 100 Encounters in a Fey Forest (5E)
- 100 Pieces of Graffiti to Find in a Dungeon (5E)
- 100 Floors to Find in a Dungeon (5E)
- 100 Random Encounters for on the Road or in the Wilderness (5E)
- 100 Random Magic Effects to Encounter in a Dungeon (5E)
- 100 Sarcophagi and Coffins for a Dungeon (5E)
- 100 Things for a Fallen Dwarven Hall (5E)
- 100 Things to Find in a Fantasy Alley (5E)
- 100 Things to Find in a Ruin (5E)
- 100 Things to Find in a Shipwreck (5E)
- 100 Things to Find in Caves (5E)
- 100 Walls to Find in a Dungeon (5E)
- A Baker’s Dozen of Rumours (And The Truth Behind Them)(5E)
- Cults of Sundara (5E)
- Gods of Sundara (5E)
- Guilds of Sundara (5E)
- Sellswords of Sundara (5E)
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatible
- 100 Airs and Atmospheres to Encounter in a Dungeon (PFRPG)
- 100 Bridges to Find in a Dungeon (PFRPG)
- 100 Caves and Shelters to Find in the Wilderness (PFRPG)
- 100 Ceilings to Find in a Dungeon (PFRPG)
- 100 Columns and Pillars to Find in a Dungeon (PFRPG)
- 100 Corpses to Find in a Dungeon (PFRPG)
- 100 Doors to Find in a Dungeon (PFRPG)
- 100 Dressings for an Evil Altar (PFRPG)
- 100 Dungeon Entrances (PFRPG)
- 100 Encounters for a Dark Fey Forest (PFRPG)
- 100 Encounters for a Fantasy Desert (PFRPG)
- 100 Encounters for a Fantasy Jungle (PFRPG)
- 100 Encounters for a Fantasy Swamp (PFRPG)
- 100 Encounters for Coastal Regions (PFRPG)
- 100 Encounters for Fantasy Hills (PFRPG)
- 100 Encounters for Fantasy Mountains (PFRPG)
- 100 Encounters for Fantasy Oceans (PFRPG)
- 100 Encounters for Fantasy Plains (PFRPG)
- 100 Encounters for Fantasy Rivers (PFRPG)
- 100 Encounters for Moorlands and Heaths (PFRPG)
- 100 Encounters for the Borderland Regions (PFRPG)
- 100 Encounters in a Fey Forest (PFRPG)
- 100 Fantasy Aerial Encounters (PFRPG)
- 100 Fantasy Underwater Encounters (PFRPG)
- 100 Farming Country Encounters (PFRPG)
- 100 Floors to Find in a Dungeon (PFRPG)
- 100 Frescoes, Mosaics, Murals and Reliefs to Find in a Dungeon (PFRPG)
- 100 Hazards to Find in a Dungeon (PFRPG)
- 100 Magical Experiments to Find (PFRPG)
- 100 Pieces of Graffiti to Find in a Dungeon (PFRPG)
- 100 Random Encounters for on the Road or in the Wilderness (PFRPG)
- 100 Random Magic Effects to Encounter in a Dungeon (PFRPG)
- 100 Sarcophagi and Coffins for a Dungeon (PFRPG)
- 100 Secret and Hidden Doors and Passages to Find in a Dungeon (PFRPG)
- 100 Sights to See at the Port (PFRPG)
- 100 Signs of Prior Dungeon Explorers (PFRPG)
- 100 Snow and Ice Encounters (PFRPG)
- 100 Staircases to Find in a Dungeon (PFRPG)
- 100 Statues to Find in a Dungeon (PFRPG)
- 100 Things for a Fallen Dwarven Hall (PFRPG)
- 100 Things to Find in a Fantasy Alley (PFRPG)
- 100 Things to Find in a Mage’s Tower (PFRPG)
- 100 Things to Find in a Ruin (PFRPG)
- 100 Things to Find in a Shipwreck (PFRPG)
- 100 Things to Find in Caves (PFRPG)
- 100 Things to Find, See and Hear in a Forest (PFRPG)
- 100 Trapdoors to Find in a Dungeon (PFRPG)
- 100 Walls to Find in a Dungeon (PFRPG)
- A Baker’s Dozen of Rumours (And The Truth Behind Them) (PFRPG)
- Cults of Sundara (PFRPG)
- Gods of Sundara (PFRPG)
- Guilds of Sundara (PFRPG)
- Sellswords of Sundara (PFRPG)
- 100 Encounters for a Dark Fey Forest (3Deep)
- 100 Encounters for a Fantasy Desert (3Deep)
- 100 Encounters for a Fantasy Jungle (3Deep)
- 100 Encounters for a Fantasy Swamp (3Deep)
- 100 Encounters for Coastal Regions (3Deep)
- 100 Encounters for Fantasy Hills (3Deep)
- 100 Encounters for Fantasy Mountains (3Deep)
- 100 Encounters for Fantasy Oceans (3Deep)
- 100 Encounters for Fantasy Plains (3Deep)
- 100 Encounters for Fantasy Rivers (3Deep)
- 100 Encounters for Moorlands and Heaths (3Deep)
- 100 Encounters for the Borderland Regions (3Deep)
- 100 Fantasy Aerial Encounters (3Deep)
- 100 Fantasy Underwater Encounters (3Deep)
- 100 Farming Country Encounters (3Deep)
- 100 Snow and Ice Encounters (3Deep)
- 100 Things to Find, See and Hear in a Forest (3Deep)
7th Sea
- 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in the New World
- 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in the Pirate Nations
- 100 Rumours to Hear in Ifri
- 100 Rumours to Hear in the Crescent Empire
- 100 Rumours to Hear in Théah
Black Spear
- 100 Encounters for a Fantasy Desert (Black Spear)
- 100 Encounters for a Fantasy Jungle (Black Spear)
- 100 Encounters for Coastal Regions (Black Spear)
- 100 Encounters for Fantasy Hills (Black Spear)
- 100 Encounters for Fantasy Mountains (Black Spear)
- 100 Encounters for Fantasy Oceans (Black Spear)
- 100 Encounters for Fantasy Plains (Black Spear)
- 100 Encounters for Fantasy Rivers (Black Spear)
- 100 Encounters for Moorlands and Heaths (Black Spear)
- 100 Encounters for the Borderland Regions (Black Spear)
- 100 Fantasy Aerial Encounters (Black Spear)
- 100 Fantasy Underwater Encounters (Black Spear)
- 100 Farming Country Encounters (Black Spear)
- 100 Snow and Ice Encounters (Black Spear))
- 100 Things to Find, See and Hear in a Forest (Black Spear)
Call of Cthulhu
Castles & Crusades
- 100 Airs and Atmospheres to Encounter in a Dungeon (C&C)
- 100 Bridges to Find in a Dungeon (C&C)
- 100 Ceilings to Find in a Dungeon (C&C)
- 100 Columns and Pillars to Find in a Dungeon (C&C)
- 100 Corpses to Find in a Dungeon (C&C)
- 100 Detailed Things to Find in a Dungeon (C&C)
- 100 Dungeon Entrances (C&C)
- 100 Encounters in a Fey Forest (C&C)
- 100 Floors to Find in a Dungeon (C&C)
- 100 Hazards to Find in a Dungeon (C&C)
- 100 Pieces of Flotsam and Jetsam To Find On A Beach (C&C)
- 100 Pieces of Graffiti to Find in a Dungeon (C&C)
- 100 Random Encounters for on the Road or in the Wilderness (C&C)
- 100 Random Magic Effects to Encounter in a Dungeon (C&C)
- 100 Sarcophagi and Coffins for a Dungeon (C&C)
- 100 Secret and Hidden Doors and Passages to Find in a Dungeon (C&C)
- 100 Signs of Prior Dungeon Explorers (C&C)
- 100 Staircases to Find in a Dungeon (C&C)
- 100 Statues to Find in a Dungeon (C&C)
- 100 Things for a Fallen Dwarven Hall (C&C)
- 100 Walls to Find in a Dungeon (C&C)
Cypher System
- 100 Hooks and Rumours for Gods of the Fall
- 100 Hooks and Rumours for Gods of the Fall II
- 100 Hooks and Rumours for Predation
- 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Heartwood
- 100 Hooks and Rumours for The Stars Are Fire
Dark Streets & Darker Secrets
DMs Guild
Fading Suns
Flames of Freedom
Forbidden Lands
- d66 Hooks and Rumours for the Bleed
- D66 Scenario Premises for The Esoterrorists
- D66 Scenario Premises for The Esoterrorists II
Legacy: Life Among the Ruins
Lore 100
- 100 Encounters for a Fantasy Desert (Lore 100)
- 100 Encounters for a Fantasy Jungle (Lore 100)
- 100 Encounters for a Fantasy Swamp (Lore 100)
- 100 Encounters for Coastal Regions (Lore 100)
- 100 Encounters for Fantasy Hills (Lore 100)
- 100 Encounters for Fantasy Mountains (Lore 100)
- 100 Encounters for Fantasy Oceans (Lore 100)
- 100 Encounters for Fantasy Plains (Lore 100)
- 100 Encounters for Fantasy Rivers (Lore 100)
- 100 Encounters for Moorlands and Heaths (Lore 100)
- 100 Encounters for the Borderland Regions (Lore 100)
- 100 Fantasy Aerial Encounters (Lore 100)
- 100 Fantasy Underwater Encounters (Lore 100)
- 100 Farming Country Encounters (Lore 100)
- 100 Snow and Ice Encounters (Lore 100)
- 100 Things to Find, See and Hear in a Forest (Lore 100)
Mutant Future
- 100 Encounters for Post-Apocalyptic Farmlands (Mutant Future)
- 100 Encounters for Post-Apocalyptic Rivers (Mutant Future)
- 100 Encounters for Post-Apocalyptic Ruins (Mutant Future)
- 100 Encounters for the Post-Apocalyptic Coast (Mutant Future)
- 100 Encounters for the Post-Apocalyptic Desert (Mutant Future)
- 100 Encounters for the Post-Apocalyptic Forest (Mutant Future)
- 100 Encounters for the Post-Apocalyptic Hills (Mutant Future)
- 100 Encounters for the Post-Apocalyptic Jungle (Mutant Future)
- 100 Encounters for the Post-Apocalyptic Moors (Mutant Future)
- 100 Encounters for the Post-Apocalyptic Mountains (Mutant Future)
- 100 Encounters for the Post-Apocalyptic Ocean (Mutant Future)
- 100 Encounters for the Post-Apocalyptic Plains (Mutant Future)
- 100 Encounters for the Post-Apocalyptic Swamp (Mutant Future)
- 100 Encounters for the Post-Apocalyptic Undrground (Mutant Future)
- 100 Post-Apocalyptic Snow and Ice Encounters (Mutant Future)
- 100 Post-Apocalyptic Underwater Encounters (Mutant Future)
Mutant: Year Zero
Pathfinder Infinite
- 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Impossible Lands
- 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Impossible Lands II
- 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Impossible Lands III
- 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in or About Magnimar
- 150 Sights To See (And Rumors To Hear) In Absalom
- 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear for Pirates of Pugmire
- 100 Rumours to Hear in Pugmire
- 100 Rumours to Hear in the Monarchies of Mau
- 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Emerald City
- 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Emerald City II
- 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Emerald City III
Shadow of the Demon Lord
Solar Blades & Cosmic Spells
Slarecian Vault
- 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in Ghelspad
- 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in Ghelspad II
- 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in Ghelspad III
- 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in or About Hollowfaust
- 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in or About Hollowfaust II
StoryPath Nexus
Storytellers Vault
- 100 Broadcasts in the Madness Network
- 100 Mourning Cant Dialects, Phrases and Meanings
- 100 Resources and Rumors to Find on SchreckNet
- 100 Rumors To Hear at The Freehold
- 100 Strange Sights to See in The Hedge
- Evil Incorporated: 10 Pentex Subsidiaries
- 100 Encounters for a Fantasy Desert (SWADE)
- 100 Encounters for Coastal Regions (SWADE)
- 100 Encounters for Fantasy Oceans (SWADE)
- 100 Encounters for Moorlands and Heaths (SWADE)
- 100 Encounters for the Borderland Regions (SWADE)
- 100 Random Encounters for on the Road or in the Wilderness (SWADE)
- 100 Hooks and Rumours for Terrinoth
- 100 Hooks and Rumours for Terrinoth II
- 100 Hooks and Rumours for Terrinoth III
- 100 Hooks and Rumours for Terrinoth IV
- 100 Hooks and Rumours for Terrinoth V
- 100 Hooks and Rumours for Aysle
- 100 Hooks and Rumours for Tharkold
- 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Living Land
- 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Nile Empire
- 100 Marks of Darkness for Aysle
- 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in or about Alpha Crucis
- 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in or about Deneb
- 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in or about the Glorious Empire
- 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in or about the Solomani Rim
- 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in or about the Spinward Marches
- 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in or about the Trojan Reach
- 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in or about the Trojan Reach II
- 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in or about the Trojan Reach III
- 100 Rumours to Hear in or About the Great Rift: Corridor and Reft
- 100 Rumours to Hear in or About the Great Rift: Riftspan Reaches, Touchstone and Afawahisa
Trinity Continuum
- 100 Hooks and Rumours for Trinity Continuum: Aberrant
- 100 Hooks and Rumours for Trinity Continuum: Aberrant II
- 100 Caves and Shelters to Find in the Wilderness – Supplement for Zweihander RPG
- 100 Encounters for a Fantasy Desert – Supplement for Zweihander RPG
- 100 Encounters for a Fantasy Jungle – Supplement for Zweihander RPG
- 100 Encounters for Coastal Regions – Supplement for Zweihander RPG
- 1100 Encounters for Fantasy Hills – Supplement for Zweihander RPG
- 1100 Encounters for Fantasy Mountains – Supplement for Zweihander RPG
- 100 Encounters for Fantasy Oceans – Supplement for Zweihander RPG
- 100 Encounters for Fantasy Plains – Supplement for Zweihander RPG
- 100 Encounters for Fantasy Rivers – Supplement for Zweihander RPG
- 100 Encounters for Moorlands and Heaths – Supplement for Zweihander RPG
- 100 Encounters for the Borderland Regions – Supplement for Zweihander RPG
- 100 Fantasy Aerial Encounters – Supplement for Zweihander RPG
- 100 Fantasy Underwater Encounters – Supplement for Zweihander RPG
- 100 Farming Country Encounters – Supplement for Zweihander RPG
- 100 Pieces of Flotsam and Jetsam To Find On A Beach – Supplement for Zweihander RPG
- 100 Random Encounters for on the Road or in the Wilderness – Supplement for Zweihander
- 100 Sights to See at the Port – Supplement for Zweihander
- 100 Snow and Ice Encounters – Supplement for Zweihander RPG
- 100 Things to Find in a Fantasy Alley – Supplement for Zweihander RPG
- 100 Things to Find in Caves – Supplement for Zweihander RPG
- 100 Things to Find, See and Hear in a Forest (Zweihander)